Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Sorry there is a bit of swearing in this chapter. Oops hehe......

I woke up alone the next morning. Niall seemed to have fleeted the apartment, leaving me with a note written in his familiar loopy handwriting. I grudgingly got up from the couch and grabbed the note from where it lay on the coffee table.

Good morning Bee,

Hope you slept well. I’m at the airport. You’re welcome to come by, but I can guarantee it’ll be pretty boring. Either way I hope you have a great day.


I dressed quickly, contemplating on whether or not meeting Niall at the airport would be a good idea. I wanted him to have his privacy but he made it clear in the note that it was fine if I stopped by.

After only a few minutes of thinking, I decided I’d head to the airport. I couldn’t deny to myself that I wanted to see him. My day wouldn’t be nearly as fun without Niall—anyone could come to that conclusion. Plus, if I got there and he wanted me to leave, I could always go for ice cream or something until he’s finished whatever he’s doing.

I headed into the kitchen, figuring grabbing something to eat before leaving would be smart.

Niall’s cousin was sitting by the table. “Hey, Brooke.” He greeted me, his Irish accent almost as enthralling as Niall’s.

“Hey, Matt.”

Matt was a few years older than Niall and had the same bright blue eyes. He, however, had chocolate brown hair that was cropped only a tad shorter than Niall’s. He didn’t have any dimples but he still had a killer smile. I remember seeing Niall grimace as he watched me eying his cousin when I first met him.

I headed over to the fridge to grab some orange juice, giggling idiotically from the memory, when Matt spoke up again.

“Has Niall taken you to Bewley’s yet?”

I barely had time to shake my head before Matt was shoving me out the door. He insisted that my trip to Ireland simply wouldn’t be complete without tasting the best breakfast around. Next thing I knew, we were being shown a table.

We ate quickly and after trying the food, I knew Matt wasn’t lying—it was delicious.

- - -

Because of the unexpected detour I arrived at the airport later than I expected. I was surprised to find that Niall wasn’t alone.

I spotted him a few benches away from where I was, sitting down as a girl with her hands on her hips stood over him. Niall’s head was down and the girl in front of him seemed furious. I took a few cautious steps closer and suddenly I realized who the girl was.


Niall looked up slowly and noticed me. His eyes, which looked hollow and dry, suddenly sparked to life. Chloe seemed to notice the small smile that formed on Niall’s face, so she spun around. Her evil eyes suddenly locked on me, practically freezing me in my place. If look could kill, I’d be a goner for sure.

I felt my feet start to stumble but I surged forward against my will. I could tell that Chloe was on the verge of exploding.

“You slut!” Chloe screamed, her voice booming off the walls. “How could you? We’re fucking family, yet here you travelling around the whole goddamn country with my boyfriend. What the hell Brooke? I actually hate you so much, you’re worse than my mum.” Even Chloe’s flawless accent couldn’t hide the hatred in her words.

I took a deep breath, wanting so badly to reach into my pocket and retrieve my iPod. I hated drama, I hated yelling, and I hated when people didn’t get along. Whenever things went downhill, I usually turned up Imagine Dragons as loud as I could and hid away from the world until it was over. Their melodic tunes were usually enough to make me believe that everything would be alright.

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