✧. ┊Chapter 10: Blessings

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˚(Y/N)'s POV

˚ · . No Warnings!
.ೃ*:Timeskip a few days ˚.

They had been talking all about the murder of the investigator in the 20th Ward lately...I had just gotten word from my father about Mr. Mado. How unfortunate. I hated that every time I thought about him I was reminded of Ryouko. He was a good man...at least I was supposed to feel that way. Why was I so conflicted these days. I'm not supposed to pick sides...


I was pulled from my thoughts as I hear Hide call my name. "I- um- yes?"
"You'd know! You must've heard a lot about that investigator that was killed" Hide looked at me with his eyes full of curiosity.

"Well I have. But it's nothing that I'd be interested in." I sighed and put my head back on the table. The three of us weren't even paying attention the the professor at this point anymore anyways.

"C'mon (Y/N).." Hide gave me his dumb pouty face. "You should be getting all the inside gossip from the CCG." I just smiled softly and flick his forehead.

Kaneki and Hide had been talking for a bit about Rize's family, and the recent investigator who was killed. Hide leaned on the table and looked ahead.

"Don't you think the ghoul that killed that investigator had more of an intention to do it, rather than to just eat him? I mean, that ghoul would probably be in a whole lot of danger right now." Kaneki and I both stared at Hide as Hide expressed his concerns and theory's.

"Here look at this.." Hide pulled out a wanted poster. It was the one for Hinami. I just sat and stared. Kaneki and I could sense Hide was into something again, so Kaneki chimed in and read off the poster. "Attacking humans as revenge for her mother's death?" He looked over to Hide. "This child killed an investigator?"

Hide shrugs and shook his head. "No way, I have a feeling that this "daughter" and "Rabbit" are two different ghouls. Regardless the CCG just concluded that it was "the daughter" but how could we know. We don't know the relationship between this girl and her mother..."


Kaneki and I both stared at Hide shocked, Hide could somehow pin everything together correctly even if he knew nothing but the bare minimum, it was honestly a little scary. Kaneki and I looked at eachother nervously and I decided to lean over. "So, why are you making such assumptions about such a thing?"

Hide froze and smiled as he dug though his bag again and pulled out...a book? "This! This right here! It's super interesting!" He showed it off before he put the book down. It was some new book about studying ghouls psychology and Biology...interesting. Hide always was daily influenced by things. Music, movies, and the very few things he'd actually bother to read. It always impressed me. Hide always seemed to know more then he led on...

"Anyways! I'm thinking of investigating this case myself! I'd probably get a reward.." Hide thought outloud. Before I spoke Kaneki beat me to it. "Hide! That sounds dangerous!" Kaneki clearly was showing his concerns...understandably for Hide's safety...and Hinami.


We soon said goodbyes to Kaneki. I walked with Hide tonight. I hadn't seen him much these days. Been to caught up with everything..

"Hey (Y/N) let me buy you a drink." Hide pointed to a vending machine. I usually didn't like when he paid but I really didn't want to put up a fight right now. He knew what I liked anyways so I let him. I sat down on the top step and Hide soon sat besides me and handed me my favorite soda.

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