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       West Bandoos, 1662

It was a party organized by the Dilindo's group of companies, a joint company where Fernando has the upper hand. The party was hosted at a beautiful resort in the city. Mr. Fernando's siblings and relatives were present as well as they each owned a reasonable share in the company. Marylou allowed her eyes to the beautiful pool in the garden. The water was bright blue and she felt like going in and staying there for some while. Marylou had accepted his proposal the next day he came to her home and she remembered how excited he'd been. Indeed money could get anything done in this world.
Before Marylou's father died, she saw how happy he was. She was thankful he didn't die sad, and as Fernando has promised, he erected a beautiful cottage for her father before his death.
Marylou reminisced three years ago when her father died. She and her sister were present holding their father's hand tightly. He laid on the hospital bed, his voice was so low and his eyes were filled with water. He wasn't happy he was leaving the world for them alone, but he was satisfied knowing they aren't going to lack anything. He made Fernando promise him that. The old man kissed their hands and promised to always watch over them after death, and within seconds the hands of death snatched him away. There had been weeping and mourning between the girls. 'rest in peace, papa.' Danielle had said.
With her heart filling with sadness, Marylou looked down at her feet, the ornaments reflecting from her shoes were so beautiful. Marylou sipped a little wine, and enjoyed it. It was a very lovely taste. Indeed the rich enjoyed lots of things the poor wouldn't.  
Marylou thoughts were interrupted when her husband said, “I want you to meet my relatives. They didn't attend our wedding because they stay very far.“ What an excuse. She knew very well the reason why they didn't attend. She was from a low status. Just a poor retired farmer's child. They didn't see her worthy to be in their midst.
“But they deemed it fit to attend this party and not the wedding, wow.“ Her voice was low. Fernando only looked at her and said nothing.
They were walking up to some group of people standing and chit chatting with glasses of wine in their palm. They wore very expensive clothes and jewelries on their necks and wrists. She could tell they were so costly since she always goes to shop for clothing with the credit card Fernando had handed over to her. Undoubtedly they seemed like people of the high social status. Something they were.
The first man that saw them signalled the others with the words. “Fernando!“ He brought out his arm wide enough to hug two people the same time.
“Uncle.“ They hugged. “Meet my wife, Marylou Bellamy.“ Fernando said so with pride. His wife was the most stunning he'd ever seen and by their gazes he was sure they knew too.
“Have you talked to the CEO of Billingsgate. He wants to have a meeting with the board of directors.“ The uncle was further saying.
“Hello, I'm Marylou, nice to meet you too. “ Marylou said when she noticed she had been snubbed.
“Hmm.“ His eyes were on her body. She was pretty but would still remain the nobody she was to him.
“Hi,” a petite lady with a little sunburn face and crimson hair waved at her. “you're looking dashing. What's your secret?“ Marylou saw she wanted to come closer to her but was held back by a tall slender woman that didn't stop looking at her.
“A very adorable necklace from Greg Bandolier.“ The tall woman glares to Marylou's neck. “Certainly you can't afford that. What a privilege to get married to a wealthy man. You wouldn't have to lift a muscle to work.“ Marylou looked at the woman she saw impolite. There was a high note of jealousy hidden in her tune.
Marylou smiled. “It's indeed a privilege. And not only do I own this, I own a lot more. I own everything he owns. Yeah,“ she nodded when saw the woman looked at her surprised. Definitely she wasn't expecting the kind of response from her. “The estate, wine bar, and the company, all belongs to me.“ Marylou was so pissed by what the woman had said and didn't regret a bit of what she replied. The woman scowled and turned away with a huff.
“Why did you say that?“ Fernando came to her ears. He wasn't so surprised. He knew his wife, she was someone that wouldn't let anybody say hateful things, or try to be rude to her. His family were rude and weren't even trying to hide it. Somehow he felt some pity for her, it wasn't her fault she was born poor, why do they take it out on her.
“You heard when she was belittling me. I'm your wife you should fight for me.“ She responded much louder throwing the bad eye to the people glaring at her before stomping away.
“The guts. You can still divorce her. Are you scared she would take your properties, you don't have to worry since I have the influence and power to make her leave without a penny.“ The voice of a man uttered behind Marylou. The urge of turning around to say her mind enveloped her, instead she gave her glass to the man wearing a uniform and walked to the restroom.
Marylou was repeatedly wetting her face and she blinked her eyes at the wide mirror. The mascara she put there had washed off. Her hair was in a french twist by one of the best hairdresser in the country. She knew how much money she paid to the blonde lady. It would sum five years if she ever had to work for the money. She saw the tears in her eyes and took a long breath in. 'you are going to be fine, Marylou. You only have to ignore the insults.' she knew very well she wouldn't. That was never how she was raised. She was raised to say her mind no matter the circumstance. 'daddy, I miss you so much.' she said in-between tears. Whenever she remembers her father's death, she felt a pierce of pain that would bring tears rolling down her eyes.
Marylou sniffled when she figured that she had been in the restroom for over an hour. She felt like staying there much longer. Certainly, Fernando would be searching for her.
Marylou was dressing the curls made with her hair when her phone rang. 'My sunshine' the name appeared on her phone screen. It was her sister. She didn't hesitate to answer the call. Her sister was in Baycity schooling. Marylou had paid her fees to school there. It was one of the most prestigious school in the world. The school was only for the influential and Marylou swore to make sure that she graduated from there. She promised herself to see to it Danielle obtains a degree that herself, her late parents and grandparents didn't.
“Can't hear you…“ her sister's voice came audibly.
“How're you?“ Marylou asked.
“I'm fine, how're you and of course, Fernando?“
“I'm okay. We are at the party organized by the company. I'm so tired, I just want to go home and sleep until morning.“ She told her sister.
“It's late there?“
“The time is 10 am over here.“
“How's school. I know you wouldn't call me if it's nothing serious. Tell me what is it?“
Danielle remained quiet and that made Marylou scared for a bit.
“Danielle, what's the problem?“
“It's nothing. I'm okay. I only wanted to check up on you.“
“Danielle, you can tell me anything. Is it money? I would send you any amount.“ Marylou was concerned.
“I'm fine. You don't have to be worried. And, it's not money. You've already given me a lot.“ Her voice came sweetly.
“I love you.“ Marylou said.
“Love you much.“ And the phone call went off. For some moment Marylou stared at herself at the mirror. She noticed the difference between when she was in the slum and now. It was a huge difference.
  Marylou looked forward and saw her husband obviously searching for her. She rolled her eyes and walked towards him. Her shoes giving some melody to the crystal floor.
“Where have you been?“ Fernando's eyes reached to her face.
“At the restroom trying to understand why I'm to be blamed for coming into this world, poor." her voice was solid.
He was quiet and then said, “About that, I'm sorry.“
“It doesn't make any difference since they are not the ones apologizing. Is the party over, I'm tired already.“
“We are just getting started. But for your sake, I would have to say 'Au revoir' to it.“ She appreciated. Fernando was a very pleasing man, he was willing to go miles for her sake  but when he becomes annoying it would be to an extreme level.
“Thank you.“ She sighed and they were walking together to say goodbye to his relatives. Marylou refused to hold his hand when he brought it to hers.

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now