little brother scaramouche

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gn reader, soft scaramouche, probably ooc but my scaramouche is out of practice (I'm sorry 💔) (this is really embarrassing actually because I'm a Scara main 💀)

something tells me I will be staying in the mood for these types of headcanons for now because I'm having a lot of fun writing them (* ̄︶ ̄) it's family fluff hour


Transferring to a different sector of the Fatui at the request of a Harbinger is either a sign you're doing a really horrible or a really good job. Yours is the result of an excellent job, it seems, as the Balladeer has taken a liking to you and, with no use for you, your previous supervisor gave you up to him at his request.

It was nerve-wracking at first, unsure of how to adapt to such a different work environment. The way things used to go, even look, changed, and you tried to adjust, but you found yourself confused more often than not. Even worse, it was making you fail in your work, but you tried to fix the issue quietly and turned to fellow underlings for help. It helps a bit, and you become more familiar with this. With a couple pointers from his old assistant, you learn his preferences. It doesn't go unnoticed, apparently.

Scaramouche seems more pleased with you, surprised at some of the things you know. He's particular and not in the same way as Pantalone. He's a bit fussy, but being a bit fussy is better than being rich man fussy.

The more you became accustomed to him, the more he would open up to you, slowly but surely. It began with little things, entrusting you with jobs he usually wanted to be overseen by nobody but himself. Then came the willingness for an ounce of vulnerability, followed by him hardly wanting you to leave his side under the excuse that he might need you to do something.

Of course, he can't keep this up and relaxes a bit to let you do your work a little easier. He's not trying to smother you or give away that he's worried you'll get into trouble, after all.

Scaramouche asks for your help with things he doesn't even need help with, asking that you either sit and watch or take a menial job in whatever he's doing. Hold the supplies, supervise, anything he can justify. He's just becoming comfortable with having you around and uncomfortable with being apart. It's lonely in a way.

In a sense, he is vulnerable, allowing you to do things he wouldn't allow anyone to do, even just work. Scaramouche lets you cross his guard, push his boundaries, and he gets nervous when you seem unhappy with something until he finds out what. He's touchy with you, not openly, but privately. He lets you do the same, too, as he's less put off by you touching his shoulder or patting his head. It's purely by habit at first, and the first time you did it, he looked shocked that you would dare, but he shook it off and didn't say a word.

What's more, you get to question his orders and assign yourself jobs if you want. Scaramouche doesn't lecture you for that part, only sometimes changing the person doing it if he doesn't want it to be you. However, he will readily lecture anyone who tries to do the same and will not accept being babied by anyone else either. He doesn't want someone else to see him fall asleep doing his work or to calm him down when he gets worked up, and he doesn't want anyone else to have the same hold over him. He thought he wanted the love and care of anyone who would give it, but now he'd...really like it if it was you.

It's not the desire to be with you romantically or want for you sexually. Scaramouche would just be willing to spend all day with you and fight with you sometimes, only to make up the day after. He would be inclined to see you as many days as possible, let you see him like no one else is allowed. It's not about the time but the gentle and caring kind of love you show him. It's about the fact that you stay.

It's about you somehow managing to make him comfortable enough to cry in front of you, which he does not want to do around another person, and you quietly hold him and let him make a wet spot of his tears in your clothes. You stroke his hair and calm him but show no sign of leaving or running off. Many years have been spent treasuring you, and many more will be spent this way. He is so desperate for someone to remain with him, whose life is not fragile, who he is able to trust, and it makes him happy to know that you will stay.

Many find him off-putting, rightfully, but he feels like he cannot push you away but only bring you closer. He doesn't want to be so snappy or crass.

He wants to enjoy the things he felt he couldn't, to let you care about him and tend to him. He doesn't want to stifle your tenderness toward him, having seen it before, and now he wants it. He wants to pretend you've always been there and always will be, that the two of you were meant to be this way since he was born.

He's not going to shake his callous attitude, still denying these things and not eager to share them publicly. He doesn't want people to know that he lets you get away with far too much or that he lets you throw paper back at him after he throws a scrunched-up ball of it at you. Something about these things makes Scaramouche feel giddy, as if the two of you are children playing around in a classroom. He's not sure why. It just makes him playful and far too tolerant until someone knocks on the door or, in some cases, walks right in, like the teacher turning around that makes you both scramble to look like you're working as usual.

He likes to take you out to places outside of work, dragging you off to go with him to various events and taking you out just about everywhere he thinks you'll enjoy when you both have to travel abroad, especially in Inazuma, which he is most familiar with. He wants to dress you up and picture you that way in his fantasy where you have always been with him, a fitting image for the place and time. It's fun to him, making him feel excited even more to be around you now and to take you to see what has become of the places he used to wander.

Scaramouche wants to imagine you knew even Kabukimono, then Kunikuzushi and have been with him until now, even knowing you haven't been there all that time. It's nice to just pretend, though he knows it isn't real. He wants to imagine it when you were younger, helping you navigate the land with him and protecting you. Scaramouch likes to imagine a world in which he used to look after you, even knowing you are the one who tends most to him.

He's very aware that you call him Scaramouche and always have, but that doesn't matter.

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