harbingers with someone else's child

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gn reader, child reader, child endangerment 💀, scaramouche is soft because baby, pantalone is trying to teach a kid stocks, pulcinella is such a grandpa

this was a little thought that came to mind, mostly because of the fact I was like "Capitano forced to carry around some lil baby would be cute" and I'm fuckin speed running writing this before sports tryouts I've got less than one hour 😭

nvm I didn't finish in time and it got cancelled anyway so we can work slowly now (I didn't even finish this until the next day anyway LMAO) the mild implication each of them handles the same child on different days and this kid is just experiencing all of these things is funny to me for no reason


You have a horrible habit of wandering off while waiting for your parent, somehow managing to find yourself in the stranger possible places. How you end up there, nobody who has to look for you ever really knows, but you usually end up finding at least one person who will—if  nothing else—tolerate you.

The youngest of the Harbingers is the easiest to survive and get along with. Childe likes you and  knows how to keep you entertained while he somewhat awkwardly waits to see if anyone will arrive to look for you. Admittedly, he likes it  whenever you pop up, finding you a good little distraction, and you think his bow is cool to watch when he uses it. You think it's just the fact that he's so good with it that makes it so interesting, and he's very supportive when you tell him all of the stuff you don't get to tell  anyone. It's not that Childe is constantly waiting to feed his interest, nor does he always care a lot, but he certainly makes it sound like he does, and it sounds very much like he's proud of you for even  your minor achievements. Are you hungry? He can get you food if you need and makes sure you're shockingly well taken care of and there's not a scratch on you when you leave. He even has you calling him big bro at some point though where that came from, nobody is really sure.

On a very different note, Arlecchino is at first very confused by you, then quite soft. She does not coddle you, but she is never particularly  aggressive towards you, initially believing that you were looking specifically for her for some reason. After all, what else would make a small child pull at her overcoat? She does begin to wonder where you came from and was very impressive to you, though she warns you not to  grab at her clothes too much. In her own words, "Something might bite you" thought that really refers to whatever weapon she keeps, referring to  it in a way a child would easily understand. She lets you sit with her while you wait but warns you once more, this time not to wander, sometimes letting you take her hand and guide her to pat your head and play with your hair.

Admittedly, you are not what one might call  the most popular with the banker, though he gives you little trinkets and more frequently gives you mora to look at. He gifts you loose mora so much that you run off to him when there's something you  want but can't afford, and of course, he notices though you think you're so slick. Pantalone starts to give you more money as long as you keep showing up, looking and learning all the things he wants to show you. He wouldn't indulge your greed so much if it didn't give him what was an opportunity. He finds fostering your curiosity is much easier than squandering it, and when you want to see the many things you simply  cannot afford while living on the salary of a lowly fatuu, you've picked the best option for who to go to. Someday, you're going to need the  knowledge he happily provides, and who better to learn from than the richest man in Teyvat? Wait, what do you mean you barely understood a  word of it?!

Above all else, you think La Signora is very  beautiful, and really you just want to follow the pretty lady around, even if she tries to pretend she doesn't notice you at first. Your persistence got so annoying she was forced to turn around and try  to figure out what you want, touching your face and observing your features to see if she recognises them. Of course she doesn't. She has  no idea who the hell you are, or where you came from or what you want. Strangely there's this endearment to you like she can't quite bring  herself to get rid of you even if she's not over the moon about you  insisting on holding her hand and going wherever she goes.

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