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The day was covered in darkness. That was what she remembered...

It was her first day at try outs at her high school's soccer club, when the ball went flying...

The nastiest girl at school, Becky, she had it out for (Y/N). Not only that, but she was also furious that (Y/N) had attempted to talk to the boy she liked, let alone go after the striker position on the team. Who where you...?  She though. A mere nobody.

Thats why she kicked that soccer ball during the try out game so hard with every intention of clobbering you in the face.

All you could remember was everything going in slow motion as you tried to get around one of her goonies on the opposite team when you felt the wind of the ball. You felt its energy, its presence...

You had no time to even comprehend it but as it was about to hit your face....

A flash of light came roaring from the heavens.

The ball was struck down by a powerful bolt of lightning.

Everyone had stopped and stared at the charred remains of the ball... That was, what was left before the wind blew it up into the air....

Weird things like that always seemed to happen. ALWAYS. And always to YOU.

You'd be on a date, the date would be going well, the guy you would out with would lean in to kiss you and for some unforeseen reason a freak accident would occur. From thunder strikes, to gushes of wind coming through windows indoors. Strange things...

From your youth you always noticed odd things... But you never would have guessed the reason behind it...

After all, you thought you were a human...?

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