Chapter Thirteen

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“Good morning Bee!” Niall’s ecstatic screech echoed off the walls of the small apartment and startled me awake. I accidentally flung myself off of the couch, landing on the floor in a tangle of sheets and black curls.

“Why in the hell are you yelling, Niall?” I cringed. I stood gingerly, being sure that the sheet hadn’t slipped off of my legs. After tying it tightly around my waist, I shot him a glare of displeasure.

He simply smiled back at me, completely at ease. “Truth or dare?”

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, sinking back onto the couch. We’d been up half the night playing the stupid game, so I’d hoped by now Niall would have been sick of it. Guess not.

“I said,” Niall dropped down beside me. “truth or dare?”

All night I’d been saying truth, for fear of what Niall’s evil mind could come up with, so, feeling brave, I decided to switch things up. “Dare.”

“Great. I dare you to go swimming with me today... in the Irish Sea.”

“Why is that a dare? That sounds fun.” I tugged at my curls in an attempt to tame them. Usually they fell cooperatively in ringlets down my back, but sleeping on them always made them tangle together.

“Your hair looks fine,” Niall pressed my hands to my side. “And it’s a dare because one, the sea is freezing cold, and two, we don’t have bathing suits.”

He started laughing at the shock on my face. “I’m not asking you to go skinny dipping with me, Bee. Wear, like, a bra and stuff, but I knew you’d say know if I just straight up asked you to come.” He smirked, smugly. “I knew you’d pick dare.”

“Rule number one...” I trailed off my sentence.

“We’d both be breaking it, so it’d be okay.” He grabbed a scrap piece of paper that had been resting on the coffee table and a pen that had been resting near his feet. After a lot of humming and scribbling, he presented me his version of a contract.

I read his loopy handwriting out loud. “We, Niall and Brooke, agree that for the sake of fun, adventure, and the age old tradition of truth or dare, that swimming in our underwear is not a direct violation of rule number one—which states that clothes must be worn at all times.” Underneath the actual contract description were two blank lines waiting for our signatures.

“Fine,” I gave in, scrawling my name on the first line.

“Perfect.” Niall signed his name and then proceeded in dumping the contents of his backpack onto the floor. He messily piled his wrinkled clothing in the corner of the room. Then he disappeared into the bathroom and emerged with two towels. One went to me and the other he packed securely into his bag.

I disappeared into the bathroom to change. I pulled on my regular azure blue bra, along with a pair of black boy shorts. The underwear was actually a lot less revealing than the bikini bottoms I’d originally brought with me to Ireland. After pulling on my cut-offs and white tank top, I was ready to hit the beach with Niall.

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“Race ya!” Niall yelled, shedding off his shirt and grey shorts faultlessly, as if he undressed on the run every day. Niall toes kicked up sand as I tried to keep myself from checking out his very adorable butt in his purple boxers. Before I had time to blink, Niall dove into the ice cold water, emerging only seconds later, a few feet out. His wet hair was plastered to his forehead.

“C’mon Brookie!”

I nodded, mouthing ‘be there in a sec’, hoping he understood. I collected his clothes and backpack he had dumped onto the sand. After piling everything together, I slipped out of my clothes, glancing around self-consciously. I guess I was looking to see if anyone was going to yell at us for swimming in our underwear, but the only other person in sight was the elderly lady we’d passed on the way. She’d seen us and immediately remarked ‘ahh, young love’, just loud enough for me to hear. I sighed—what was it with everyone thinking Niall and I were dating?

Niall was being his regularly impatient self as he slapped the water edgily. “Bee! Bee! Bee!” he continuously chanted.

“I’m coming!” I wound my hair into a disordered bun at the nape of my neck and stepped warily into the water. The shock of the glacial sea enclosed my body, and I let out a whimper. How had Niall simply dove right in?

“Hey Brooke!” I turned at the sound of Niall’s cheeky voice and was met with a face full of the freezing water. I shrieked loudly as he splashed me once again.

“Niall, stop!” I whined, half-heartedly attempting to splash back.

“What? Sorry, I can’t really hear you.” He splashed her one more time before reeling closer to her. I watched cagily, knowing he had something up his sleeve—he always did. “Remember truth or dare last night?” he asked.

“Yes?” I answered precariously.

“Well, remember when I asked you what your biggest nightmare was?”

“Yeah...” I drew out the word in misperception. My biggest nightmare had nothing to do with water or swimming at all.

“You said your biggest nightmare was being trapped without an escape right?”

I nodded. I’d always had mild claustrophobia since I was little. It was something else I inherited from my mother.

“Well, I’m going to help you get rid of it.” In an instant Niall lunged towards me, quickly kicking my feet right out from under me. I tripped, dunking myself right into the water, not a single body part out of the confines of the Irish Sea. I thrashed around, the blackness of the water surrounding me as I desperately tried to find a way out. I felt myself start to panic underwater as my head become cloudy and I lost sense of direction. Which way was up? What was down? I had no idea, and my dizziness was increasing.

Just when I thought I was going to die, lost in the murky, sightless waters, Niall tugged me to the surface where I drew in deep breaths.


“Are you insane?” I trilled. Better? Was he being serious? I had just been trapped underwater for an extended amount of time and now he wanted to know if my fear was better? Water from my damp, flattened curls dripped down my back as my mouth hung open in shock. How could I be better?

“Much, much worse.” I choked out.

“Worse? But I saved you!” Niall looked completely confused.

“Yeah, after you almost killed me.”

“No, I was just trying to show you that you don’t have to be afraid. Because I’m here—” His glorious eyes were like magnets, I couldn’t tear her gaze away. “—and I will always save you.”

I blushed and was at a loss for words as per usual. In response I quickly ducked under the water and grabbed his ankle, pulling him in quite similarly to how he pulled me in. We both laughed underwater together causing bubbles to float to the surface and seawater accidentally imbedding itself down our throats.

Together, we spent the rest of the day building sandcastles, watching the sun as it slowly trailed down the skyline, and fighting off hypothermia as we rolled each other our borrowed bath towels.

It was one of the best days I’d ever had.

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AWWW, LOL! I actually loved writing the whole beach scene; Niall and Brooke honestly seem like such great friends omg...  I wonder if they’ll ever become anything more than that?... Guess you’ll have to read and find out ;)

LOVE YA ALL hehe:):).

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