Chapter Twenty-Six

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“Niall!” I shouted as I busted opened the door to the bedroom we shared, hoping to see him curled up on the bed.

My heart fell when I found the room to be empty. I had no idea what to do. I had literally no way to contact him, and both his grandparents were sleeping. ‘Where could he possibly have gone?’, I thought as tears rolled down my damp cheeks.

I tapped my foot a tad too noisily, rubbing my temples with my fingers. I tried to remember all of the places we had visited since coming to Donegal. Where on earth could he go to cry where no one would bother him at one in the morning?

Suddenly, my head snapped up and my arms became limp at my sides. Of course.

The football field.

I scrambled around the room, ripping off my wet dress and pulling on the coziest sweater of Niall’s. Before I even had time to blink, I was running barefoot from the house.

Nervous energy boiled in my veins like some kind of poison—I never wanted to stop running until I found him. I grit my teeth as my first step onto the gravel reopened the cuts on my feet that I had just developed ten minutes prior. I tried to ignore the stabbing pains, and focused instead on the beautifully large birch trees that lined the sidewalk-less road. If I hadn’t been so flustered about Niall I might’ve even tried to capture the moment with my camera.

I hooked left, vacated the road, and sighing in mock-relief when my pained feet hit the dewy grass. I remembered seeing the football field by the church on the first day we arrived. If Niall was anywhere, it had to be there.

The sun was long gone, leaving behind a tiny crescent moon to light up the sky. It didn’t do much though, as the entire field was draped in a cloak of complete darkness. No street lamps were lit up for guidance, leaving me to completely trust my instincts.

I tried to remember how far out the wooden fence I’d have to climb over before reaching the field was—thirty yards? Maybe forty?

With my hands in front of my face, I surged forward. I stopped abruptly when I hit something. “Shit.” I cussed, rubbing the elbow I had nailed on topmost beam of the fence.

I shakily scaled the fence—keeping Niall in my mind the whole time—and then walked blindly to the place where I thought I remembered seeing the net. If Niall wasn’t here I wasn’t sure what I could do. Lost in memories of Niall’s heartbroken face, I forgot to keep my hands out in front of me.

“Ow!” My hands flew to my now-bloodied nose, which throbbed to the beat of my racing heart. Only I could have managed to walk headfirst into the goalpost in the midst of a mostly empty field. A small whimper involuntarily escaped my lips and I felt tears pricking at the edges of my eyes. The pain in my nose and elbow mixed with the hollow feeling in my heart sent tears spilling down my cheeks again.

Niall wasn’t there. I was hopeless.

Uninterested in stumbling my way home in the dark, I fell down into the damp grass, in the center of the net. I tried wiping all my tears away, but they pooled too quickly for my hands to keep up, so I eventually quit trying.

Suddenly, a gloomy figure appeared from the darkness. I sat up apprehensively, suddenly nervous, until the sweetest voice I’d ever heard melted the silence.


That word alone made me want to fling myself into his arms and never let go. I irritably held back from tackling him to the ground, because I knew there was something else I needed to do first. I racked my brain for a sentence—or a word, even—from the apology I’d planned out earlier, but came up short.

“N-Niall, I’m so sorry.” I gulped, my throat suddenly feeling inexplicably dry. “I surprised myself; I didn’t even know I’d said the words until I saw your reaction. I’ve been hurt in the past and I didn’t want it to happen again. I didn’t want to say I love you until I was 100% sure that you loved me back. But I love you, Niall—whether you love me or not. I know you’ve been hurt too and it’s okay if you don’t love me yet, and—”

“Brooke.” He silenced me by picking me up running his thumb tenderly across the flush of my cheek. He gently tilted my head back, my breath hitching in my throat. He then collided his lips with mine. My heartbeat soared as raindrops soaked Niall and I further, his soft lips moving timely with mine. He gripped me tighter, enough so I could feel his heart beat through his shirt. This kiss was better than anything I’d ever felt before and by the time we broke apart, my head was pounding.

“I love you too, Brooke.”

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Hey Guys! I know this update has taken forever for me to post but here it is. I can’t believe this fic is wrapping itself up.. Only a few more chapters... Tear, tear!


Please VOTE AND COMMENT. It’s what keeps me posting. You know I love you silent readers, but if I don’t know you’re there, I get kinda lonely.

<3 love you all.

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