Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Morning, Bee.”

I opened my eyes to see Niall’s full lips hovering over mine, his eyes pinched half-closed. The huskiness in his voice told me he only had just woken up. He leaned onward and pressed his lips to my forehead and hopped off of the bed.

I rolled over disobediently and locked my tired eyes closed. I wrapped the cool silk sheets around my body and felt myself slowly drifting off again. I had just begun a short dream when I was startled awake with my body toppling on the floor, Niall poised overtop of me.

“Niall,” I groaned. “Why?” Was all I could muster from my mumbling lips, my eyes staying closed.

“Wake up, Brooke. We’ve got places t’ go and people t’ see!” He said in a voice that I thought would be impossible at an hour as early as this one.

“All I’m interested in seeing is the inside of my eyelids.” I didn’t need a bed for sleep; the floor would do just fine. I reached up and tugged a pillow from the bed onto the floor.

“You kept me up all night.” He accused, smirking.

Niall rolled off of me gently, careful not to place any of his weight on me. He lay next to me, our heads adjacent, sharing a pillow.

I stared at the ceiling, cocking an eyebrow. “How did I keep you up?”

“You’re very... interesting when you sleep.” He spoke matter-of-factly. “You talk.”

Ugh.” I half groaned, half gasped, heat flooding my face up to my hairline. I traced my nails along the hardwood for support. I knew I talked in my sleep; my mother teased me about it.

He chuckled, smugly enjoying my discomfort. I grumbled, refusing to turn towards him. His arm stretched out and hooked on my waist, attempting to comfort me as I thought about the endless mortifying potentials of what I possibly could’ve said.

“What exactly did I say...?” I tried to be casual but I sounded as if I’d just had the breath knocked out of me.

He turned his head on the pillow, level with eyes, holding my gaze. I was embarrassed. I tried to look away.

“You miss your mum.” He said quietly. “You worried about her a bit.”

“Anything else?” I demanded.

He knew what I was referring to. “You did say my name.” He admitted.

I sighed in defeat. What if he thought I was being clingy already or something? “A lot?” I felt my heart drop when he bit his lip, nodding.

“How often is a lot? Oh my god.” I wailed, hanging my head in chagrin.

He pulled me against his chest, softly, naturally.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” He whispered in my ear. “I dreamt of you, too.”

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