papa pierro (part two)

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gn reader, child reader, pierro is your dad when you're holding the torch correctly, not proofread

I loved the first Papa Pierro post so thank you for giving me the excuse (my friend would call this phenomenon what no Father does to a mf). this is once again late because I got busy ngl I'll try to be more on top of posting I'm just trying to sort out my registrations stuff with the club I'm playing for and stuff 💀 Idk why I feel I need to justify it LMAO anyway my cat is sitting on my lap rn sleeping so I legally can't get up send help

I swear I am getting to my requests in no particular order I just also have spontaneous ideas in between requests which I still wanna do (゚▽゚*)


You like to play on the couch he at some point put in his office solely to go to sleep on when he becomes too tired to work, and since he's obviously not using it during this time, he doesn't mind someone getting some use out of it. Coincidentally you also like to sleep there, for whatever reason, he's not sure, but you sure seem to be having fun with it, and he's not eager to stop you entertaining yourself. You wait for him on the nights he's away on expeditions in there.

When he is there, however, you always seem to slink off there, and he suddenly looks up to find you staring over the edge of his desk, little hands gripping the edge to hold you up on your toes. Conveniently you pick the times he's trying to fill out battle reports, and he's never particularly keen on you seeing that or the letters he writes to some of the families of the deceased, quietly changing the paper he writes on as inconspicuously as possible to be something boring like finances or maybe even a letter about the prying little eyes of visual eavesdroppers hovering over his shoulder to the Doctor.

He knows you've seen it when you squeak and go running off back to your seat on the desk, and he chuckles a little, knowing he wouldn't let Dottore in the same building as you if he could have it his way, let alone pass you off to have him steal your fingers and toes.

You've always liked his Harbinger coat, whether to hide in or sleep with when you get drowsy waiting up for him. he always takes the time to come tuck you in, bundle you up in the coat he removes for you and kisses your forehead goodnight. He doesn't particularly like to let you sleep in places you might be uncomfortable, but the thought of watching over you and the far-off hope he might eventually get tired enough to come join you in sleeping under that coat is enough to convince him to let you stay.

On the very rare occasions he does get to go to sleep with you, it's usually because he doesn't want to wake you to take you home or just because he so tired the thought of walking that far with a child in his arms makes him want to drop dead. He tries not to stir you as he lifts you from your resting place, laying you back down, sandwiched between him and the back of the couch to keep you from falling off. You shift and squirm to get comfortable, rubbing your eyes for barely a second before falling back to sleep the moment your makeshift blanket lands back over you, and you're comfortable again.

Without fail, Pierro wakes up to you, firstly, missing and, secondly, bouncing off the walls again. There's always someone you've found who may or may not have fed you and helped you put your coat on so that you don't get cold. There's been several times a snowball has hit him square in the face, and you giggle from Tartaglia's side as he goes beet red from being caught acting like a child, though you think it's the funniest thing ever.

This ties into your other habit of building snow forts when the snow is thick enough, often substituted with blanket forts, which you try to convince him to come read with you in, though it's very dependent on whether he has time and how late it is. On the days he has time, he's happy to awkwardly try to fit in your blanket fort where the book you want him to read awaits him. Pierro always makes sure you have your pillow and blankets all in place, cuddled up to your favourite plush so that you're all set up and ready by the time you inevitably fall asleep, and he has to carry you to bed. Pyjamas on, teeth brushed, hair all taken care of. You've usually picked your book out, and sometimes you don't even bring a book and ask him to tell you stories.

He just can never quite bring himself to take down your little blanket forts, and he feels bad if he has to do so when you fall asleep in them in order to get you out. The floor is just no place to sleep, and you'll wake up grumpy without a good night's sleep. Sometimes it falls down accidentally, whether by some outside force of bad foundation, he can't tell—he's not exactly raising an architect. On those days, Pierro will rather begrudgingly put away your fort folding the blankets and fixing the pillows, picking up the toys you take in there to play with. he dares not send you to bed without your favourite one since you learned how to hold and point—a little plushie Sandrone made for you in the image of a hydro Abyss Mage.

You like those for some reason, you always want to go touch them and always have to be told no. He's too protective to let you take the risk it'll by some miracle like you.

Short legs don't carry you fast enough, though you seem to have no problem with running about like you're competing in a race every other time of the day, only when he tries to take you out somewhere do you want to be picked up, and you're getting heavier but is that going to stop him from carrying you around on his shoulders so you can see everything and pretend you're on top of the world? Absolutely not. Anyone who thinks that needs to get their head out of the clouds.

He's not ashamed to let you run a bit of a racket around headquarters, especially if you're waiting for him for some reason or are so full of energy you get too much for him to handle, promptly getting told to run around the hallway a couple of times and find your way back when you've calmed down and can go back to playing quietly. It's the closest he comes to losing his temper when you're being distracting, but he knows why and that, realistically speaking, you're probably bored and just want to go play.

You have friends, or a least he certainly hopes you do, though perhaps your Father being Director of the Fatui Harbingers is not helping that endeavour...but since you never mind wandering around on your own, he leaves it be and doesn't interfere, though he knows he may jeopardise your chances as people don't really like the idea of incurring the Fatui's wrath, though he discovers that Tartaglia's little siblings took a liking to you, perhaps the consequence of both being watched over by Pulcinella. Though he oftentimes cannot see eye to eye with Tartaglia, he can get along with him to let you play with his siblings, play with him on rare occasions.

To be honest, it would be nice if he could just spend all day playing with you instead, watching you drawing your little pictures and able to read you every book you want, walk you to school every day. Even if you say you don't mind, and he knows you're starved for attention sometimes, and soon he'll make it up to you.

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