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Warning: Mentions of attempted sexual activity

Shoved back into a room through a portal Loki had mysteriously summoned out of nowhere, you felt your self-falling.

The air was open and fresh compared to the small, cramped space you found yourself in prior.

Your eyes quickly darted to Loki who elegantly came through the portal.

Unlike you.

Loki chuckled at you and knelt down; his hand went to gently grab your face, but you turn.

He pouts, "Now that's not very nice... Come now, I thought you were enjoying our little game of cat and mouse..." he chuckles again, "even if you are my kitten..."


"Shhhh.." Pressing his finger to your lips he leans in ever so close. Both hands now on your face as he lifts your face to look you sensually in the eyes. "You really don't remember me? Me? Loki? Your so cruel..." a mocking tone, fake, you sense he knows something about you but won't say.

Yet as you go to speak, he shushes you once more and places second finger too your lips.

"Not now Kitten... Right now, we need to work fast."


"That's right..."

'Run! Run! Get away from him!' Your inner voice screamed, although something in your mind flashed however the image was too fast for you to catch.

You shook your head as a slight headache started, 'Must be the hangover returning...'

"My love...."

Your heart felt, numb? You stared at him as he pulled his arm away and drew it down, with a single finger pointing.

You weren't sure what he meant until the hand started reaching for your pants. Your eyes widen in alarm and a scream tried to escape you, but Loki was faster.

His hand caught your mouth as he caged you to the floor. His body atop you and his legs spread on either side of you. He straddled you.

Accidently causing friction between the two of you as you thrash under him, he moaned, a look of exstacy upon his face.

"Oh my, how nice... This is quite delightful..." he shimmed his hips to yours, completely ignoring you thrashing under him.

"Please! Please stop! Don't!"

"It's okay.... We've done this before... many times in fact..." Loki held your arms in one of his strong hands as his right hand traced a trail from your face down your chest.

Tears sticking to his finger. You look away in shame.

"Oh, my you're so sweet... So innocent and pure... this human body you're in now is going to give quite the stir to the other Gods. It's best I claim you now while you're still a virgin...."

Your heart stopped and you screamed shaking from side to side, "Please no-!"

You blinked.

A strange warmth surrounded you; you could feel his energy shift, it was light, warm and full of playful energy.

Loki silenced you, his warm breath washed over you, his skin so warm that you never knew a person could feel so good. His eyes lay closed as his hair dangled about him and around your face.

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