Chapter Sixteen

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Niall turned the video camera on me just in time to catch me shoving a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. “So Brooke, my lovely travelling buddy, what’s been your favourite part of our trip so far?”

I chewed the Cheerios slowly, giving myself some time to think. Without a doubt dancing with Niall last night was most definitely my favourite part but I wasn’t sure if I should say that.

“Be totally honest.” Niall prompted. “If everything’s sucked so far, let me know.”

I gulped, nervously. “Dancing with you last night.”

Niall look surprised—and confused. “That was your favourite thing? Dancing with me? We could have done that at home.”

I simply shrugged as I took another mouthful of cereal. “You said be honest.”

“Okay, let me change the question. What was your favourite adventure-worthy thing we’ve done?”

My answer still remained unchanged. “Dancing with you.”

Niall lowered the camera in confusion. “That wasn’t an adventure, Brooke.”

“That was my first time slow dancing with someone.” I admitted quietly, nibbling on the end of the spoon. “It was an adventure to me.”

“What’s-his-face never danced with you?” Niall shut off the camera and hopped up onto the counter, his heels knocking into the cabinet door. “Why?”

I never danced with him.” I corrected. “I never really wanted to.”

“Why not?” Niall asked, intrigued. “I thought you guys were pretty serious.”

“I, um, maybe lied a little about the nature of our relationship.” I confessed sheepishly. I guiltily kept my eyes on the cereal that I toyed with using my spoon. “All we ever did was make out. And not even that much.”

“For three years?”

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