✧. ┊Chapter 7: New Connections

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˚(Y/N)'s POV

˚ · . No Warnings!

When Hide and I walked out it had begun raining and I took out an umbrella for me and Hide to share, Hide being well, Hide. He took it and held it over us. I laughed at his "chivalry" as he put it. While walking out of Anteiku a young girl with brown hair walking with her, I assume, mother caught my attention.


Have I seen them before? No way... wait was that the Fueguchi's?


Days pass thankfully settling down, again. One afternoon Surrounded by a sea of people, I was walking through the city on a casual day out alone, looking at shops and such. With my earphones in, my music creates a personal soundtrack for my little silly head scenarios.

I check the time, it's just gone 5 PM. Maybe I should start heading home after all the last thing I need is to be out late...again. I start my walk back home but notice a familiar face ahead.


Of course, being who I was I had to go say hi! It was a funny coincidence to see him out here at this time of day! I wave and smile to him as I take one earbud out.

˚Kaneki's POV

As I caught sight of (Y/N) waving and smiling at me from across the crowd my heart quickened its pace, and an unsettling warmth flooded my cheeks. An unwavering desire to have her to myself, to claim a place in her world that no one else could once more consumes my thoughts. I shake my head pushing them aside for now after all she took the time to come over to me!

˚(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't help but have my goofy smile plastered across my face as I walked over to him. His cheeks were pink! He really was a cutie~♪

"Hey Kaneki!! Wasn't expecting to see you here! What are you up to!" I asked trying to keep my usual tone on for him trying not to sound too excited.

"Well, I Um-" Before Kaneki could even start his sentence, he seemed to have lost his balance. "Kaneki-?!" I then felt the presence of hands hugging me from behind, I know those cute nails!

"Oh, hi Touka!" I said happily not even having to look. She let go and stepped forward and smiled back at me before she looked back at Kaneki with her usual quiet stoic expression. I saw Kaneki sigh with a faint hello and mumble something. Before fixing himself up.

"Wow! Wasn't expecting to run into both of you here of all places! You guys up to something?" I asked with curiosity because no way it could've been a coincidence. Touka nodded.

"Gotta take this loser out for a mask because Yoshimura asked me to..." Touka sighed.

"Oh? Could I join?" My eyes flash with curiosity. Without even a second thought they both glacé at each other and nod at me.

Touka nudged her shoulder and swiftly started to walk, Kaneki and I hurried to followed behind her. Touka led us, quite far surprisingly? I couldn't help but notice Kaneki staring at Touka, he seemed to be lost in thought, which was a little surprising considering Kaneki was in fact, holding my hand...wait a minute-

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