pantalone/dottore with a s/o with asthma

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my wheezing lungs do like this idea however my jacked up finger does not (ball mishap) it's alright y'all but you took your eyes off me for five seconds and I got injured 💀


Ok, so this is like a really short one mostly because I only have a little to say for this, but like, Pantalone at first might treat you a little like glass, especially if it's bad. It's cold in Snezhnaya, and the cold makes asthma worse, so he can't let you go anywhere without your inhaler. He doesn't want you to make yourself an accident waiting to happen. If you forget it, Pantalone has got it, and he hides it so that you don't tell him about the unnecessary fuss he's causing over it. Thankfully he doesn't need to reveal he's got it most of the time, but he's too cautious to get careless and leave it at home.

Dottore, on the other hand, is vaguely familiar with the condition. He doesn't fuss over it, you're grown and can care for yourself, but he does take note of the times you use your inhaler, unsubtly suggesting you take a break and settle for a moment before you try to push yourself. It's an awkward way of showing he cares, asking if you want water and finding you a place to sit down. He would never explicitly admit that's what he's doing, but he's been doing it.

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