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May 20, 1692.

Sabrina and Marylou arrived in Reshforf city and talked to a cab driver who recommended an inn for their stay. It was the only suitable inn in the area for people of their status. He'd mentioned. The others were motel where men and women go to have fun.
As the man drove, Marylou glanced at Sabrina who was wearing some shades and a pink cap. She recalled how furious she'd been after finding out that she had gone over to Fernando's house. Sabrina had seen the large bag under the bed and questioned her about it. Marylou had hid it from her for more than a week.
Sabrina noticed the changes with clothes that she didn't give to her and that made her search the room demanding that Marylou tells her the truth about where the sunglasses and the jacket she was wearing on that particular day came from. Sabrina pushed down the television from the plug and kicked the coffee table roughly. Marylou couldn't still believe that she'd reacted in such manner and she saw how violent she could be for a second. Sabrina had talked to her the next hour how she destroy things whenever she is angry and she showed her the scar on her neck. She told her that she was the reason the scar was there. She'd torn into her own skin with a knife. Marylou was surprised and wanted to know what must've angered her to the extent she inflicted such an injury on herself. The scar she saw had definitely been a painful wound she could never believe someone would give to themself. Marylou sensed that she lied to cover up her secret and to stop her from glancing on the neck with inquisitive eyes. The secret she have found out.
Sabrina found out about the bag but never the credit cards. Marylou made sure she wouldn't.
“You know I'm surprised that you continue to help me although I haven't paid you any money.“ Marylou broke into the silence and Sabrina turned and looked at her apparently having thoughts on what to respond with.
“We signed a loan.“ she uttered, and the thought of the document in her cupboard came to Marylou. Marylou swallows the anger rising in her stomach. “I don't have any money.“ Her voice came out in the wrong note and quickly she added,“I wish I did.“
“You are going have to work to pay me.“ Sabrina said, and Marylou became quiet.
The car stopped at the front of a tall building. Marylou looked out of the window and saw few people going into the hotel with smaller bags compared to theirs. Sabrina was the first to step out after paying the man some cash.
They carried their bags with them into the building and was met by a man wearing a hat who looked at them and their bags with suspicion. He demanded to see the statement from where they lived after Sabrina explained to him that they have just relocated from their country to be in the city. The inn keeper was wondering why because Reshforf was an old city no one would ever want to leave where they were staying for. Sabrina provided a paper and her identity card showing her house address in Bandoos. She didn't know he would ask for it. if she did, she would've faked the papers for Marylou.
The man refused to give Marylou a room when she couldn't provide hers. He told them a story of how he housed a wanted criminal that later threatened to kill him if he doesn't house him for more weeks, fortunately the criminal was arrested. Since then he'd stopped accepting travelers without a record of where they live. Sabrina suppressed her annoyance as she waited to hear everything that was said. She was thinking of where Marylou would spend the night when the aged man said. “Since you've got no place to stay for the meantime I would let you stay at my cabin.“ For the first time he spoke Sabrina was eager to hear him out. “I inherited it from my late parents. No one has ever lived there since they died. You can stay there for as long as you want.“ he told Marylou.
Sabrina nods and smiled a little. “Thanks. We would like to know the place.“
“I would take you there. Is she your family?“ The man looked at Marylou and then Sabrina.
“Yes. We are relatives.“ Sabrina lied.
“Georgetown Boswell.“ He introduced and so did the ladies.
Sabrina paid the pronounced bill and was showed to her room. She touched the bed with a nod and was satisfied with the surrounding. A cushion and table was on a side of the room. She'd paid for a comfortable place and they didn't fail to give to her. Sabrina changed into something casual and met Marylou sitting patiently at the waiting area talking to the inn keeper who at intervals would instruct his workers especially the boy with blonde hair. Marylou was aware the hair wasn't natural and found out from Georgetown that the boy was the person in charge whenever he wasn't in the premises. He told her that he saw how dedicated and hardworking the boy was and had made him his assistant.
“I'm here.“ Sabrina came behind the man who was repeatedly touching his overgrown white beards.
“I see you've freshened up.“ The man gazed at her and she didn't respond.
“How are we going to get there?“ Sabrina said instead. She refused to meet his eyes.
“We can go now. I will take the both of you in my truck.“
“How many miles from here.“ Sabrina asked.
“It's quite a long distance.“ He told her and clapped his hands before uttering. “Shall we?“ Marylou stood from the chair and Sabrina followed them outside.
They got away from the car and looked at the house built of wood on a hill. The wind blew on their hairs as the inn keeper said. “Make yourself feel at home.“ He walked towards the entrance door.
Marylou thought the house was not so bad as she threw her eyes at everywhere and all the corners of the house. She saw the man pause for some seconds and smile and she noticed there were tears in his eyes. “are you okay, Georgetown.“ She asked.
“Of course. Why?“ He looked at her with a sniffle.
“It's looks like you're going to cry.“ Her eyes were still watching him.
Georgetown smiled a little and said. “Memories. I was just thinking about them.“
“Your late parents?“ Sabrina said from where she leaned against the wall.
“Yeah. It's 30 years since they died. I'm the only child they had after so many years of love and marriage. I can't tell you everything.“
“You miss them.“ Marylou said and he looked at her and said. “Yes. This place brought back their memories. It's been so long I came here. I did a week after they died to clean up and since then I haven't and I feel guilty.“
“What killed them.“ It was Sabrina.
“My Dad died of an heart attack and my Mum two weeks after. She couldn't live without my him. She'd stayed up all night grieving. They were really old but I wanted them to live forever.“
“Everyone wishes for that too but what can we do.“ Marylou blinked out the tears blinding her eyes.
“I never saw my parents.“ Sabrina bit her lip. “somethings should be left unsaid,“ she says when she saw their attention was on her.
“I should get going.“ The man stared at his wristwatch and adjusted his hat. “your coming with?“ he gazed to Sabrina.
“Sure.“ Sabrina told him. “I'll visit from time.“ She brought Marylou to a corner.
“Okay.“ She nods.
“You know the agreement.“ It seemed to Marylou that Sabrina wanted her to always have it in her mind.
“I wouldn't forget for anything.“
“That's good.“ she threw her a smile before walking out of the door.
Marylou stood outside and watched them drive farther down the rocky dry land before returning back into the house. 
She was quiet as she looked into her bag and brought out the credit cards from where she'd hid it. Marylou recounted it. It was the exact number, 7. When she succeed in getting to Africa, she was going to buy a house and live comfortably. She was sad that Danielle wouldn't be coming with her.
Marylou dropped the bag beside the bed and went to take the pizza they bought on their way to the inn. Marylou couldn't eat a mouthful. She forced herself to swallow the pizza in her mouth and hurried the lemon drink.
Marylou looked at the mirror in the other room and loved it. She smiled at herself and winked. Very soon she was going to be free and live happily. She was glad that she'd taken the risk of going to Fernando's house.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now