pierro-centric domestic fluff

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gn reader, they're married because I said so, soft pierro (also because I said so), pierro is so quality time love language, neither of them know how to cook either, not proofread

ok something more chill to write. this has actually been on my mind cause I love this man sm Idk why I've got two Pierro posts back to back but this turned out way cuter than I originally thought?? maybe I just really like domestic fluff but the only thing able to interrupt that was the thought that reader is probably a dilf and/or milf and I can get behind that


Entrusting you with training new recruits was a good idea. It's a place where you are not restless but not in so much danger Pierro would worry. With subtlety and perhaps a little tapping into his knack for deceit, you had been stationed somewhere close and where he needed to travel regularly for unrelated business, usually to pass through, but the detour to see you is always a plus.

He likes to see you working hard, especially if you clearly enjoy your work. He also likes that you take a break when he appears to spend some time with him before he goes.

Pierro is always mindful that you have a job, much like him, and that it is of equal importance within the sphere it affects as his job is to the Fatui as a whole. If not for the two of you, the Fatui would suffer tremendously. In his mind, you're even a little more important. Your job is to weed out the weakest links into administrative duties and help the strong flourish. Without you, trainees would never get put in increasingly dangerous situations with someone strong to back them up and keep them comfortably on their feet rather than vastly out of their depth.

Besides, the Fatui would never turn down the capable people you can produce with your methods.

Pierro seldom sees that training in operation, save for when he first arrives and just before he leaves. You spend the time he's there with him, settled inside where it's a little warmer and where you share whatever he brought for you to enjoy. For some reason, Pierro feels the need to bring you gifts whenever he visits, little things he saw that made him think of you or food he knows you enjoy but can't get your hands on out where you're stationed. He almost stockpiles them in a way and gathers them all just before he leaves.

There are a few rare times of year when all of your students are shipped off to their respective sectors of the Fatui. During that special little time, you return to your home where your husband is always waiting patiently for your return so that you can begin to interrupt his work days and bring him lunch when he tries to get away with not taking breaks.

Whenever you show up, he does almost the exact same thing you do. He drops everything to be with you, even just to talk for fifteen minutes to check up on him when you're back in Zapolyarny Palace on unrelated business that so happens to include a trip to wherever he might be on such occasion. Most of the time, that means finding him in his office where you'll waltz right in regardless of if someone's in there and who that is. If you're feeling generous, you might even kindly wait until they leave to press a kiss to his cheek and ask how his day is.

Some people's first reactions to finding out the two of you are married are...interesting. Even your students are in the dark until they start panicking because suddenly the infamous Jester is at their instructor's doorstep unannounced, and his subjectively endearing case of resting bitch face never helps that seem like a good thing.

Of course, there are the people who are used to it and positively despise it—mainly because it means they have to be on their best behaviour—but it's hard to pay them much mind when you are caught up spending what little time you can together before he inevitably has to leave. The simple truth is that caring about who is suddenly in a bad mood takes up too much of your precious time that could be better spent waving a pita pocket in his face, coaxing him to try just a few bites of it before he turns his nose up at it.

Besides, anyone who decides to interrupt your little lunch sessions is not getting through their conversation without it being interrupted by you stealing his attention a few times while the other person is still talking in the background. You'll be patient if he asks, but more often than not, the boring trifles of others can wait until he's heard what you have to whisper in his ear.

More often than not, he is a shell of himself because, around others, he is reserved and colder than in private when only you can see his slight smiles and the softening of his eyes at the sight of you. Once you return home, he behaves like you haven't been tending to training reports all day because, as long as you're loitering around Zapolyarny, that's probably what you're there for. Compiling your notes into a readable fashion for whatever miserable souls have to subject themselves to sorting through them is, unfortunately, a necessary contrast to the fun you have actually teaching. Despite being subject to many more inconveniences on your off days, he would rather make sure you're taken care of than let you take care of him, though he allows you to return the favour to a degree.

You hate it, and it's taxing, he will reason, as if he isn't annoyed by half of his duties either. Unfortunately, he manages to be just a little bit more persuasive than you. For better or for worse, you will be the closest to spoiled he can manage, even if it means sweeping you off your feet only to put you back down the moment his back makes him regret that. One day, he always swears he will be able to pick you up so that he can quickly get you out of any danger you might find yourself in if need be. Today, however, is still not that day.

Most of your time after work is spent making whatever you will call dinner that night, as you both pour over whatever recipe you choose and try to make something that tastes good when you're not on the verge of starvation. Neither of you are exactly in positions that allow that. Still, the experience of making the food is what matters. The taste means nothing in comparison to listening to him behind you, chopping the vegetables to add to the soup you're absently stirring while he asks some probably commonplace question about the recipe as if you're supposed to have the answer. At the same time, you talk about your respective days and exaggerate the details to sound more interesting.

At the end of it, you're met with edible food. Perhaps objectively, it isn't the best, and never in a million years could either of you work as chefs if this whole Fatui career doesn't work out, but it's made with love. What matters is that you made it together with the time you set aside for each other. Though cooking together can be entertaining, the two of you struggling to feed yourselves for upwards of an hour is not the pinnacle of relaxation when most of your focus is on not burning down your house and him not cutting himself trying to slice onions at a snail's pace.

Mediocre food and a night in are so familiar and comfortable by now, pushing work aside for some future version of yourselves to deal with, though the stories of your students and their endeavours make it in, as do those of the many characters Pierro deals with in a day. Those sources of entertainment can slip past every now and then while you laugh over the strange ideas of rookie fatuus trying to figure out the ropes.

It is softer and sweeter than anything else in your day, draped over his lap like a tired housecat while he reads you a book you found on the shelf you thought might be interesting. He'll rest the book on your stomach and somehow always manage to spot you reaching to touch his cheek or brush his hair out of his face out of the corner of his eye.

It also happens to be one of the only things the two of you do that you could call soothing, save for a bath together or falling asleep like that. Even better, falling asleep in your bed where you should be and where you'll inevitably steal all the blankets and force him to cuddle up to you for warmth.

Getting to wake up to see you so peaceful and safe is as good a reason as any to get up in the morning, though it certainly will not be the thing prizing him out of bed anytime soon when the option to stay right there by your side is so much more appealing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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