✧. ┊Chapter 6: Let the truth sting.

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ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

✧˚ · .(Mom/N) = Mom's name

✧˚ · . No Warnings!

(A quiet and Peaceful chapter! Hooray!)


I slowly open my eyes, greeted by a room bathed in soft morning light. Confusion lingers as I try to recall the events leading up to this moment, but my memory remains fuzzy. A sense of disorientation slowly goes away as the strong smell of coffee sets in and a I hear footsteps gently approaching me, I look up to see a well dress old man.

"Ah I see you have awakened." He greets me kindly.

"You are in Anteiku. Touka had brought you and your friends here." I nod in response. "Touka told me everything." I nod again and look down. "So, you saw what Kaneki is correct?" He asked curiously.

"Um yeah I did..." I wanted to be honest with him. I was nervous of his response. Was he asking me this because he was a ghoul...? But to my surprise the man smiled and nodded at me.

"I see. One last question, you look similar to (Mom/N), are you two perhaps related? He asked me in a kind manner. I was surprised does he know my mother? I did nod to his question.

"I'm well acquainted with her. She's an admirable woman." He paused. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Yoshimura. The manager here at Anteiku."

"I'm sure you know my name by now, Its (Y/N). I'm (Mon/N)'s daughter."


ੈ✩‧₊˚Kaneki's POV

I woke up...In a different place? I was in a room. What happened... I turn my head to the window next to me and see my reflection... I hear the door in the room open and

. . .

ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting on the edge of the mattress that Hide was resting on. I was looking down at him, thankfully he was looking a lot better than before and I let out a sigh of relief but then I hear the door open, and Mr. Yoshimura walked in With Kaneki! I let out another sigh of relief as I stood up and couldn't help myself but to hug Kaneki.

"Thank heavens you're okay!"

Typical Kaneki, He got nervous. "Yeah...Don't Worry (Y/N) I'm fine!" He said reassuringly

I take a step back and take in the details of his face. I gave Kaneki a reassuring smile. Kaneki was giving me a small faint smile but as he looked over my shoulder I watch as guilt covered his expression. He nervously looked at Hide.

"Kaneki? Something wrong?" I ask worried about him. He quickly dismissed me, and looked at Yoshimura. but it doesn't take long before a tear rolled down Kaneki's cheek. And Kaneki looked down and away before leaning his head against the doorframe. I didn't know what to say as Yoshimura gave Kaneki a small talking to, so I just gently rubbed Kaneki's back to reassure him.


"...How about it? We'll have you start by learning how to brew a proper cup of coffee." Yoshimura smiled at Kaneki.


Life slowly adjusts itself back to normal, for me at least. Kaneki had started working at Anteiku, and was slowly looking and acting better! Thankfully, I was really getting worried about him!

Let's go back to today, I was at home doing my usual things before I got a text from Hide.

"Hey!! Let's go see Kaneki! ٩(^‿^)۶"

I smiled at my phone and sent him a "yes" and quickly fixed myself up for a quick outing. It wasn't long before a knock at my door could be heard, I rushed over and the bright blonde hair boy was stood there waiting for me, before I could say hi, Hide wrapped his arms around me.

"Ready to go?" He asked smiling at me as he stepped back. I nodded then reached back to grab my back and I shut my door, and we began walking to Anteiku together.

"So why did you wanna go to Anteiku?" I asked curiously.

"To thank Touka!" Hide smiled.


We enter and the nice purple haired waitress Touka greeted us again...she saw Hide and got nervous (assuming from the interaction from last time.!) while Hide started to talk to Touka thanking her. I looked over and saw Kaneki walk out from behind the corner and wave to him and see Touka usher Kaneki over quickly. Hide sees him, "HEY KANEKI!"

Hide and I sat down at a table together. Hide looked pretty happy and he goofily moved his chair closer to mine. But Hide was busy answering to Touka and Kaneki.


"I don't remember much about the incident but...I have a feeling (Y/N) was by my side the whole time.!" Hide out his goofy smile back on towards me.

"Oh Hide..." I sigh and laugh at him. I had to keep the whole act with Touka and Kaneki going for Hide's sake. "Um.! As Hide was saying thank you Touka for your kindness and hospitality...!" I see Touka give a soft smile and reached down as put her hand over mine.

"It was nothing...!" She blushed slightly and then quickly lifted her hand back up and went off with Kaneki to the kitchen.

ੈ✩‧₊˚Touka's pov

I dragged Kaneki to the kitchen. I was trying to hide from (Y/N), her kind words made me flushed..why? I don't understand. Whatever. I dragged Kaneki to the kitchen. We prepared Hide and (Y/N)'s drinks and Kaneki had brought them out for them, I waited for Kaneki to return.

"Kaneki. If he by some chance finds out about us...I'll kill him." I threatened Kaneki.

ੈ✩‧₊˚(Y/N)'s POV

Hide and I talked, and talked and with passing time we both finished our drinks. Kaneki came out from the back. Smiling at Hide and I he took our cups.

"Alright Kaneki, Hide and I are going to head out!" I say while grabbing my stuff. Kaneki nodded and waved Hide and I off.

"Stay safe you two!" Kaneki called out as we stepped out.
"Oh, one last thing Kaneki before I leave!" I turned back at Kaneki and smile.

"You look really good in that uniform."


"You are enough, a thousand times enough."

(Chapter is not yet edited and formatted! As of the publish!)

A/N: sorry about the longgg wait for an update. I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. And I'm back at school.! And I'm in band, theatre (stage manager💪) and FFA, and yearbook. I'll never catch a break </3 I don't even get weekends to myself more then half the time😭. Also writing this chapter felt, hard? I dunno how to explain it but it's obvious how much dialogue I didn't want to write here😭

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