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"What's the problem?" Claire's eyes were staring wide.
"I can't hold it knowing that it had been someone's head." Gracia cried.
"Shh, you said she was looking." Justine reminded. "We should get this over with."
"Are we even sure about this. I'm scared, she's scared, you're scared. She couldn't even hold that." Claire was saying to Justine as she pointed to the skeleton head.
Gracia was going for it again. This time, she was determined to do so. She didn't mind if she could get hurt by a ghost hiding in the corners, 'get this over with' was what rang in her head. Gracia carried the object to them. Justine looked down on the empty face. "Whoever made her to be this way, is evil."
"No eyes. Same as the one i had seen on the mirror." Claire says after Justine.
Gracia still held the skull. She was unendingly withdrawing and releasing her breathing. Her heart was increasing in pounding. "Go for the bones." She told the both of them.
"Now?" Claire was even more terrified of moving. She imagined that the owner of the skull on Gracia's hand was somewhere watching, waiting for the moment to attack.
"Yeah, now." Gracia said.
Justine hesitantly started making way to the cupboard. Her steps were a slow march. She was gazing at the back of the cupboard, and saw the bones. Justine identified the hands, and legs. She carefully stooped low and closed her eyes with a little sigh, before holding the hard bone. She refused to look at it as she walked up to them.
"Gross..." Claire removed her eyes from the thing in Justine's palm.
"Claire, it's your turn." Gracia informed.
"Okay." Claire did a slight nod, and bit her lower lip a little. She was afraid as she moved towards the furniture she had once went to without fear. Claire paused for a second before taking the cold bone into her palm. She was shaking as she reached where the two girls stood watching.
"This is awful." Claire was complaining. "What is next, I can't hold this for too long." She said.
Gracia uttered. "The next thing is to seek for her."
"Are we doing so now?" Justine said.
"No. We should remain quiet for a minute."
"Why?" Claire was surprised.
"We are calling her presence."
"Oh Lord." Claire heaved a troubled sigh.
"When we must've held the minute of silence, then we begin the invocation." Gracia knew what she was doing. She had watched few videos of what they are about to do and remembered that she'd attempted to do it 13years ago.
"What are the words." Justine asked. She was going to do something if it meant that she was going to live, and go back to Townfriday to hug her Dad tightly.
"Come Marylou Bellamy we summon you, do what we wish from you. Leave this planet forever." They listened to the words from Gracia. "When reciting this, never let go of Marylou's bones. It could bring something that we would regret." Gracia warned them, she was aware of what was going to happen as they summoned the ghost. She decided it would be best if she left it for her alone to know. They might never want to carry out the invocation if they knew what would occur.
"Are we expecting anything spookily while the evocation takes place?" Justine squinted at Gracia. It was as if she'd read what was in her mind.
"I pray not." Gracia quickly removed her eyes from Justine. She felt like she should say something to them, at least warn them there would. "Are we ready?" She gazed at the both of them.
"I guess so." Justine shrugged. Soon after, there was a noise made like some thumping against the wood wall. The girls were alarmed. Their eyes were fixed at where the sound had come from.
"That seemed like a warning to us, we should begin immediately." Gracia said.
"Wait a minute." Claire says like something had struck in her memory. They looked at her. "It isn't just Marylou's ghost there's to destroy. You said you'd seen Sarah's ghost. Bleeding eyelids." Claire reminded them.
"Of course." Justine uttered as she turns to Gracia. "Are we going to destroy hers too?"
"Can we get this over with first. We're letting ourselves get distracted." Gracia urged lowly.
"What I want to know is whether we would be destroying Sarah's too."
"We aren't sure we would succeed in this one, so be quiet and let's proceed." Gracia said immediately. She was getting impatient. What the girls didn't know was that they were risking themselves. Marylou Bellamy was watching them and could come out any minute from wherever she is to harm them. "Besides, Sarah didn't leave something compelling when she died," Gracia referred to the bones. "and we aren't so sure that she had died in here." She'd put a stress on the word 'so'.
Justine peered at her thoughtfully for a moment and said. "What's the rush since we aren't certain that this would be a success. You know what I think, what I think is that we are just about to begin what we wouldn't be able to finish. This whole shit just looks stupid in my eyes."
"What looks stupid." Gracia asked.
"Calling up a demon and and destroying it? How's that even possible? Instead of we destroying it, it would be it destroying us." Justine knew what she said was wrong. They had got to try at least and see if there's any chance of their survival from here. The presence felt in the room terrified her. In her mind, she imagined Marylou coming at them to kill them as she'd done to Bateman. Justine wished she would wake up from the nightmare if it was one. She looked down on the bone in her clutches, and was afraid. Justine couldn't believe that she was holding the bone of a dead human whose flesh had been long gone. She saw her hands shaking despite the fact she tried to keep them still, they still shook.
