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Gracia wondered how long they'd stood saying the words. She was very surprised that she had seen Marylou and her life history. What a mystery. In her whole life she wouldn't have believed that could happen. The death of Marylou didn't stop glaring at her and she wondered where her killers went to after murdering her.
Gracia turned her head and looked at the girls whose eyes were still shut tightly. They were continuously saying the words she herself didn't stop. All the while she saw the past, she didn't stop speaking the word. Gracia knew they didn't see what she saw because if they did, their eyes wouldn't be closed.      
The terrifying cries from the spirit domain grew much louder sounding like it came from all corners of the house. The girls held the bones like their lives depended on it and Gracia saw a little light shoot into the room. They'd succeeded in bringing in the force that would take Marylou ghost to where she belong. Gracia avoided the light as she quickly closed her eyes a little. She was aware there might be a negative effect but didn't care anymore. What her ten years old self had seen on the internet was happening physical and Gracia's curiosity wouldn't allow her miss it. She waited patiently to know what would happen next when a loud scream of pain thundered in the room followed by whispering and laughters. Gracia shuddered and almost dropped the solid thing in her palm.
Justine's heart jumped when she heard the scream. She almost bit her tongue as she said the words so fast. Her thoughts ran wide. What if the woman's ghost did not leave. She tried not to imagine what the lady might do to them if they didn't succeed. Her mind went to Bateman's bloody face and she swallowed hard.
Claire wasn't having it any longer and was already making plans on how she would run away after the loud scream which sounded like something terrible had happened to someone. Was it what killed the person therefore sending them to the other side of the world. Her mind wasn't straight as she tried to think properly whilst speaking and missing the verbal. Her hands were vibrating as one mind told her to drop the bone and run away but she was so scared of what was outside of the house. What about Lee. Another mind said. He died too. What must have killed him. Her heart was with pain as she remembered Lee and how she'd made him leave the cabin. With sadness Claire dropped the bone on the floor. It came out loud but wasn't loud enough since the noises occuring in the room overshadowed it. She released her eyelids and her eyes met together with Gracia's. “You didn't tell us this was going to happen.“ She cried in a loud tone. She was aware she took the risk in uttering the word.
Gracia watched her run out of the room. She wondered what mustered up her courage of running away and blamed herself that she didn't try to stop her. Gracia tried not to think of what might happen to her out there. 'Why, Claire. Why did you.' Gracia whispered to herself. She prayed that Justine wouldn't react to Claire leaving and was somewhat thankful when she heard Justine's voice together with hers.
Within minutes a mighty wind came into the room. Blowing their hairs and scattering things all over. They heard the shattering of glass. It was time. What was happening was the exact thing that had occurred with the two girls that had filmed themselves but instead of casting away spirit, they'd called the ghost of their best friend to tell them who was responsible for her death. The strange wind had blown their hair to their faces and the noises had occurred with the scattering of items in the old room. Gracia remembered seeing something move past them. She'd gasped and held her mouth with wide-eyes as she watched into the screen. 'solomon.' was the next word that sounded from something extraordinary. Straightaway Gracia was recollecting the chapter from the of the ghost book she read before watching the film. The no 12 rule of the spirit gratification which states that it should take the soul of a living person to acquire something from the other realm. She could still see the printed words in the paper ten years ago. She became worried and tried to see Justine's face. Gracia knew what could come next.
Justine kept on saying the words without making mistake. She did so because she didn't want to die. She wanted to meet her Father and give him a tight hug and tell him that she missed him. There were tears in her eyes as she thought of Bateman's body and Lee's scream.
Just after the wind blew to the great extent and did as though it was subsiding a little, a small voice came to their hearing in the midst of the noises. 'one soul to abide on what you ask for.' The voice had come plain and simple. It felt beyond the ordinary. Gracia hadn't guessed properly about the meaning of the no 12 rule until that moment. If she had remembered, she wouldn't have persuaded them in carrying up with the invocation. She was tired.
“What did that mean?“ Justine was confused and voiced out after waiting for minutes trying to understand what the word meant. She didn't open her eyes. Justine feared for what she might be likeable to see and thought Gracia did same.
