✧. ┊Chapter 5: True Identities

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ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

✧˚ · .  Violence (Fighting)
✧˚ · .  Slight cannibalism??
✧˚ · .  Gore


We started to walk. I thought to myself as the four of us walked together. I tried to be close to Kaneki to hopefully help calm his nerves. He did show me a small smile so that gave me some hope that I was at least helping him a little. We walked through the streets, Hide and Nishio kept small talk with each other.

Eventually the strong of taiyaki fills the air and Nishio stopped and turned to us. "Hey you guys wanna grab a taiyaki?" Hide and I happily agree the Nishio's question, but Kaneki hesitated on his response, but he still agreed to have one. Nishio walked up to the stand and got some for us.

He grabbed us some when he handed me mine, I smiled at him and thanked him.


ੈ✩‧₊˚Nishio's POV

I handed (Y/N) her taiyaki. She smiled at me and thanked me. When she smiles at me, I get such a weird feeling. I have no clue why, ever since that damn Nagachika brought her to help him. I just met her just the other week, but something in me wants to be with her.

As I turn around to grab a taiyaki for me to help fit myself in with (Y/N) and Nagachika. But that damn Kaneki...He's making me look like a damn fool.

I can't stand seeing (Y/N) with these guys.


ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Nishio grabbed his taiyaki and we started walking again. I happily ate my taiyaki. It was so good! By no surprise I finished it quickly, so did Hide. Nishio was eating it very slowly, but Kaneki? He hadn't taken a single bite yet.

"Hey Kaneki? you going to eat it?" I asked Kaneki. He looked at me and shrugged it off and just said he would save it for later. Kaneki was looking closely to Nishio. I wonder if Nishio makes Kaneki feel...iffy as well?


ੈ✩‧₊˚Kaneki's POV

I can't believe how Nishiki blends in with humans. Hide, (Y/N), and the other would never guess who he really is.

"It's right around here."  Nishio said. When we turned.

It was a dead end...?


ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Hide and I gave a confused look. Suddenly I see Nishio move swiftly and turn and Kick Hide!!? The sudden sound of the impact was so surprising and loud. The sudden action made me jump and I grabbed Kaneki's arm out of instinct. Hide flew and hit the pile of rubble on the ground. The impact made another loud crash.

Kaneki and I both instinctively yelled out "HIDE!!".

Then Nishio walked up to me and pulled me away from Kaneki. And he brought me close to his face. I was still shocked from Hide; I was still speechless and didn't know what to do or say. What the hell is Nishio doing?! I just fearfully stared into his eyes. He pulled me close to his face.

"(Y/N). Please forgive me. I'll try not to hurt you too bad." Nishio Whisper into my ear and he gave me his signature smirk.

Nishio's grip on my arm tighten and suddenly I feel like I'm off my feet.

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