No Going Back

811 23 1

Warnings: Hinted mention of sex

Your eyes widen as you sat frozen on the floor. Loki tilting his head in amused ecstasy as he watched you with glistened satisfaction.

It was like a hunter watching a deer. The innocent deer to afraid to even make a move. All (Y/N) could feel was her heart beating so fast she was shocked it hadn't exploded out of her chest.

Tilting his head to the opposite side Loki bent down. The girl let out a loud gasp. Her eyes clenched shut and her arms covered her face.

Loki's hand reached out and grabbed one of her arms moving it down slightly as his free hand took (Y/N)'s chin and turned her face towards him. "It's okay Kitten..." Loki purred, "Your home now..."

(Y/N)'s eyes remained shut as she eventually tried squeezing them tighter.

Loki sighed. "Ah... Thats not what I wanted..." Loki's slender fingers readjusted upon her chin, bringing her forward in the process.

Eyes opening now, (Y/N) was greeted with Loki mere inches from her face. A smug look of satisfaction in his eyes as he was stretched to meet her halfway.

"You really don't remember...?" His voice trailed off and (Y/N) caught something glimmer in his eyes. Unaware of what the effect was she averted her gaze.

"Ah, ah..." Pulling sharply Loki brought her forward, her face now even closer to his warm breath.

Heart stuck in her chest; a flustered blush made its way across her paled skin.

'Now that I think about it... he is really good looking...?'

Shaking her head of the very inappropriate thoughts a newfound courage came to the small blonde. "W-Whe-Um..."

Or at least she tried to be brave.

The courage draining from her as she continued to stare at the man before her. Something just did not sit with her. 'He seems.... off....' Slowly lifting her free hand, she tried moving back, however her eyes soon registered the sight of his arm still grasping her lower arm.

His eyes slowly closing, only enough to give the man a creepier look of satisfaction.

"P-Please!!" With all her strength that she could muster she ripped her arm from his grasp.

A short-lived victory. Unknown beknown to her, he had merely let go.

He was playing with her...

"Now then..." (Y/N)'s eyes went from her arm to look at the man looming over her. The once creepy demeanor he had almost seemed to disappear as he deeply bow to her and extended his hand to hers once more. "I am the God Loki, God of Mischief and Deceit..."




"What did you just say?" Blinking the girls' eyes went wide as once more he pulled all too close to her, only this time Loki now circled behind her lifting her to stand and wrapped his strong lean arm around her waist.

"You heard me..." Loki nuzzled his face into her hair his chin resting on her shoulder.

(Y/N) felt her body turn red from the action. "I'm the Norse God Loki, God of Mischief and Deceit my dear Kitten...." With the returning pet name Loki placed his hand upon her head and started petting the top of her head. Leaning in Loki's lips moved to the top of her head, he leaned in...

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