Gracia Inhaled and said, “I'm sorry Justine we have to quit this since what we are asking for wouldn't be granted.“ She made Justine scared and she asked. “why.“ Justine didn't even want to imagine what would happen to them if they stopped. Marylou might appear physical and eat them. She shook her head and closed her mind to the imagination of it.
“That's not a good idea. We are endangering ourselves. How are we going to—” She was saying with closed eyelids when Gracia cut into her statement.
“We can't do that which was asked. Nobody else is going to die. We should just quit."
“Do you know what you're saying? That would give room for Marylou to feast on us. We are with her bones. She must be waiting patiently for the moment to attack us.“ Gracia was quiet she hadn't thought about that. Definitely what Justine said was true. If Marylou did not leave the cabin tonight, their lives are in danger.
“One of us would have to die for her ghost to go. Do you want to go.“ Gracia said. She almost have given up on life. Never would she have imagined this would happen when the car earlier drove on the stony ground. If only she could turn the hands of time. She waited to hear Justine. “i don't know why—” Gracia couldn't finish her sentence as she broke into more tears.
“Let me be the heroine in this chapter“ Gracia heard Justine say. “What are you insinuating?“ She sharply said to Justine.
“I want to go to save you. Promise me that you would go home and tell my Dad and sister that I love them very much. Tell them not to worry or cry over me since I would be watching them from afar.“
“You cannot. I won't let you!“
“I've already made up my mind. You know me too well that once I make up my mind, I am never going back. Just like I haven't talked to my godmother for years since I found out that she wanted my Father." Gracia knew about it.
“That's different compared to this. This is a matter concerning death.“ Gracia said.
“You haven't owned a casino yet. Remember you promised me and Claire that you wouldn't die for anything.“ Gracia hoped that as she brought up the casino she would reconsider her action.
“Where's Claire.“ Justine said. “she's out there alone. God knows what she must be facing outside. She might've died. Who knows.“ Justine shrugged. “If I don't do this, none of us would be alive to tell the story. Our families would panic and search for us not knowing that we are all gone.“ She gave reasons. “Don't worry about me I always knew that I wouldn't leave here alive. My heart told me this from the moment I saw Bateman's lifeless body. Maybe in my next life I would come and own the casino.“ Her eyes were watering as she opened them. She saw the tiny light in front of them and in the middle of the room.
“Don't go.“ Gracia shook her head. “you must be alive for your family, for me.“ Gracia cried.
Justine was crying. She didn't want to die but knew she should for the sake of her friends. No one was to going to know the whereabouts of their bodies if they all died, and their spirits might never be at rest. She shuddered when she imagined Bate not buried with love. “don't forget about us. Until we meet again. I'm sure we would. Cheer up.“ Justine tried to smile and she did. The presence of the supernatural was waiting, probably watching them and they felt it.
“I will go! Take my body and grant what we seek for!“ Justine called with the top of her voice. For a minute, a strange kind of deeper silence filled the room. Justine was surprised about the sudden quietness. Then the type of air that once appeared out of nowhere came into the room and went with much force over to Justine. It lifted her off the ground.
Gracia felt like her whole world was crumbling down as her eyes were looking into the darkness. She wanted to say everything at once to her friend she would see no more. She wanted to tell her how she loved and cherished their friendship. She wanted to promise her that she and of course their friends would forever live in her heart. Most especially Gracia wanted to hug her and never let her go. She saw the wind disappear with her friend and couldn't control her tears. She was hurting inside of her. Gracia thought she heard Justine say before disappearing, 'bury Bateman with flowers.'
