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“Niall! What are you doing?” I laughed as I was scooped up into Niall’s arms, blinded by one of his hands that were gently covering my eyes. “Put me down.” I tried to sound forceful, but it was so hard to stop the childish giggles that flew from my lips so frequently when my boyfriend was around.

“No.” Although I couldn’t see, I could tell he was smiling. He started walking—or bouncing, really—and I felt us leave his house. I’d been sitting on the couch reading a magazine when he’d snuck up behind me and covered my eyes. Now, as he carried me out to his car, magazine long gone, I couldn’t help but wonder where in the world we were going.

I felt his nimble fingers twist around my face, securing a bandana there. I groaned, and of course, he laughed, his stomach rumbling beside me. He carefully set me down in the passenger’s seat, before moving around to the driver’s side. I tried to slip off the blindfold, but Niall swatted at my hand, making a disapproving noise as he started the car. I sighed, and decided to let him have his fun.

We drove for what felt like forever, Niall obviously going around in circles and taking random turns to confuse me. It worked.

Finally my curiosity burst to the surface. “Nialler, where in the hell are you taking me?”

He burst out in seemingly nervous laughter, but never answered. “We’re here.”

I squinted my eyes, attempting to see through the bandana, with no prevail. I hated not knowing where I was.

The car came to a subtle stop, and Niall shut it off. A deep shuttering breath racked his body before he exited the car and cradled me in his arms once again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest. His chin dipped and settled down on my unruly black curls. I felt us moving out of the dim Irish sun and into a shady, cooler area, where I assumed was caused by a stand of trees. I could feel Niall shaking against me, his breaths short and fast, and his heart hammering wildly in his chest.

“Niall, babe, are you alright?” I struggled to remove the fabric blocking my eyes, growing worried about him. He was acting really weird.

“I’m fine, quit fussing.” He teased, his lips dipping down to mine. I immediately stopped struggling as I kissed him back happily, feeling him smile partway through. Three years we had been together, yet his kisses still felt like the first time.

“I’m going to put you down now, all right? Don’t remove the bandana until I tell you.” He warned. I nodded against his chest as he gently settled me onto an unstable, shaky seat. I reached out and tangled my fingers around the rope of a swing. That’s when I finally realized where we were.

I fumbled with the cloth blocking my eyesight, praying that my instincts were correct.

They were. Partially.

Yes, I was sat on the decrepit wooden swing, in the middle of the graveyard I knew so well, situated just past my aunt’s backyard. A cold wind blew breezily, chilling the goose bumps on my arms further. Overhead, the sun was shining through the patches where the trees hadn’t covered, clouds askew in the dreamy sky. But suddenly, my eyes rested on something I thought I’d only ever dream seeing.

Niall was crouched down on one knee in front of me, his hands shaking slightly as he held out a small, velvet ring box. “Br-Brooke Hayes?” His cheeks were flushed pink and his ocean blue eyes bore into mine as I suddenly put the pieces together and realized what was happening.

He cautiously took both of my hands in his.

He looked up at me through his impossible long lashes, his blue eyes soft, but somehow still scorching. “I love you. Three words that sound so simple but hold such boundless meaning. I am hopelessly in love with you. Everything about you—and I mean everything—is absolutely perfect and I cannot imagine a life without you in it. I want to spend the rest of forever with you. I know we’re young, but I don’t care one bit. You are the only one for me. If you’ll let me, I promise to love you forever—every single day of forever. Will you marry me?”

Tears ran helplessly down my cheeks as I thought of the million things I wanted to say to him. That was truly the most heartwarming thing I’d ever heard. I would hate to think who I would be if Niall had never entered my life. He was absolutely the one person I never wanted to live without; the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I wrapped my arms forcefully around his neck, refusing to have any distance between us. He tumbled over backwards onto the grass of the old graveyard as I pressed my lips to his. His arms went up to encircle my waist and our legs tangled together on the soft ground.

“Is that a yes?” He chuckled against my lips.

“Yes, Niall James Horan. I will definitely marry you.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OH MY GOD, is it bad that I am actually crying? I HAVE FINISHED ‘DEFINITELY’ and I’m not sure how I feel about it. This is actually brutal.


If you guys are sad ‘Definitely’ is over, PLEASE don’t worry! I HAVE WRITTEN ANOTHER FANFIC. YES ANOTHER NIALL FANFIC, LORD HELP US ALL. I’m going to be posting the first chapter soon so please please please go and read it. It's called One in a Million... YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING XOXOXOXO

Love, snugglinghazza<33333

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