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Gracia woke up to see the fire in her front warming her up and was very thankful. She sat upright from the tree and blinked at the morning sun that was shining most brightly down. Gracia looked up to the sky and didn't see her friends. They were going to come out in the night. She prayed a little and did the sign of the cross. It was a habit whenever she wakes up in the morning. She was mastered to it. Gracia saw Lee sitting on a rock some meters from where she sat. Lee was checking the wound on his leg. She saw there was nothing tied on the leg this time and she hesitated standing to go see the wound. She cared and so she did.
Lee didn't notice her approach him. "Sorry.“ Her eyes saw the thick blood stained to his jeans and a cut through the black trousers. “It looks painful.“ She pitied him and touched his shoulder. Lee adjusted for her to sit.
“It is. Good morning.“ He threw his eyes to her face and brought them to the ground before him.
“Who would've thought the sun was going to come out.“ Her eyes squints to the clouds. It was beautiful. “when did you do that?“ She pointed to the fire burning slowly on the woods.
“When I saw you shivering. I had to walk some miles in search of some woods that weren't that moist and I lit up the fire.“ he told her and combed through his hair with his fingers.
“Thank you.“ She said, and he nodded.
“Now it is dawn we should start moving. We are going to be lucky today.“ Gracia spoke after some minutes passed.
“Are we.“ he was doubting they would find the way out of the trees surrounding them.
“We should have faith, Lee.“ she beheld his face.
“Don't get me wrong, I do. But we must expect the worst too.“ he uttered and closed his eyes.
“Did you have enough sleep?“ Gracia looked at him. As for herself, she did.
“I did have rest. I'm not a long sleeper. You know that I am not.“ his tone was that of why are you asking me what you know already. They sat and stared into thin air. Gracia was thinking about what happened last night. She thought of Justine and then her witnessing Marylou's past. 'what a mystery.' she mumbled the words.
   After an hour of sitting without them uttering any word, Gracia stood from the rock and was moving. She knew that was the only way to make him get his butt up and start walking.
“Let's take that way.“ Gracia pointed to the west side.
  They'd walked quite some distance and Lee groaned. Gracia looked behind her and could tell it was because of his leg. “We should rest for some while.“ She looked at him with concern.
“We don't have to stop because of me. It's nothing. I stumbled on a stone. I wasn't very careful.“
“Come on, don't blame yourself.“ She held his hands and they took the left way.
They noticed that they were moving to and fro the woods and Lee stopped walking, so did Gracia.
“Maybe we would remain here forever. Maybe we should admit that we are lost.“ Lee felt like crying and went to sit on a log his eyes sighted. His tummy rumbled loud enough for Gracia to hear.
“We mustn't give up for the sake of our friends and ourselves. There's no way we would survive here, with no water or food.“ She said when she saw he was giving up.
  “Can't you see there's no hope left for us.“
“There's hope Lee. We are healthy and alive.“
“I don't mean healthy, I mean there's no hope of us leaving this forest. What makes you think they would allow us.“
“They?“ Gracia was immediately freaked out of the last statement
“The spirits that lives here.“ Lee didn't believe he said that. There was a time he never believed in ghosts. They were just some human belief just as mermaids, he would've said.
“We must try. I'm going to keep my word to Justine. She is—”
“Justine is dead for crying out loud. Is she seeing you walk back and forth? If she is then she would have no choice than to consider.“ Lee cuts sharply into her statement.
“So what do you suggest. We stay here until dark and maybe die of thirst or hunger. No, probably be a meal to some evil creature.“ Gracia said, and Lee didn't say any other word.
  Gracia sighed and looked far from where she stood. The forest was something else. How on earth can they not be able to locate their way if it wasn't evil. She was grateful to God that he didn't let anything bad happen to her while she'd slept. She made out the trees sighing and laughing at them. Gracia rolled her eyes and folded her arms. She wasn't going to accept the negative fate pushing it's weight to her. She would leave the forest.
