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West Bandoos, 1692

Danielle watched her sister handcuffed by a police officer. Marylou had pleaded guilty to the murder of her husband and was going to stay in jail for life. They'd planned that she pleads guilty but what wasn't expected was that she would be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Fernando's family patiently waited for three years planning with their lawyers to see to it that Marylou spends her entire life rotting in jail and by the look on their faces Danielle could tell that they despised her sister.
Danielle further had plans on what to do next. It wouldn't to be long before Marylou leaves the prison. She hurries to Marylou as they were taking her away to give her a kiss on the forehead. “Give me some time, Marylou. I'm coming for you.“ She held her sister's face as she whispered. Danielle noticed Marylou wasn't any remorseful.
“I trust you.“ Marylou threw a smile at her as she was carried away.
For some moment, Danielle stood sad. Sad that her sister was going to jail. Her eyes were already tearing. It seemed as though she was the one going to jail.
  As she wiped off her tears with a scarf, a stranger staring at her way with a silly smile approached.
“It's sad, I know.“ The lady nods as she came in front of her.
“Who are you?“ Danielle looked at her exposed cleavage. The woman's bony structure was with a gait and her straight blonde hair was left to pour on her shoulders. The lady held a high level of dominance.
“She's going to be imprisoned for ever. Wow, that's scary. Obviously what no one would wish for.“ The wrinkled woman utters and smirked a little.
If only she knew Marylou would not be staying in jail for long.' Danielle thought as she batted her eyelashes.
“You're her sister. I can see the resemblance.“ She bit her lip and introduced. “Michelle Ortega.“
“Did you and your family know that Fernando was repeatedly hurting my sister. You know what I mean when I say that.“ Danielle was forced to ask.
The woman was nodding. “We did. I mean what could we do.“
Danielle tried hard not to burst in anger. “you people knew about it and couldn't tell him to quit?“
“If none of you did, you should have if you had any conscience left—” Danielle held her breath and words and uttered. “you are a woman for crying out loud. Why are humans despicable.“
“Despicable you say. I don't see anything wrong with what he did. She is, okay not any longer. She was his wife. The only thing he did was going sexual with force. Is there—”
“Oh I pray your daughter experience what my sister went through since you find it okay,“ she cuts sharply into her sentence.
“I'm not married.“
“I wouldn't be surprised.“ She eyed.
“Fernando properties now belongs to us. No heir to take over what he left. What a shame.“
“Was that the reason?“
“What do you mean.“
“You all hated her because you feared that she would someday own all of Fernando's properties, is that it?“
“Doesn't that seem selfish. How would you want to reap where you didn't sew. Someone from a poor background controlling empires. That shouldn't be.“
“And why's that?“ Danielle was surprised by her response. “My sister didn't want to get married to him but he persuaded she should.“
“Nah. She accepted to because she wanted to live in riches and yeah, you benefited from it.“ Her eyes measured Danielle's cloth. “perfect fabric.“
“I heard that Dilindo is seeking for some partnership with Chevron industries. That is a very wise decision. Imagine how many millions would be made.“
“Why do you care?“ Michelle eyed her.
“I'm the Manager.“ Danielle said and saw her look a bit surprised. “How is it possible that someone from a poor background is the manager of a company like Chevron.“
“I don't believe you.“ Michelle grimaced.
“Sure you wouldn't.“ Danielle paused and kept a straight face. “Chevron will not be in partnership with Dillian. I'm sorry.“
“What do you take me for, a fool” She said with a small laugh.
“Watch me.“ Danielle dialed into her phone for some time.
  “I can't continue to stand here and—” There was a sudden beep on Michelle's phone. The lady stopped in her sentence and looked into the device on her hand. She looked dumbfounded.
“I guess that's the message telling you that Chevron have neglected your family's company desire to partner with them. Yeah, I made that happen.“ Danielle told her. “somebody from poor background could control empires after all.“ She left the woman standing speechless. 
Danielle sat inside her car wishing her Dad would appear and smile and reassure her that everything that was happening was going to be alright. She knew what was going on in her life and wished she'd said something about it to Marylou. She felt guilty she hadn't confided on Marylou, her only family. She had been scared of how Marylou would react. Now Marylou was in a worst situation. Best it remains with me, until then…' she said within.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now