papa pierro (part three)

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gn reader, child reader, someone take cake away from this kid, not proofread because I'm allergic

ok first of all this is adorable second of all you're fine bb cause if you broke any unwritten rules I sure don't know em and third of all not one of you motherfuckers have a dad /j

I'm kidding I'm kidding but if I actually did my requests in order this would be the fourth papa pierro part do y'all want me to put them all in one place for you to find easily or something if I make more


Your birthday is always a special day of the year. The days leading up to it are lonely, and you sit around wondering if your beloved papa will really be home for your birthday because he's always ridiculously busy around that time of year specifically, for some reason.

Without fail, Pierro is always home on your birthday for you to wake up to him and spend the entire day with him, as little do you realise he spends the days leading up to your birthday working overtime in order to clear enough of his workload in advance to take the whole day off to spend with you. He doesn't share this with you solely as he doesn't see the point in it. He knows that regardless of if he has to spend many long nights with you left in the care of a babysitter, the year he leaves you alone on your birthday is the day he spends it in the afterlife because nothing is stopping this man from making it home for your birthday let alone paperwork and a few minor incidents that needed his attention. Nobody causes trouble unless they're so far outside of Pierro's jurisdiction that they don't risk facing that kind of wrath.

However, back with you, Pierro is returned to simply being your Father, with absolutely zero responsibilities and cares aside from making sure you have fun and get to eat all the cake you want so you can go to bed sick and complaining of a tummy ache.

Obviously, the sore stomach you get out of it is not ideal, though you coming to him, arms grabbing at the air to be picked up is a plus side of that as it means you usually are about ready to settle down and just cuddle on the couch for a while.

Sometimes you find some restraint, to maybe save some cake to take to school with you and maybe even share, but you've barely gotten to the part where you don't eat half of it yourself and try to feed the other half to him so sharing with other people is a bit of a silly pipe dream. Obviously, he doesn't eat that other half of the cake, but in his absence, you certainly will within another day or two. Thankfully the first time he figured that out, he then made sure to get a smaller cake to save you from a sugar overdose.

Like a kid at Christmas, he leaves all your presents out for you, usually collected the previous days from your school friends or from other Harbingers or fatuus who gave them to Pierro to forward to you, often your former and current babysitters or those you meet in the course of being babysat who pick up little trinkets for you to enjoy, including old objects you find interest in within Pulcinella's quarters or Tartaglia's interesting idea of 'toys' like that one time he got his hands on the staff of an abyss made having seen your plush toy more times than one.

You treasured that one too much for it to go to the pile of questionable presents which were mysteriously lost.

Also never in the pile, though to his slight dismay at the sheer amount of them you managed to gather over the years, is Sandrone's handmade presents — usually toys or dolls. Her skill makes her like the cool aunt of your birthday. On the same side of things you treasure, your most interesting presents come from Scaramouche, who finds you fairly harmless objects during his trips to the abyss, which he's sure, considering your possibly natural infatuation with it, that you'll enjoy them.

This also so happens to be your struggle on Pierro's birthday, as many will give him courteous gifts but not put a whole lot of thought into it until you come knocking, using one of the many days you're inevitably being babysat in order to find and harass one of his attendants into taking you out under the guise of you wanting food and her not having time nor ingredients to make it for you. Your trips to the market are usually fine like this as you find something you're very convinced your Papa will like.

Regardless of what it is, his attendant still accompanying you knows he will, not necessarily because it was something Pierro needed or particularly wanted but because it was your little hands that gave it to him with a big smile and a happy birthday.

Truthfully he ordinarily would probably never spare a second glance at the gift you got him because it's not exactly high on his list of wants. He knows about your little adventures getting it, and from watching you pick out other gifts, that you do have at least some method to your little spell of madness, so you must've put thought into it. But what makes it different from some random item is that you gifted it to him, and that alone takes that from useless junk to a priceless treasure.

His birthdays are not as important to him, though you spend some of the day home together. You eat a nice warm meal and give him the present which you surely spent a lot of time on picking as he's very thankful for it, and he likes it a lot. It's enough to make you quite proud of yourself for your gift-picking skills. There's no cake, though you both may go out and buy a single slice of cake each to eat. If he lets you have too much cake more than once a year, you may develop too much of a sweet tooth.

The only reason he celebrates at all is because you still get excited about his birthday, not yet quite understanding that he's celebrated so many of them that he's not exactly thrilled by them anymore, but maybe you being there in recent years made things different and he makes it the one time of year he'll open a bottle of wine gifted to him by Pantalone and drink a glass or two once you're fast asleep in bed before promptly hiding it far out of your reach or sight.

Many nights on his birthday and yours, he will end up reading to you for what is possibly hours at your request, usually because he goes to all of that effort of tucking you in and getting you settled then suddenly gets quite lonely with you all the way over in the other room. Usually, he tries to limit how many you get to hear because otherwise, you'll be asking for more books into the early hours of the morning. Sometimes you get to go sleep in his bed, especially on your respective birthdays, however, as it feels like he should be able to spend at least one night cuddling you like he did when you were even younger and not yet ready to have a room to yourself, or when you come running in snivelling because you had a nightmare or got scared. Just one, that's all. He'll gladly go back to what must be an exorbitant amount of tasks for one man to handle tomorrow so long as he gets to spend just one night with you curled up in his arms for a while. The night is usually his only time to spend with you, so this one feels special knowing it followed a day spent almost entirely with you.

Even if you hadn't gotten a gift for him, however, he'd be more than pleased with just hearing your every breath by his side, watching your little hands tired as they point at pictures in the book he reads not quite fully aware of what you're doing, that damn abyss mage plush that you love to death safely under your arm. Every sign that you are alive and still with him, it's wonderful. sure you might've called that fluffy cat a dog, and maybe that isn't the noise birds make at all, but that doesn't matter too much.

You tire yourself out way too much over his birthday. It has his heart melting over the fact that anyone, let alone his beloved child, would be excited enough to make him count down the days to his own birthday again.

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