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Spiraling... Thats what you felt like. Your head, your face, everything felt numb. It was an awful feeling. You could feel everything on a daily basis but with the alcohol trying to leave your system with your current hang over that feeling felt intensified by the thousands....

Rolling to your side you brought your paled hands to your head, the sweat on your brow damp as you held the softness of the duvet to your face to try and cool it down.

The soft rich materials were smooth and foamy, with a coolness you had never felt before. Even with your current hangover it just felt different.

Rolling in the material trying to hold it together you took in the coldness of the duvet cover.

It was strange...

'I've never felt such a soft blanket before.... What did Mom do...?' Rolling you sniffed the material. 'Did mom switch to a new detergent? She must have...'  The minty smell of the duvet calmed you and caused your headache to stop pounding in your skull. 'Wow... This is nice....'

With each second you felt more and more relaxed and your headache dissipating with the smell of the intoxicating aroma. 'It's so nice....'



Goll looked up at her eldest sister in worry. Brunhilde merely looked down at her with an expressionless face her arms crossed.

Both stood in the kitchen looking at one another.

"Is this really the best idea Hilde...?" Unsureness laced the youngest sister's eyes. 

"What do you mean, Goll?"

"Umm, well, you know... We basically kidnaped her..."

With that Brunhilde cut her off, "No, we brought her home Goll, there's a difference..."

".... I see..." Goll tried to catch herself as she was taken off guard by her sister's matter of fact attitude. "Well, weren't we supposed to bring her directly to the Norse Pantheon? You know to Thor?"

"No Goll..."

With that Goll sighed with relief and as she spoke was cut off by her sister, "We were to bring her to Thor and Odin."


Back with you now, you continued to lay in the bed, taking in the smell of the comforting bed. Rolling and smiling, your headache almost gone.

'What a relief...'

Meanwhile you had no idea of the trouble awaiting you through the window as a predator smiled wickedly at your unexpecting innocence.

Heaven's Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now