papa pierro (part one)

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child reader, gn reader, pierro is your dad when you're holding the torch correctly, the doctor will take your fingers and toes 👍, not proofread

apparently I'm still in the mood for family fluff so something about papa pierro tickles my brain a lot especially after I saw really cute fanart about him adopting kaeya. he seems like a chaotic but reasonably ok dad just trying his best yk? also I wrote this at like one in the morning so please forgive any mistakes


Your beloved Papa is a busy guy, so for as much as you want to follow him around and see what he's doing at all hours of the day, but unfortunately, between the danger and sometimes general annoyance that you can be, he has a tendency to dump you on the nearest available babysitter. In your mind, he'll leave you with anyone, in his, those babysitters are quite carefully chosen and often trusted members of the Fatui who he knows wouldn't dare cause harm to a child of his lest they never know a peaceful day again.

He makes time for you, however, even if the resulting workload is so daunting, he thinks he'd rather drop dead on the spot. It's important to Pierro that many of your life lessons and learning experiences come from him, as well as many of your memories. He likes to hear your voice and feel you catapult onto him after a long day of work like you're some little rodent who digs its claws in and won't let go. he likes the million questions you ask him, and he loves when you stand up on your toes with your hands grabbing at the air in front of him wanting to be picked up and carried around. It's quite cute.

Of course, Pierro obliges you, scooping you up in his arms and letting you cuddle up to him, and sometimes you'll hide under his coat where you think you're just so invisible under there, even with the obvious mound you make under there. You think you're so sneaky, though, so he can't bring himself to do anything but chuckle when you peek your head out to ask him if he knows where you went just now.

You much prefer the days when he's home for you to play with him, even if he sometimes doesn't feel like playing, wakes up late while you're bouncing off the walls at the crack of dawn, unable to wind down again. You try to be quiet and just curl up next to him when you get bored, squirming your way under his arm. Sometimes you try to imitate what he does at night when you notice him stirring as a result of you shaking the bed, reaching up to pat his head and, a tad awkwardly, you stroke his forehead. He can't complain waking up to you shushing him and trying to lull him to sleep.

He always cuddles you close when that happens. He wonders what he'd do if you weren't there.

Something about you abundance of innocence makes him happy you're growing up when you are, even if he worries you won't be there forever. He's happy just to watch you figure out the world, excitedly telling him a commonly known fact like it's a revolutionary advancement. He likes it when you get to be a child, even if you sometimes misbehave or do silly things. He wishes for you to never grow out of your habit of seemingly trying to wind him the second you see him.

He does have rules, however, important rules. Some are about coming to see him at work, like don't bother Miss Arlecchino too much, leave the Balladeer alone, stay out of the way of the fatuus, don't take your shoes off outside of his office, don't talk to the youngest because he's a bad influence– oh, and don't wander into the Doctor's lab. He'll take your fingers and toes. You squealed when you heard that last part, saying something about how "I like my fingers and toes!" and vowed to yourself to never go in there. A little kiss on your forehead was enough to calm you down, along with the promise that he only takes your fingers and toes if you go into the room.

On long trips, he tends to leave you in Pulcinella's care, who he knows cares for the family of the youngest harbinger in his absence and who you are familiar with. He can't think of a single person who he actually trusts with your care but short of taking you with him (which is far too dangerous), he takes the best he can get, though if Pulcinella isn't available, he's begrudgingly willing to entrust you to Signora, who seems to like you well enough to arrange for you to be well fed and happy.

He knows you much prefer having him home, however, when he tells you stories of your homeland, and you lay your head on his shoulder where you're safe and protected next to him. He will always be at ease when you are dozed off up against him with a stuffie cuddled in your arms where his hand still strokes your forehead as his way of lulling you to sleep.

He's not sure that he particularly wants you to grow up. Can't you just stay small and cute forever?

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