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'What the...?' Your blurry eyes tried to adjust after a loud chorus of gasps could be heard from the room.

"(Y/N)!" Your friends yelled in union.

"Nice catch miss...!" One of the rowdy patrons remarked his wrinkled face forming a smile of amusement.

"Yes, well..." Brunhilde cleared her throat, "It wouldn't have been very kind of me to have let her fall..."

"Yeah but you were all the way outside miss?!"

"Was she really?! I couldn't tell?" The old man said to his friend at the booth. "Not many folks would-Not any folks around here would run up from a distance and save someone like that. You from the country too? You don't look like yer from around here?"

Brunhilde took a moment to take in the old man's Southern charm before her serious expression turned that of a kind caring and welcoming demeanor.

'I can use this to my advantage...' A smirk tried to form upon her face yet she held it off well. "Why yes... Yes, I am..." she beamed lying.

Goll watched from outside clearly putting together the weird actions of her sister. 'She's playing them...'

"I'm from Alabama myself, moved out to the city here not too long ago! How about y'erself?"

With a tilt of the Valkyrie's head she smiled, "Oh from Tennessee..." Yet, before the old man could get another word in Brunhilde redirected the conversation, "I however am here on visitation..." looking down at (Y/N) she continued after looking up. "My sister and I are here to visits our sweet cousin here..."

Now all of (Y/N)'s friends who were watching regained some awareness at the mention of their friend, who was currently blacked out in the mysterious women's arms.

"Hm?!" Megan stretched, "(Y/N) never mentioned some cu-cu-cushions from Teeenerse..."

Brunhilde closed her eyes at the girl's words. The two men at both let out a laugh.

"Yes well... I am sure she hasn't mentioned cushions from Tennessee or whatever it was you were trying to say..."

'I don't like berrr....' Megan gleared at the Valkyrie.

"I believe I should take my dear (Y/N) home now... you see she's clearly not a drinker... she truly doesn't like alcohol..." Brunhilde's yes meet with Megan's and the two stared intensely at one another. Brunhilde looked down upon Megan, clearly unable to see what (Y/N) saw in her... while Megan could feel the women looking down at her.

Feeding into the situation and clearly not wanting to lose to a drunk buffoon Brunhilde fueled the fire.

"My dear sweet (Y/N)..." her voice taunting, "I know you only gave in to peer pressure but what moron couldn't tell the signs that you were clearly uncomfortable with this situation... oh my..." her hand held her cheek as she acted dramatically as her pitch got higher and higher.

This caused the remainder of (Y/N)'s friends to glare or look on in confusion. One being so confused that he fell out of his chair face first into the empty seat next to him.

The friends scrambled to get him up, all but Megan who continued to glare at Brunhilde.

A victorious look upon her face.

"m-Megan.. Help us.

Their friend was on the floor trying to tug helplessly at the fallen comrade. Megan looked to her friends for what was five seconds, then looked back to say something snarky of her own but...

They were gone.

From the window she could clearly see what looked like the women running away with (Y/N) in her arms bridal style with a younger girl with lavender hair.

The men just laughed at Megan's confusion as they had witnessed the entire ordeal.

Sorry if there are any typos I missed. I wrote this one on my phone during my break. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Just a heads up the rest of the Gods will be coming in soon!

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