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Some Years Later

"I'm home!" (Y/N) called out. Entering the house....

You were in your twenties now. Early Twenties. You were now Twenty-one to be exact, or at least you would be tomorrow.

You entered the houses walkway. A smile on your face as you made your way into the kitchen and dropping your bag on the couch near the entrance to the room. Your fluff ball of a cat looking over at you with a dull look in his eyes as he furrowed his brow.

You smiled to yourself taking out the milk carton from the fridge. Your cellphone started to right, taking it out you answer it.

"Oh hey!"

"What's up birthday Bitch!"

"Almost birthday Bitch..." You laugh, 'Oh Meggan... Really...'

"I'm thinking as it is a special day... and you're the last of our friend group to officially... OFFICALLY..."

"I got that part-"

"-Turn twenty-one!! We need to all take the birthday baby to a bar!"

Now your face dropped... Not once had you ever... EVER... wanted to go to a bar and Megan knew this. Your eyes just stared at the cell in your hand before she called out to see if you were still there...

Before she could even finish speaking you slowly hung up the phone.

You closed your eyes and within seconds Megan called again.


"I know you did NOT just NOT hang up on your best friend!"

"...Maybe... I think my cat may have pushed my phone-"

"Don't even make crap up... that doesn't even make any lick of sense...."

"You sound old...."



"I'm taking you..."

That was how you ended up in the unconfutable situation you currently found yourself in.

Your group of ten friends, half guys and the other half girls, all surrounding you as they tried to get you to drink.

"Chug it (Y/N)!!" Megan cheered.

"I'll pass..."

Trying to hand the beer off to your guy friend Jake who had clearly had too much, grabbed the drink and downed the whole thing.

"Not cool!"


Sighing you stood... 'This is going to be a long ass night...'

Far Away In Heaven

Meanwhile in Hevan an important meeting was happening between Zues and Odin... Both looking down upon a particular girl in the seer's crystal ball.

"It seems the time has come Odin..." Zeus chuckled, his hand stroking his beard.

Odin looked on at the girl in the ball, a man of few words as always.

"What do you think my friend? Shes grown up quite well amongst the humans, no...?" Zues chimed in, trying his best to get a glimpse of Odins face.

He didn't budge...

Odin wasn't pleased.

Moments later Odin turned, his clothes flowing about him as Huginn and Muninn looked on at Odin with worry.

Odin made his way towards the door but soon stopped feet away from Thor who merely leaned against the stone wall.

Thor's eyes looked straight at his father.

"Bring her back..." Odin's one eye glanced at Thor, his son spoke not a word but got up off the wall and made his way towards a certain Valkyrie....

"There you go (Y/N)!!" Megan chimed while beaming in a drunken stupor.

'How'd I get into this mess...?' You slumped onto the bars counter with your head a spinning mess. Things were getting harder to see. It was even getting harder to move.

Coming back from the bathroom your friends had the saddest looks on their faces. Looks you could only assume you were the cause of.

You always had the ability to tell when someone was happy, sad... You had the ability to tell any mood anyone was in. Ever sense you could remember you could always pick up on lies and even other people's intentions with ease. Secrets didn't apply to you.

Living with such a six sense was never easy, but you always tried to play it cool. Yes, you felt too bad most of the time when emotions were to strong, unable to bear their pain of others, tending to keep a distance when you needed.

So, seeing your friends sad and drunk without you... You put your pride aside and your personal belief of how stupid it was to drink and took one swig to many.

Which is why you leaving the bar that night following someone you probably should have thought twice about.

Heaven's Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now