Chapter One

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The first time I set foot into an unknown country I was alone. I felt the warm, Irish air wash over my body as I exited the airport. It was calming in a way; sort of aiding me into some form of relaxation. I left the airport, feeling somewhat nauseous, and let my bags drop onto the sidewalk. I didn’t really have many belongings with me; most of my clothes back home were unsuitable for the wavering weather of Ireland.

I nervously glanced at my watch for what seemed like the millionth time. My aunt and cousin were almost 45 minutes late and I was unsure of what to do. I watched as two little girls ran into their mother’s open arms, feeling perfectly content. Well, up until I caught sight of a couple around my age sharing passionate kisses with each other just to the right of me. Just thinking about love and romance made my stomach churn queasily. To think the root of my discomfort was my bad breakup back home was ridiculous. But here I was, still hurting inside from something I should have been able to get over. Just the thought of even watching a romance movie made me sick.

I sighed, clutching my stomach, trying to stop myself from breaking into pieces.

“Hello,” a boy’s voice with a melodious Irish accent called from behind me. I turned in shock, coming to face an inhumanly gorgeous blonde boy. I felt my heart pang as my mind was once again brought back to what I left back home. I wasn’t in the mood for this right now.

When I failed to respond due to my lack of words, the boy threw his head back and laughed. He flashed a beautifully beaming, crooked smile and I could feel myself being drawn in. He really was gorgeous.

I shook my head. One attractive male comes along and suddenly I was forgetting everything I’d vowed to myself. I couldn’t take Sophie’s advice. I came to Ireland to have fun and simply relax; I didn’t need any foreign boys coming along and messing that up. No matter how sexy their accents were.

“I’m Niall,” he held out his hand.

Normally, I was very fair, and polite; even to strangers. But I was alone in a foreign country with a boy I’d never met, so I had the right to be a little frightened. I quickly scanned the parking lot to see if my aunt had arrived yet, with no such luck. Why is it that whenever I need people the most they failed to pull through for me? All with the exception of Sophie; I could count on her for anything.

“I—” I stared at his outstretched hand, and decided against shaking it. “I have to go.” I nervously turned on my heel, walking away without another word.

I kept rambling across the blacktop, careless as to where I was going. I refused to look over my shoulder, no matter how curious I was. It seemed as things never went as planned for me, and it was starting to get annoying.

“Hey, girl who won’t talk to me!” a shout came from behind and I heard footsteps approaching.

I turned, my expression completely confused. How could he be so clueless? I’d made it pretty obvious that I wasn’t interested in meeting anyone new.

It was only then that I realized he held something in his arms—my bags. “Um, you left these on the sidewalk over there and I figured you might need them and some point.” A cheeky smile crept over his lips, exposing a set of dark wire braces. I was a sucker for a nice smile, and this boy definitely had one.

Little did I know that that was going to change my life forever. I mean, it was just a smile after all.

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HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPTER, I would love to hear what you guys think in the comments below!


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