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  May 4, 1692. 8:00pm

A dark skin man wearing the nurse's uniform and mask he'd stolen hid and watched closely to the direction of the doorway leading to Marylou's room. He saw the caregiver leave the room and waited patiently for minutes before he proceeded to the door.
The man opened the door, and his eyes went to the lady he was instructed to help get away from the clinic. The woman looked at his way and smiled stupidly. She was getting the act right that for some moment he'd thought that she was in truth mad.
"Mrs Marylou.“ He said and removed his gloves. Marylou pretended she didn't hear him and whistled. 
“You can stop with the pretense now.“
Marylou cocked her head and continued whistling.
“I am the man sent from Sabrina to take you out of this place.“ He informed. Marylou stopped whistling and stared at the masked guy.
He noticed she wanted to see his face. “Call me, Derek.“ He removed his face mask. Marylou looked at the violent and yet innocent face gazing back at her. “We need to leave here, immediately.“
“I was treated few minutes before you came in. I can tell you it's risky right now. The nurse that checked up on me said she was going to be back soon.“ Marylou told the man when she saw that he was on her side.
“I saw her leave.“ Derek uttered with a nod.
“I can't leave with this clothes.“ She showed him the patient gown.
“I know. I got some Pyjamas from the store across for you to change into.“ He reached for his backpack and took the clothes out.
“Thanks.“ She caught hold of the clothes.
“Go into the bathroom and change, quickly.“
”Right away.“ Marylou agreed and she went into the bathroom.
Marylou prayed that she doesn't get caught as she pulled up the hospital uniform. 
There came a tap on the bathroom door and Marylou realized herself. What was she thinking? She was mad at herself. She had been staring at the the mirror that she forgot that she was about to escape the clinic and prison.
“Are you alright?“ It was Derek.
“Yeah-yeah, I'm fine.“ She answered immediately and brushed her fingers through her hair.
“We must hurry.“ He said when she comes out of the door. “I'll check outside.“
“All clear.“ He said after looking out of the room door. He scattered her hair to her face and said, “follow behind me.“
They got out of the clinic successfully without anyone having the slightest idea that Marylou was escaping. Marylou breathed in. She'd seen the caregiver that gave her the medications. The woman standing with the physician had looked at her way and for some moment Marylou thought she recognized her. She was grateful when the white woman removed her eyes from her.
Marylou watched the man move farther away from her to speak to his cell phone and after some while a white vehicle pulled up in front of her.
“Get in.“ The lady's voice from the car came loudly. Marylou bent to see who was in the driver's seat.
“Hey, Sabrina.“ She waved.
“Quickly!“ Sabrina called.
“Fasten your seat belt. It's going to be a long ride.“ Sabrina told her when she got in.
“What about him? Isn't he coming along.“ Marylou asked pointing at Derek. He was no longer wearing the hospital uniform, and was now on sweatpants.
“No. He has some unfinished business to do.“ She replied and was on the road.
“Alert the hospital that she has gone missing.“ Sabrina said to her phone. Marylou was surprised. She couldn't understand why Sabrina said that but didn't bother ask.
Sabrina halted the car at the corner of the road and stepped out. Marylou wondered why she did so.
“Come give me a helping hand.“ Sabrina calls.
“With what?“ Marylou queried as she walks to the back of the car. The boot of the car was opened. “What's that.“ She asked again.
“Something that would clear everything. You wouldn't be wanted.“ Sabrina was already reaching for it. It was something in a big polythene bag. And as Marylou helped Sabrina put it on the floor, she waited patiently to see what was inside the sack.
“Get back into the car and wait for me.“ Sabrina told her.
“Can I know what is in there?“
“You're going to regret knowing. You would wish you never saw it.“ The lady looked at her and shrugged when Marylou wasn't going into the car.
“Oh my.“ Marylou held her mouth with eyes wider with shock. After Sabrina loosened the plastic wrap, it came to her what was inside the sack.
“I warned you.“ Sabrina smiled.
“This corpse is what is going to make them believe that you are dead. The late lady has got same features as you do. Thight thighs, blonde hair, tall and slender. They would have no choice than to believe when they see you like that.“ Her eyes looked at the injured deceased person on the wet floor. “We musn't let anyone see us with a dead body. You know the consequence.“ Sabrina told her and was going into the vehicle. She pulled away her gloves and started the car.
Marylou was too stunned to move. She had questions to ask. How did she get the corpse. Did she kill the lady. She thought aloud as she looked once more to the unconscious human being on the floor. She wasn't able to make out the face of the woman properly because of the darkness, but could see that the lady had blonde hair. Marylou quivered.
“You're going to be sorry if you're seen standing over a dead body.“ Marylou heard Sabrina say from the vehicle.
Marylou didn't utter a word as Sabrina sped further down the street. The street lights were penetrating inside the car and Sabrina saw the sad expression on Marylou's face. After some minutes, they heard the sound of siren blaring from every corner.
“They're going to think that it was a hit and run accident.“ Sabrina said, and Marylou looked at her and asked. “Did you kill her in order for me to live?“
She shrugs and responded. “I didn't do it, though it was a command from me.“ Tears came through Marylou's eyes.
“You shouldn't have.“ 
“If I didn't, you would be in prison.“ Sabrina snapped and rolled her eyes. “Wipe your tears. I'm taking you to my crib. You're going to be staying there until we're able to fake your passport for you to leave this country.“

ONE NIGHT IN THE CABIN HOUSE (Completed...)Where stories live. Discover now