Chapter Eight

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I fixed my shadowy ringlets in the mirror one last time, nervously biting my lip. Finally, I was partially satisfied with the way they fell down the small of my back. I attempted to dress in an adventure-worthy outfit that consisted of tight, high-waisted shorts that matched my baby pink crop top. I wasn’t really too into clothes and surprised myself at the amount of effort I put into my outfit this morning. I threw on my glossy black toms and headed out the door of my room, still fiddling with my clothes and hair. Not that I was trying to impress anyone.


I grabbed my pre-packed athletic bag, and slung it over my shoulder. Its contents hit me gently in the back as I tiptoed across the cool tile. Even the fact that I had everything that I might need stuffed perilously in my bag wasn’t enough to give me any form of comfort.

A dangerous thought loomed in the back of my mind; one that often stopped me from carrying out risky things.

I could always change my mind.

I had one chance to do so. One step back into the kitchen and I would never have to see Niall again, and I could go back to living a sheltered life like I always had. Something about the beautiful blonde, however, kept me from turning around.

The only thing standing between me and the biggest peril of my life was my aunt’s tattered screen door.

I swung open the rickety wood frame, wincing as its hinges creaked. Chloe still didn’t know where exactly I was going, and I was hoping to keep it that way.

Armed with everything that I thought I would need for Niall’s adventure, including my favourite camera, I begun the winding path that would take me to where Niall was waiting. Little did I know that these steps would eventually lead to the greatest discoveries I would make in my entire lifetime.

Seven steps and the shade of the trees whisked over me, offering some form of protection.

Six more steps and I could no longer turn back and see Shannon’s house.

Five more and I finally saw him.

The dark hush of the woods muffled the sounds of my beating heart.

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