“Lee, we should get going.“ she said and looked at him. He didn't respond immediately.
“And come back again?“ He stared at her. She could tell he was tired and his leg made matters worst. But they had to try.
“We have to try, Lee.“ Claire is somewhere here laying dead exposed for the vultures. We mustn't give up." she says with the pain filling inside her heart.
It appeared to her he left where he was sitting because of the words she said. “Let's go.“ Lee exhaled audibly and stuffed his right hand to his pocket. He wanted to try again. Maybe this time they would be lucky.
  Gracia and Lee came again to the familiar place. It seemed as though the forest was playing with them. She saw the fire on the wood had burn out. There was no hope left in Lee again and Gracia saw that. She wanted to cry. Her legs were suddenly weak. The images of Bate and the bones in the dark room came right in front of her eyes and Gracia cried the cry she was holding back. Lee saw this and tried to console her but she wasn't having it. He was as hurt as she was.
  Gracia removed her both palm from her face and stared at the thin air for a moment. She'd suddenly stopped sobbing. “The signboard.“ She said the word. Lee turned and gazed at her. He didn't understand what she meant. Her wet eyes went to Lee's surprised face and she said. “the signboard Justine had seen.“
“What signboard did Justine see?“
“Chopped at the ends.“ She says. “Justine had seen it at the time she saw the lady whose feet didn't touch the ground.“ Gracia rushed the words.
“Yeah. But she didn't mention seeing a signboard.“ he was remembering the time they were heading to the cabin and Justine's words of them not to go in. He could still make out her face. She looked scared when she'd told them of the pregnant woman that walked into the trees and disappeared. Of course he didn't believe then.
“She would've if you and Bate had let her. We could've all gone home alive. Justine, Bateman and Claire wouldn't have died.“ Her eyes were widely opened as she said.
“What on earth are you even saying.“ He watched her. “How did you know there was a board if she didn't tell us.“
“Justine told me and Claire about it at the time we were together in the cabin.“
“She'd tried to give us a sign.“ Gracia mutters.
“Who tried to give us a sign?“
“The lady with feet not reaching the ground.“ Gracia responded.
“Let's say Justine had seen correct, Isn't this lady supposed to be a ghost.“
“She knew we were in danger and tried to tell Justine but we weren't listening to her. I wish we did, oh God.“ Gracia uttered instead and held her head.
“Gracia, calm down.“ he feared she might be running nuts and he reached for her. “Gracia take a deep breath.“
“The lady must've been a victim of Marylou, that was why she tried to show us the way out.“ Gracia said and continued. “she tried to tell us the way on how to leave. She was trying to show us how to leave, Lee. This lady should be Sarah?“ she wasn't so sure.
“Who is Sarah?“ He was confused.
“The tallest of trees.“ Gracia remembered the discussion she, Claire and Justine had. “Lee,” she turned to him. “We would've to go back to the route going down to the cabin house.“
“There's no way I'm seeing that place again. Are you even sane?“ Lee said but Gracia ignored him and said. “That is the only way to leave this place.“ Gracia knew she was right and was moving. Lee had no choice than to follow.
They stood meters away looking at the little house that brought the pain inflicted on their hearts. It appeared different in the morning light compared to how it was at night. Gracia went to stand at the very spot she guessed Justine stood when she told them not to go into the cabin house. It was still very clear in her mind's eye. She recalled Justine pointing the torchlight to the left and she turned to the left and squinted at the sun. She glanced on the trees and her eyes caught the tallest tree with a board on it. Gracia was hurriedly going to it. Her eyes saw the engraved words. “the way back.“
“Lee. Look!“ Gracia showed him. She was happy and thankful Justine had said something about this. “Finally.“ She smiled to him with tears on her eyelids.
“We aren't so sure.“ Lee pointed out. “It could be a trap or something.“
“There's only one way to find out.“ Gracia looked back at the house and bowed a little before stepping up on her speed to the road leading on the signboard.
