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Gracia again saw herself on a wide road. She looked forward and saw that she was at the opposite direction of a mental clinic. What brings her here? She wonders and noticed the black lady she was immediately recognizing reaching out to the pocket of her jacket for something, and later strolling towards the clinic. Suddenly it came to her, she was still in the past getting the answers to the questions written in her heart.
It wasn't up to an hour when Sarah walked out of the hospital holding some papers. She saw the hastened woman enter the coming bus. Gracia knew she didn't need a bus to follow the lady.
Sarah stopped at a library, and Gracia watched her reach for something from her purse. It was the same library card they'd seen in the wood house. The door flew open and the lady walked in. She was going through some books about apparition, and after that she walked to one of the computers in the air-conditioned room. Gracia saw her hit the name, Marylou Bellamy. At first, the computer didn't provide any information, but when she put in the name again, the screen was filled with details. She read that Marylou Bellamy was a murderer that was sentenced to life imprisonment and was later let free after she became mad. The familiar pale face of the lady appeared on the screen. She observed Sarah was crying while staring pointedly at the lady on the screen. Gracia saw the terrible wound on the woman's skin, apparently given to her by herself, something the lady on the screen made her do.
Sarah dropped the papers on the bed, and was crying profusely. Her hands were on her head as she paced about. Within a minute, Sarah acted like she'd seen something. Her eyes were clouded with fear as she tries to get away from what Gracia wondered what was. The woman was beginning to hit on the floorboard with her feet as though she wasn't able to contain the pain she was feeling. It looked like she was being tormented by something. Gracia knew she was. Sarah began screaming with terror, tearing her face on the already wounded parts, and Gracia saw the three little boys of the same size rushing in with fearful expression. They look not surprised meaning they were aware that that usually happened to her. Gracia looked at the soil smudges on their clothes and reasoned they must have been playing before they heard the loud cry. In someway, Gracia wished they were able to see her. The boys scampered at a corner, just one was brave enough to approach the screaming lady, and that was the same boy she'd seen writing beside the cupboard. The red haired child had begun crying too, and was saying something. Probably pleading for the woman to stop. The woman gazed at Gracia's way and shouted with fright. That terrified Gracia. Gracia tried to move but couldn't. She felt stiff.
  Gracia's questions had been answered. She'd witnessed how Marylou Bellamy was killed, seen the way Sarah was tortured, the boy with the handwriting on the paper, and how Marylou's mental papers got to the cabin. But there was more, what made Marylou stab her husband and…, Gracia was agape. How would they have forgotten about Marylou dying on the motor accident. She was suddenly remembering the record they'd read through. 'Who the hell are you, Marylou Bellamy.'

       West Bandoos. 1669

A young beautiful blonde girl was knitting a woolen pink jacket when she was called by a husky voice. She titled her head a little and wondered why her father was still awake. Normally her father takes the afternoon nap until evening, when he wakes for supper. Ever since her Dad had a stroke, she had been the one looking after him. She made sure she gives him his medicines as the nurses had prescribed, assist him with bathing and changing of his clothes, and comb his ever white curly hair. She had left him for her room after seeing that he shut his eyes, why isn't he sleeping yet. She thought to herself and walked to the door.
“Daddy.“ She said and went to the small room they made the sitting room. “You aren't sleeping…” she let her eyes to the other side of the room and saw a tall bearded man with expensive shoes and clothes. He quickly smiled at her before she removed her eyes. The woollen jacket she was knitting was still clutched in her hands. “You should be resting, Dad. The nurse warned us. Who is he?“ One thing her father knew about her was that she was an outspoken and confident person with the sweetest of heart.
“Marylou, sit next to me.“ She looked at her weak father and felt pity. She was letting go of what was in her hands to the stool by the corner of the wall and went to sit close to her Dad. Her eyes didn't go away from her father's face as he remained quiet.
