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Laying your eyes upon the man's outstretched hand only added to your confusion.

The women he claimed was a Valkiery stood beside you along with a young girl of what you presumed to be 10 or so. She was frightened, more so than you.

Your eye wondered back and forth from the man's hand to his upper arm. Looking at his face only caused an immense blush upon your face. Avoiding eye contact would be best, yes, that's what you told yourself.

His low chuckling caused you to stir from your deep thoughts.

"Now, now, don't be that way my sweet girl...." Tilting his head, he seemed to be contemplating something.

Just then his charming smile turned crocked, and his already extended hand snatched your wrist before you could even fully process it.

What looked like a shove to you widen your eyes in fright and horror as the women who tried to protect you went flying into the wall. The young girl in her lap as the two sat in a small crater in the wall.

Your body began to shake. Sweat falling upon your brow.

"Now then...." This strange man with monster like strength loomed over you, "Shall we Kitten? We wouldn't want to keep the others waiting, right?" Winking at you he then pulled you into his chest and a strange black spot opened behind him.

He started pulling you into it, and as you took in what he was pulling you into you noticed something new that this strange man was doing.

He was floating.

You screamed trying to pull away, "Help me!!" Your eyes darted to the two in the wall, tears prickling your eyes.

"Now, now," he continued to pull at you as if he thought this was all a joke and it was just amusing. "You don't have to be scared... I'll take good care of you. Promise~<3"

"Help me!"

The dark tone of his last word twisting your heart into a disarray of panic, the way he said it was so, so.... Mischievously erotic that you felt yourself shaking from what this scary man would do.

'What the heck is going on?!'

You felt your body going numb with panic, your breath hitching as he began to pick you up as the women behind you called out to him.

"Release her Loki!"

"My, my, you're really going to try and order me around. Know your place little Valkyrie." With a snap of his fingers, he flung something, but you were unable to see what it was. He held you into his broad shoulder so tightly you were unable to move, or perhaps it was due to your fright. But all you could do was listen as you heard something metallic clanking.

'Chains?' That's what you heard, the sounds of chains.

The crunching of walls and the scream of the young girl.

"Now, it was quite fun, but I've had my fill for today..." he floated higher into the portal, and you gasped, a scream you could not emit getting caught in your throat.

'What's going on?!'

"Bye-bye Valkyries... I'll be sure to set a proper punishment for you two later... Right now, I'm in a bit of a rush to get my sweet darling home.... You understand right? Brunhilde?" he waved and with the end of his words the icy taunt of the poor women's name, you couldn't help wondering what he would do to her and the girl.

Yet you didn't have the time to give it another thought as he took off into the black hole he had created.

Heaven's Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now