Love Interests & Info

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Human Name: ( Y/N)

God Name: Astrior

Name meaning: Beautiful Goddess

Pantheon: Norse

Age: 21

Personality: Quiet but friendly. Gets along well with others and has no trouble making friends or even starting up a conversation. Can be reserved however as she feels things so strongly that it can be to overwhelming as she is the Goddess of Emotions and humans are very tiring creatures.

Personality type: ENFJ

Love Interests







The list may grow. Also, humans will be added later on when Ragnarök starts but that won't be for a while. When they come in, I'll add them.

This story is Rated Mature and will have very dark themes so just a heads up to those of you whom don't feel comfortable reading that. I will give warnings at the start of each chapter for trigger warnings.

Another thing I wanted to add is Loki is a Yandere and the rest of the Gods will be as well... All but Buddha... I'm sorry I can't see him as one, I just can't see it, dominate yes but a Yandere I can't see him as so I'm not writing Buddha as one. I'm going to try my best to keep everyone in character! Any other updates I'll add here.

I hope you all enjoy.

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