“Daddy, is everything okay?“ Mr. Walker was a retired farmer who had worked at a cotton farm when he was still a strong man. He saw to it to train her to the only school in the small community. He cherished her with his whole life before and after her mother died. Every moment he looks at her he saw his wife Cindy in her. Her smile, to her eyes and to the way she speaks, screams Cindy. After Cindy had died of a lung cancer, Mr. Walker had forged ahead in marrying his school mate many years ago, Bianca Lawson, she had given birth to a baby girl before she got missing. Many swore she'd ran away into the hands of a man that would be able to afford the expensive diamonds and bracelets she always admired on the body of the models in the trendy magazines. Mr. Walker was left alone with the duty of parenting both of his children. At 16, Danielle, Marylou's stepsister, was a brave teenage lass who loved to fish and had taken permission earlier from Mr. Walker to go fishing with the fishermen who was always out by noon.
“Is it some bad news?“ She looked perplexed as no one was saying anything. “Dad, you're making me worried.“ And truly she was growing worried.
“Marylou, he wants to marry you.“ The tired man said plainly. With no emotions, but deep inside of him he felt like tearing. His wish for his daughter was to marry someone she loves but as the situation seems, she might be forced to get married to the man sitting across them. Marylou tried hard not to believe what her father uttered. She slowly brought her eyes to examine the already aged man with a cowboy hat. He looked like an important person. Perhaps an estate owner.
“Hi, dear. I'm Fernando Bellamy. Your father is right. I want to marry you.“ His accent came out clean like a scholar. She looked at him and observed he must be twice her age. She'd the urge to shout at him that she doesn't see her self in any relationship yet, maybe after she was done with higher level of education and had become the professional lawyer she wanted to be, and even though she wanted to tie the knot it wouldn't be to someone as old as he is. Marylou watched him for some while, she gazed at his beards to his neck tie before she uttered. “You want to marry me.“ Her anger was rising, to think he said so with confidence. For Christ sake she could pass to be his young sibling, or even so his daughter.
The tall man's feet continuously clapped on the floor rug as he said. “of course. I see you countless times on my farm. From the very moment I looked at you, I knew I'd fallen in love.“
'Oh the farm' he owned the large vegetable garden? Marylou was thoughtful for awhile. If he did, then he was the drunk owner that was rumoured about in the farm. Marylou was able to provide the little they eat from her labor on the farm. The farm manager wasn't at all nice to her and always find any chance he gets to attack and ridicule her. Always reminding her of her poor status. Like he'd once told her that she shouldn't be so free-spoken since she wasn't of any class in the society but a poor hungry girl. Lo and behold, the owner of the same place she begs to work for some income was in her small home seeking her hands in marriage. It wouldn't be bad to teach the arrogant Mr. Bills some lesson. She squints at the expectant matured man's face. “Dad are you seriously telling me to marry him, he's too old for me.“ She wasn't afraid she'd said so to his hearing. Her Dad didn't respond. It was so obvious by his look that he doesn't want her to. What was making him to do so. Marylou imagined.
“I could make your dreams come true. Don't you want to live the life you dream of. I can erect a better house for your father. I want to make your beauty bloom. You haven't tasted the other side of this life. Staying in this kind of place alone is very much depressing,“ he said in a more persuasive voice as he lets his eyes move about the room. “Your Dad's farm wouldn't be taken away from him. Just give me the permission to make you my wife. As my wife you would control everything I own.“
Was that it. Was it why he wants her to marry him. Marylou looked at her tired looking father. Her father's farm was the only piece of property her late grandfather left for him. It was a small land but they saw it as something that should be passed onto generations.
“I would leave you to think about it, carefully.“ Fernando was getting up. He touched his neck tie and rubbed his coloured beards, before stepping out of the house. She gazed at her father and could hear a car honk and driving away. Definitely that of Fernando's. She knew that that would be the next topic in her village since no one in the community own a car. Slowly she lets her eyes search her father's face to maybe read what went through in his mind. Before she could utter a word to him, he was already saying. “I agreed because of you and the life of your sister.“ Marylou could see the tears inside his eyes and her heart skipped a bit.