"Come to think of it, if I'd seen Marylou's ghost, and you saw Sarah's ghost, who could be the lady Justine had seen?" Claire queries. She looked confused as she touched her neck. Claire still felt the burn on her throat.
"That's right." Justine said. "How many are they?"
"Just Marylou Bellamy, and Sarah Michigan." Gracia says. Gracia wasn't very sure they were the only ones.
"And the boys, we don't know what had happened to them. What if they'd died too." Claire was tempted to let go of what was in her hand.
"You know what we should be more concerned about, is that we are with Marylou's bones in the very place her ghost is residing." Gracia spoke. "We are only endangering ourselves. Now is the moment to-." She was saying again.
"Fine, I'm in." Justine cuts in. She was going to at least try whatever to be free and go to her father and sister.
"Are you?" Gracia looked at Claire who hesitated for awhile before saying. "Shall we begin."
Gracia breathed in. She was glad that finally they'd agreed, and prayed they don't get distracted again. "We must maintain a minute of quietness and then begin enchanting the words. You know what I'd said, never let go of what you're holding." Gracia was repeating.
Claire looked down on her hands with her heart throbbing wildly. "okay."
"Let's get down to it." Gracia said. The girls avoided eye contacts for awhile before shutting their eyes, and they remained quiet. They felt an awkward presence that filled the room. Gracia was aware of it and began. "Come Marylou Bellamy we summon you, do what we wish from you. Leave this planet forever." The girls followed. They had said the words as many times as they were able to remember when a strange whistle was heard. It scared the girls but they didn't quit conjuring. The whistling came again, this time it sounded like it came from all directions. Claire was uncomfortable. She'd missed a line of the words but covered up immediately. As the whistling occurred, subdued whispers spoke. Then there was whizzing, screams, laughters, cries, torture, jingling like keys echoing all in one time. The bones were jumping on their hands and Gracia held hers firmly. Sweat came off from Justine's forehead as she tried not to let go of the hard skeleton part. Claire continued missing some lines. Gracia was brave enough to open her eyes and she saw everything. The answers to the questions in her heart. Gracia was looking at the scene of how Sarah was tortured in her mind. Sarah was holding her head and was screaming and stomping her feet like she was in pain. Gracia wasn't hearing what Sarah uttered as she watched her cut off her skin with her teeth. The thick blood was visible in the oil lamp as it continuously fell from her hand and dropped on the floor. Gracia finally saw Sarah's eyes, it was the same as the one she'd gazed upon tearing blood. Sarah's eyeballs were red as though she'd been crying a lot. Her hair was scattered about on her face, and Gracia saw her gnash her teeth. The lady was wearing a long pleated skirt, and peach hoodie that was streaked with red. Gracia saw the small boy sitting at the corner of the cupboard next to the bed she was familiar with. He was writing on a paper. He looked frightened and tensioned. His curly hair fell to his face. When Sarah bite away her skin once more, he screamed the words that Gracia couldn't hear.
Gracia found herself in the same room she and the girls where, but it was morning at this time. She gazed at the woman she recognized ripping off a paper from a book. The lady was panicking as she tore the paper into shreds, and hid the pieces inside the pocket of her under garment. Marylou quickly took another book and was moving towards the cabinet, she hid the book under the heavy rug set down next to the furniture. Her hair was wildly unkempt and she tried everything possible to keep it in order with her hand, but it just wasn't staying put. Marylou took out a yellow hairbrush from a shelf and went to the mirror and stuck out the tangled hairs. The woman was more terrified as she brought her eyes away from the cheval glass. She immediately kept the hairbrush in the cupboard and went to the door. Gracia saw herself following behind her. As the scared lady opened the door, a hand went to her neck. She was struggling with the hands holding her tightly. Gracia saw this and was going to help, but her arms weren't moving. It just stayed at her side. The man was with a frown as he slapped Marylou hard across her face and pushed her down. Marylou was pleading. Gracia wasn't hearing the words or sound. It was as though her ears were blocked against the world and she wasn't permitted to hear a thing. The tough looking man pulled Marylou up and punched her face. Gracia tried to read the words on her lips but failed. Then, a lady of Marylou's age entered the tiny door. She looked like she was demanding for something from Marylou and when she didn't get what she came for, she commanded the man to send Marylou into the inner room. The woman's finger pointed to the room Marylou had been in. Marylou was forcefully dragged into the room and, Gracia saw how she was brutally killed behind the cupboard. They had tortured her by plucking away her eyes one after the other, and had torn away her clothes from her body. Gracia saw the lady bring out a scarf from her jacket and wiped her hands, Gracia was straightway recognizing it. The white woman said something to the man, and handed the green scarf to him. He kept it in the shelf, searched the cupboard a little with his fingers, and followed the lady out of the house. Gracia tried to scream but wasn't able to.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now