Gracia took two steps backwards and sighed. Her eyes were tired as she stared at the spot that the ghost realm had taken away Justine. Her friends were gone. She was the only one left in the old house and she felt like dying too. The level of pain in her chest was undescribable. Gracia remembered when they'd come into the town. Happy and healthy never expecting their death to be so soon. She shivered and kicked the skull laying on the ground. It went over and hit something she didn't see and gave a crashing noise. A part of her wished that Marylou had seen her do so. She wanted her to be sad that her bones that was never buried was been ill-treated by a human. She was the reason Justine was no more so she deserved that. Gracia couldn't control her emotion as she picked up another and flung it at the left direction of the room.  It made a thumping sound. She didn't bother to know what it landed on. Gracia gave a loud cry of sorrow and held her chest. Her heart was hurting so bad producing too much liquid that was blinding her eyelids.
Gracia walked slowly out of the room to the bedroom. She was still able to see when she was persuading the girls to agree on destroying Marylou's ghost. She sniffled and walked to the wall and she rested her head to it and closed her eyes. She thought about Claire. 'why on earth did you leave the cabin, Claire.' she said and prayed that nothing bad happens to her.
Gracia sat on the floor and lifted her eyelids. She felt so weak as she joined her knees close to her chest. She wondered what next to do. She hadn't got the strength to begin walking into trees in the darkness when she didn't even know her way back to their car. She was lost. They were all lost. If only they'd told someone about their whereabouts. She remembered her mother asking her where she was going when she'd informed the lady that she was going on a fun trip organized by she and her friends. How she wished she'd told her maybe she wouldn't have to worry much since her mother might send the police to look for them, probably see their car parked in the isolated area with no one inside. Townfriday was a small town they probably would've found the car. But there wasn't any hope that anyone was looking for them.
Each time her mind reminds her that her friends were gone, her heart bleeds. Gracia tried not to think of anything but the flashbacks of what took away Justine didn't want to obey. It displayed again right in front of her. Her stomach tightened and for a long time she craved water.
The memory of Marylou hiding the book under the rug came forth to her mind and for some moment she shook off the urge to want to know why Marylou had done so with such frightfulness. Curiosity got a hold of Gracia and she was standing from the cold floorboard. She strided back into the inner room she left from and went to the cupboard she identified and she was lifting the dusty rug that smelt so bad. Gracia sneezed and took out the book she found under it. The exact book she'd seen on the hands of somebody that lived 300 years ago. Someone responsible for the death of her friends. At the same time she pitied Marylou, she hated her so much. Gracia kicked the bone to make way for her to go back to the bedroom. She'd purposely done so. She wanted to face Marylou and tell her the things in her mind. She wanted to say to her that she was cruel and evil. 'May you never rest in peace.' she spat.
The moonlight was forcing it's way into the room as Gracia sat back on the floor. On her attempt to open the book, cards fell on the floor in front of her. Gracia was gathering them. They were seven in number. She reasoned if the money in it still exist as she looked at the colors and numbers on the bodies. It was old fashioned compared to the current credit cards at the moment. Gracia was counting it again and again. She was killed because she refused to give them the money. She could've given it to them and begged the woman to spare her life maybe, just maybe, her friends would still be alive. Gracia thought aloud.
Gracia was coming into the conclusion of heading out. She shouldn't stay inside when she knew so well that no one was coming to get her. She now has her life in her hands. Whether she wants to live or not was up to her to decide. She stood again and braced up. She must survive for her friends and most especially as Justine had said, to tell the story.
Claire didn't stop running deep into the tunnel of trees and for a minute she was regretting leaving the cabin. How was Justine and Gracia. Are they okay. She was so worried about them as her mind didn't quit asking questions. Gracia stopped running and knew she'd come a long way. She heard her own panting and looked back and was able to see the amount of trees that covered behind her all thanks to the moonlight. Claire thought of turning back and going to her friends but she was aware it wasn't possible, she was lost in between the woods. Fear creeped into her as she stood in the darkness. 'protect me lord.' she prayed with her heart throbbing wildly and she picked up the race again. She had no idea on where she was heading to. She just wanted to run away from the darkness into the arms of her parents. Claire felt like she was being followed and out of fear she froze. 'who's there?!' Claire called out, panicking. 'reveal yourself!“ She voiced again into the cold night waiting to be attacked. She heard a noise like a shoe step on a glass and she turned her head sharply to the direction of the sound. “who are you!“ Claire cried so loud.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now