Chapter Fourteen

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While Niall was taking his sweet time in the shower, I decided I’d drop an email to Sophie. I missed not seeing her every day in school; it was weird for us to be separated for this long.

Hey Soph, glad to hear you’re enjoying LA as much as I knew you would. Yes, I definitely agree the boy you sent me a picture of is damn fine! Haha and I’m honestly in shock to the fact that you are IN A MOVIE. Like WTF!!! When exactly did I become friends with a movie star? I know you’re just an extra but still. We are def going to have one of the best movie nights in history when it comes out! WOO CELEBRATION TIME C’MON.

The ‘Irish Hottie’ says he finds his nickname ‘degrading’ and asks that you don’t call him that again—I didn’t realize he had been reading over my shoulder the other day, that sneaky little prick. Thank god he didn’t see any more than that!

Here’s how my week has looked:

Tuesday, Niall and I went to the zoo. He liked the giraffes. He spent almost an hour trying to mimic the monkeys and making faces at them, he told me how cuddly the pandas look (obviously he hasn’t watched the Animal Channel—those things are vicious), and tried to maneuver his way throughout the entire zoo using echolocation after watching the dolphins. He stopped after walking right into an ape statue, giving himself a fat lip. The whole thing was pretty funny.

Oh, make sure for next time if you go to the zoo; don’t ask to go running with the wolves... The zookeeper kept extra special watch on us for the next hour until we left to make sure we weren’t actually insane.

The next day I learned a few things. One, Niall is hopeless with a map. And second, sometimes you have to see less to see more.

I’m not quite sure if you understand—or if anyone does for that matter. But I guess what I’m saying is if you plan your day with an itinerary, tour guide, and specific guidelines, you’re going to miss out on life’s natural beauties because you’re simply rushing past them all. Go with the flow, chill, walk around a while, and eventually you’ll find what you’re looking for. On the journey there you’ll see so much more. (I’ll attach some videos we took on our adventures to the email).

I know what you’re thinking. The goody-good Brooke Hayes who always follows a schedule is actually living her life in freedom? Yeah, I guess I am. Well, whatever I’m doing I LIKE IT. I think I’ve changed, Soph.

Speaking of change, guess who got kicked off of castle grounds by security? YEP, me. I know, I’m being such a badass... Hahaha, Niall and I had a grass fight, it was funny. I felt sooo bad. Not bad in an ‘oh darn we ruined the landscaping’ way but like sexy bad. Like a rebel.

Truth or dare may by the most annoying and informative game ever. Last night alone, I learned that Niall has only ever kissed one girl (Chloe, obviously), loves his mom more than anyone else on the planet, and is terrified of being murdered by a flock of pigeons.

I also learned that daring him to juggle cutlery is an awful idea because he’s not afraid to do it. Luckily, he has quick reflexes, so the knife pierced the linoleum floor rather than his foot.

Today, I had a blast. We went swimming in the Irish Sea and it was literally the best day ever. Niall and I swam until our arms ached, had a mud splashing fight, and even attempted to tan even though the sun didn’t make an appearance all day.

Niall’s thawing out in the shower right now and I’m bundled up in three heavenly blankets. I guess you could say it was a biiitttt chilly.

We’re still hanging at his cousin’s house and we’ll probably be here until Monday. Niall hasn’t said anything, but I’m thinking he’ll probably be going to the airport this weekend. I don’t know if he’ll take me with him—probably not—because his intentions there still remain a secret. I’m not going to bring it up just yet. I’m having too much fun at the moment to care and I want him to know I respect whatever he wants to do.

Ooh, I just heard the shower turn off, so I guess I should prob get going. Niall said he has a surprise for me tonight—eeep!!—so I should probably clean the salt and beach water off of my body.

Love you more than ever,


PS. I was totally kidding about Niall asking you not to call him the ‘Irish Hottie’ again... He got all flattered and embarrassed when he saw it—it was hilarious. Then he asked how you knew what he looked like so I lied and said I sent you a picture of us. I knew he didn’t believe me because he gave me a really cheeky grin.

- - -

I pressed send on the email just as Niall came out of the bathroom.

He walked over audaciously, and without a word, starting shaking his wet hair out on me. “Stop it, Niall! You’re so goddamn gross.” I whiner, laughing. I pushed him away playfully while he chuckled.

He was dressed only in a pair of dark jeans that fit his waist snugly, the top strip of his boxers poking out. His chest was bare and had a few hot water droplets running down the lines of muscle. He seemed to have noticed my staring and quickly said, “I forgot to bring a shirt in the bathroom with me. I’m putting it on now.”

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to put one on. I was just going to shower anyways.” I jumped up, grabbing my stuff, and slipping past Niall into the moist bathroom. “And you haven’t worn one all day, you don’t need to now.”

I closed the door after peeking at his grinning face. Before I got in the shower I composed myself, trying to convince my brain that he didn’t look that cute without a shirt on. But of course that would be lying.

- - -

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, causing me to stiffen and wrap the towel around me more tightly. I opened the door just a crack. “Yes Niall?”

“Here,” He held out a bag to me, ducking his head shyly to look at me feet rather than my scantily dressed body as I opened the door wider. “You said you didn’t pack a dress, so I, um, bought you one.” He explained.

I took the bag in surprise. “Niall you didn’t have to do that, really. Why?”

“For the surprise tonight. I mean you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to but—”

“Thanks so much.” I smiled and he easily returned it before giving me privacy to change.

I shut the bathroom door and pulled out the dress, holding it up to myself. It was absolutely beautiful. It practically depicted summer containing a colourful floral bottom and fancy silvery-white top. It was laced with buttons and hit me mid-thigh.

I quickly dressed, loving the way the soft, cool fabric clung to my body. After rubbing the steam off the mirror, I got a good look at myself. The dress fit as if it was made for me and me alone. I actually felt beautiful.

I let my dampened ringlets frame my exposed shoulders, pinning my curly bangs back with a blue, sparkly clasp that happened to be the same shade of Niall’s eyes. I excitedly exited the bathroom and went to meet Ni.

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AW, well I wonder where they’re going?;) Haha just kidding I already know where they’re going!! YOU are going to have to read the next chapter to find out. I’m so evil muahahah:).

Okay so there’s a link to the gorgeous dress Brooke got to wear on the side so check it out! It actually adorable and thought it really suited her:D.

And I’m dedicating this chapter to the one and only Ashly because she is perf and my go-to-girl. Hahah check out her fics!! LOVE YOU GUYS xo <3

Ps. Niall actually does have a fear of pigeons. aw

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