The whole room seemed like it vibrated as the voices from the walls persisted. The child pleading sorrowfully, the woman screaming in terror, the rooftop shaking as though someone was stepping on it. The place was a nightmare for the three girls that stood at a spot listening to everything in shock and fear with each faces looking pale and weak. The noises grew much wilder for some moment before subsiding until they could be able to hear a pin when it drops.
“We are tormented like we have done something sacrilegious. I'm loosing my mind. I might as well run crazy before I leave here.“ Claire says with tearful eyes and a dry throat.
“We should be calm.“ Gracia told them. “I don't know why, but my mind is constantly telling me that there's something in here that we are to figure out.“ Gracia said after awhile.
Claire looked at her. “Something like what?“
“I don't know.“ Gracia was pointing the flashlight about the room.
Justine remained quiet. She missed her Dad. He would be dialing her number and wouldn't be able to reach her if not ever again. Her Dad, Mr Georgetown SC is the best parent she could ever ask for. Since her mother died ten years ago, he took up the responsibility of parenting both her and Jolie, her elder sister who's currently in Bandoos for a business deal. Mr Georgetown had called her very early in the morning. He knew Justine was always out of bed before 5:00am for her yoga workout. He asked her about the city she was visiting and she'd immediately uttered the city Hillsdale. Justine knew that if she had told him Reshforf, he could get mad since he had from the beginning, distasted the immature area. Her Papa had seen the old city on the news and had named it the worst town ever. To her, it looked like it wasn't because of the news but something personal, but she didn't bother to ask him. Justine recalled the last words he said to her before she'd dropped the cell phone. “I know you would be very busy having fun, but don't let that make you forget to phone me, okay. And if you don't, I would.“ He had said in the most ever lovable voice she adored.
“Well it's been hella chaotic.“ Justine's eyes were sad as she let out a sigh.
“You said that Sarah was trying to tell us something?“ Claire looked at Gracia who was looking through a tatty bookcase.
“We didn't pay attention.“
“What do you mean? We were quiet while the horrendous voices occurred.“
  “You didn't pay close attention, enough.“ Gracia looks at her and continued looking through the almost broken piece of furniture next to the bed. She was repeatedly opening and dropping the paperwork she saw.
“Did you?“
“I didn't either.“ Gracia thumbed through a worn out book. In it was written some food recipes. The letters looked like the writer was in a haste when jotting it out.
“I'm surprised you are so bent on searching for something you might not even see.“ Claire's stated.
“It's important that I tried at least.“ Gracia didn't remove her gaze from the papers.
“I don't think you will find anything that would help us disappear from here to the car.“ Claire said.
Gracia bit her lip for a moment and this time, shot Claire a long wordless look. “It's unwise to do nothing but complain when you ain't sure of breathing in the next hour. You know that, right.“
“I'm doing nothing because there's nothing that I can do to—” The remaining words was caught in her throat.
“Don't give up hope.“ Gracia yawned.
“I've given up hope already.“
“Claire…” Gracia said.
“Fine,“ Claire let out a loud sigh. “I haven't. But each second that pass by makes me want to lose the little hope i have left.“
“Everything is going to be fine.“ Gracia wished for that with her whole heart.
“You're the victim of your own circumstances. Chew the skin off.“ Justine reminisced, and the two girls looked at her. “And then there was the lady screaming. Doesn't that sound like the lady was tormented and we had heard some kind of demon speaking?“
“And what about the child pleading?“ Claire noted.
“This sums to this.“ Gracia thought for a while. “The kid was her child who saw her screaming and was pleading for her to stop. She was undoubtedly hurting herself.“
“Like chewing her skin as commanded by the demon.“ Justine said.
“Yes.“ Gracia was reasoning.
“Ewww, how's that even possible?“ Claire was disgusted.
“Chew the skin off. And she did.“ Justine explained.
“Like she dug her teeth on her own skin?“ It was hard for Claire to believe.
“Yes. Evil manipulation.“ Gracia said.
“What about the sound of the feet on the floor?“ Claire glanced at the both of them.
“Must be her stomping on the floor. That should tell that she was in great turmoil.“ Justine spoke.
“It was Sarah.“ It came to Gracia's mind.
  “Sarah?“ Justine said.
“Yes. Sarah was the lady tormented by the demon and like i'd said, she was trying to tell us something. The kid pleading should be one of the children on that picture. The owner of the writing on the paper.“ Gracia stated. “I wish I could guess what she wanted to let us know.“
“Wait.“ Gracia looked like she remembered something. She raised her head. “The child writing on the paper says, please help mum she has a baby.“ She stopped and glanced at the both of them. “you might be surprised by what i'm going to say.“ Gracia said to them.
“Go on.“ It was Claire. Their eyes were focused on her.
“What we had heard, the voices on the wall, has happened before.“
“I can tell.“ Claire said.
“Yes. What we heard was something that had occurred in this very place, perhaps a year ago. That must be what killed Sarah.“ Gracia told them.
“Wait, so you're saying that we just experienced something that happened from the past.“ Justine asked, and received a nod from Gracia.
“Wow.“ She uttered.
“This should do with what Sarah was trying to tell us.“ Gracia said.