“Should we keep on going straight.“ Lee mentioned behind her.
“That should be it.“ Gracia mutters. She broke off a branch that came at her way. She was anxious to go out of the trees as her legs covered up huge spaces at every footstep that was made.
   Gracia and Lee walked quite a huge distance and suddenly found themselves out of the tall trees. Gracia couldn't believe it. “The car!“ she notified Lee. Her eyes had caught it at the far side. She ran over to the vehicle with all of her might. It was the way they'd left it.
“Lee, we found our way out of there.“ Gracia said with tearful eyes. Her heart was throbbing.
“We aren't out of here, yet.“ Lee looks about the isolated place. The sun was heating much harder this time making him to sweat.
“We found the car.“ She said.
“Yeah, but it's punctured.“ He tried to open it.
“Claire has the keys. She had handed us the torchlights so, it must be her.“ Gracia said, and brought her hand on her forehead. She sucked her spit to quench her dried throat.
  The two friends heard a car honk from a distance. “Was that a car, or…“ Gracia wanted to be sure. Her eyes were glimpsing at almost every direction.
The sound came again.
“Over here!“ Lee was running towards the truck that had come in sight. He was throwing his arms on the air.
“We need assistance!“ Gracia said on top of her voice. It was as though the driver noticed them because he stopped moving. They saw the car turning for their direction.
“Lee, it's coming close.“ Gracia said to him. At first, she felt an unhappiness that washed through her, at the same time she was grateful for being alive.
The truck stopped at the front of them. A man wearing a yellow hat popped out his head from the driver's window. “hola! What's wrong?“ he looked at their faces.
“We need your help to go to the inn we stay. It's miles away and our car broke down.“ Lee called out and pointed to the car. He had read the words on the company truck. It was a paper company and the man that looked mid-fourties with a mustache seemed to have come for woods.
“That's very bad.“ The man eyes were on the car. “Where on earth where you two going this early in this woods?“ He questioned.
“Please help us.“ Gracia said tiredly. She was going to explain everything to someone soon enough definitely not now.
“Of course.“ He nodded. “Just come into the car.“
Gracia was thankful as they got in. “You should call a tow truck to move it to the nearest mechanic.“ the man said and Gracia nods.
“Hello, Mara here.“ The young girl seated at the front that they hadn't noticed said to them.
“Hi.“ Gracia showed a small smile to her.
“She's my daughter.“ The man told them and was driving.
“I'm going to miss them, Lee.“ Gracia said softly enough for Lee to hear. Lee gave a nod. He was missing them as much as she was. He thought about what Gracia said and he felt bad. She was right. If only they had believed what Justine was saying and stopped to hear her out and understand everything, then his friends wouldn't have died. He wouldn't have experienced what he did back in the forest. He didn't know how he would continue his life without his buddy Bateman having his back and always being there for him anytime he wanted him. Lee knew he didn't only lose his friends but family. The first thing he knew he was going to do when he gets to his room was to pick up his phone and dial his Aunty. His mind went to Dora, but he sharply removed the thought.
Gracia didn't stop gazing on the window to the woods where her friends had died. She was remembering everything from the first time they entered into the tunnel of trees. She was going to go to Townfriday and inform their families, how they would react that's for the future to tell but she could tell it would be more than devastating to them. She recalled Justine words. “if any of us makes it out of this place alive, please never forget ourselves, or Lee and Bate.'' She knew she had to keep the promise. Gracia knew she would never forget their memory of their night in the cabin. How she wished they were alive and had found their way out together. She couldn't stop the tears falling down from her eyes. Lee and the young girl noticed but didn't utter a word.


Gracia was sitting on a couch reminiscing about the night in the cabin house when a call came on the telephone. She went to the phone and could recognize the phone number. Quickly, she placed the phone to her ears and heard the words, 'hello, please help me.' then the line was cut off. She tried to contact the number but it failed. Gracia knew who had spoken. Claire was alive.

                           The End

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