“Dad, what do you mean,“ her voice was surprisingly low.
“In a few more weeks I might be gone. We aren't so sure I would still be—”
“No dad.“ Marylou shook a head. “Don't say that.“
“I can feel it.“ He wasn't looking at her way. His eyes was focused on the direction from where Fernando had just left. “If I'm gone I would want to know that I ain't leaving you alone with your sister to suffer. He would take care of you. You wouldn't bother to struggle so hard just to eat. And you would wear the beautiful clothes you only see on the newspapers. Marylou…” This time he was bringing his eyes to her. “My death is fast approaching. I see your mum everytime in my sleep calling me to her and I know—” he stopped talking and closed his eyes for a second. Marylou knew that he was trying hard not to cry. He wanted to look strong, even though he was weak.
“Daddy,” she whispered and dropped her hands on his.
“Fernando, came here few days ago and we talked for some moment about you.“ It was surely the day she'd gone to work on his farm. “I was deeply worried about it. At first, I didn't want to agree, but then again I thought about it. You could complete your schooling. You could be the lawyer you'd always desired to be.“ The tears falling off from Marylou's eyes was an emotional one. His words were hurting her heart so bad. Obviously he didn't noticed that she cried. He had cataracts and because the treatment was very expensive, an amount she'd never touched in her lifetime, he was left to live with it. “I'm sorry that I am making you to do this. Yes, you don't know him. You don't even love him, but my wish for you is to see you happy before and even after my death.“
She cleared her throat a little and said. “The farm. What's with our farm?“
“I was informed days ago that the government wants to expand the road and it affected our farm. He promised to use his influence to make them not to.“
Marylou was quiet. “This house was given to me by my late parents, it's so old but—”
“Don't say anything about the house,” she cuts in. “I don't have any issue staying here for the rest of my life. I just want you and my sister alive and well for me.“ That was her greatest desire.
“It would be taken away from us very soon,“ her father said. She couldn't believe her ears.  “Our home? Who would want to take our house away from us.“
“Your stepmother used this place as a collateral when she borrowed money. The lady she'd collected the large sum from had come in one afternoon to tell me that—”
“Why didn't you tell me? How much is it.“ Marylou asked. She was very surprised.
“1000. I thought she was missing. I didn't know she'd ran away from us.“ Marylou looked well and noticed the little tear that came on his lids. 1000 was a lot of money. She only received a little tip from her job and before she would work to pay, it might be forever. She moved closer to him and threw her arms around him in warm embrace. The thought of her marrying the aged man made her stomach knot.
“Is everything okay?“ Her sister's inquisitive eyes watched them. They hadn't noticed when she walked in. “should I join the hug,“ she added showing off her teeth. Marylou looked at her from her head down to her toes. Danielle wasn't privileged to go to the elementary school in the community but she was able to learn faster by making friends with the retired old teacher that stays some distance away from their home. She goes there during weekends from the moment she'd clocked 10, to be educated by Mrs Jones who never relents to share her knowledge with her. Hearing her speak, one might think she had completed the elementary school and higher level of schooling. Marylou saw the water that soaked her trousers. “Did you catch any fish.“ She tried to sound like there was no problem.
“Of course I did. Today came in great quantity. It's at the front yard.“ The young girl said.
“How many.“
“Twelve. They are sizeable.“
“Wow.“ Marylou was amazed. On norms she came home with the least two and maximum four. “Today is indeed a great day.“
“Yeah it is.“ She agreed.
“Dad, how're you.“ She walked up to her father and gave him a peck. Her gesture would pass as a model. “Why, what happened, Dad.“ The kind of person Danielle was was someone who would read your mood even if you try so hard to hide it. She had done so to Marylou, but decided to say nothing.
Marylou knew what troubled her father. He was scared that when he dies, she and her sister would be left homeless and the cruelty of the world would taunt them. She gazed at him and her sister and knew what she had to do.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now