Justine looked back at the library card and the identity card. If maybe she escapes death, she was going to look up to who the woman was. Gracia didn't stop searching. This time, she was looking inside the sack of clothes.
“Gross...“ She utters as she flung a dirty dress to a side. “This clothes doesn't look like a year old. They're looking ancient.“
“Should be Marylou's.“ Justine said.
“Yeah, should be.“ Gracia concord with a little nod.
“Can you guess the time?“ Claire says after some minutes has passed. She was moving back and forth at the same region.
“I think it's past midnight.“ Justine replied.
“I think so too.“ Claire nods. “Why is it taking long until morning.“ She complained. “Perhaps the sun doesn't come out over here.“
“Of course it does. This place is also a part of the earth.“ Justine told her.
“Urrgh, I could die of thirst.“ Claire cleared her throat.
“It's hours until morning you have to be patient.“ Justine said to her.
“I am patient.“ Claire responded.
“Look,” Gracia called to them. “i saw this inside the pocket of that jacket.“ She was walking up to them and was pointing the flashlight at a woollen pink coat on the floor. They saw a golden ankle bracelet on Gracia's palm. “This too.“ She threw a written record at Justine's feet. Her eyes had chanced upon the book hidden under the wooden bed.
“What is that.“ Justine inquired.
“A record from the hospital of a psychiatric patient, Marylou.“ Gracia was satisfied that she'd seen the record. She was finally getting to know who the two women were. “Marylou, was a psychiatric inmate that had died on a road accident while she was trying to escape from the mental institution on the 4th of may in the year, 1692.“ She filled in.
  Justine held her mouth opened. She appeared puzzled. “you don't say.“ She says and bent low to pick the papers.
“Marylou Bellamy.“ Justine read the scribbled letters written on the paper. She saw the face of the middle-aged lady grinning wickedly at her. Her hair was braided down to a twist, and her emerald eyes were staring sharply.
“Why does she look familiar—” Justine was saying, and her heart stopped beating for a sec after she realized. “This is the face of the person that appeared in the photo after the black woman and the kids disappeared.“
“Get the pictures.“ Claire was rushing to it.
“It's the face of the lady.“ Gracia observed the white lady in the picture, but this time, her hair wasn't blonde but brown.
“What does this mean.“ Claire says with handful of fear that they noticed.
Claire kept on staring at the paled up woman wearing a sleeveless summer dress and combat boots, grimacing sheepishly at whoever took the picture at that time. “The black lady we'd seen with the children was Sarah and her kids. This is Marylou standing alone in the picture.“
“Meaning she'd no kids?“ Justine reasoned.
“Yeah.“ Gracia said.
“But she doesn't look like a psychopath here.“ Claire says.
“Yea, she is looking like a normal person.“ Gracia agreed.
“I'm confused. Who really are these women?“ Justine queried.
“One is insane and the other, I don't know, tormented by some evil influence.“ Gracia gave the picture to Claire.
“Or crazy too.“ Claire utters. “Because the way she screamed, and she even bite her skin off, proves that she's demented.“
“Why is this found here instead of the police station or the psychiatric hospital where it's supposed to be?“ Justine reasoned, referring to the record book.
“I wish I knew.“ Gracia shrugs a little. The whole thing was becoming confusing to her. It was as though for a moment, she was getting somewhere close to knowing everything, and then the next moment, she wasn't anywhere close.
“Maybe her ghost left with it?“ Claire presumed. “Yeah, I mean I've watched movies that some ghosts comes into existence to take their belongings with them some days after their death.“
Justine reasoned what Claire said and let out a sigh. “Do you think Susan knew Marylou?“
“Marylou died over three centuries ago, and Sarah died only a year ago, so I don't think so.“ Gracia shook.
“There's more information in here that we need to find.“ Gracia added.
“Instead of finding informations about two dead ladies, we should figure out how to escape from this place.“ Claire verbalised.
“In all of this, I don't think we can be able to leave without knowing what wants us dead.“
Justine thought for sometime. “Is it possible that Marylou reincarnated as Sarah?“
“No… It doesn't make sense.“ Gracia replied.
“Look, the address. It's almost the same as the library Sarah had visited.“ Justine's eyes had caught it. “This says, alongside coast highway city.“ She pointed at Sarah's library card. “And here says, 5 mainland street alongside coast highway city.“ Justine stated.
“This points at one thing. It's either Sarah visited the mental institution to steal this papers and stopped by at the library. This should be why it is found here.“ Justine says.
“I totally agree.“ Gracia nodded.
“But how? Sarah didn't know Marylou.“ Claire said to them.
“Perhaps she was trying to know more about who Marylou was, just like us.“ Justine said.
“And died while trying?“ Claire uttered. They became quiet. After some minute of silence, Gracia said the words that she had become too afraid to let out. “Sarah was possessed by Marylou Bellamy.“ Her eyes were widened.
“Wh—what are you saying?“ Claire was confused.
“The demon speaking, the evil manipulation upon her was Marylou.“ Gracia continued lowly with watering eyes. She had found the truth, and was gazing at the face of a lady with scattered hair and one eye tearing blood.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now