arlecchino relationship headcanons

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gn reader, that one thing where they hold hands in her pocket, they're fine with each other's atrocities, implied murder, domestic fluff

of course you can dear anon I love women ❤️ you're so right tho, she needs more love. I barely see ANY Arlecchino content and this is such a crime 😔😔 I did accidentally lie tho cause I said my next post would probably be Pierro but it's Arlecchino 🤨


It's not exactly the easiest thing to find endearment in the knave, or so you've been told. You find it easy to notice many things to love about her, beautifully dangerous and far too protective of you though she is aware you are capable of doing so yourself.

You've heard Tartaglia say she hasn't a sane bone in her body, and with the way she goes out of her way to keep you safe even from people only looking at you in a way she finds, as she puts it, 'repulsive', you're almost inclined to agree, though you will love every insane bone in her body in return. She likes to let you do as you please but is over-eager in snatching you away from people she feels overstep around you or people she doesn't trust around you for one reason or another.

Without hesitation, Arlecchino will hurt the people who hurt you, though far worse than they could have ever hoped to do to you, as you sometimes find those people rather suddenly go missing, and of course, you eye her suspiciously the second you hear only to see her looking quite pleased with herself. The murder is part of the Arlecchino package, so all you can do is sigh to yourself and gush a little over how protective she can be.

She is, however, quite gentle toward you, at least compared to everyone else, which in reality is quite normal. she can be quite brash toward other people, though she acts pleasantly. you find that behaviour appears less so towards you, a little awkward even.

It can be hard for her to relax fully and open up properly, though she desperately wants to. Her words sound cheesy to her, and her displays of affection don't match yours as she feels she falls short at times, even if you assure her that she's fine and can take her time figuring it out. It's strange to see her so flustered over small gestures of affection, wondering if you'll hear what she has to say and find it weird, but also strangely able to articulate this love she has for you in a deeper sense in ways you can understand.

You think, at some point, she built a shell previously impenetrable around her heart, melted away by your warmth and her own ignited fire for you that began a burning in her chest. A passion she previously found little need for, but now with you around, she found that she began to indulge it, only slightly at first until she found it to be quite an addictive thing.

She finds that her preferences are inclined to match with yours, though the one thing she won't break from is adoring the way you feel pressed against her in any way, that warmth that radiates off you all bundled up in your fluffy collared coat and a nice pair of gloves you forget more than you'd like. She finds it all the more reason to use her hands as she holds them in her pocket to warm you, even knowing she likely has your gloves stuffed away in her other pocket, knowing that you always forget them.

On top of this, her love for having you pressed right up against her also happens to extend to other things, curled up on the couch coiled together, trying not to fall off as she holds you between her legs with your head on her chest like a pillow where she strokes your forehead. You're fast asleep and somehow still so elating to her.

However, even Arlecchino's own joys cannot keep her from caring for you, often hoisting you all too carefully into her arms once you doze off to carry you to bed, all just to curl back up intertwined with your sleeping body in a place she knows will be more comfortable for you. She can never bring herself to leave you awkwardly scrunched up on the couch, even if she has to shuffle you off and hope you don't wake to move you elsewhere.

There's something so endearing about the way you squirm back to comfort and settle, breathing softly against her neck, your hair tickling her skin.

There are other things she enjoys obviously, though they cannot top her favourite thing, there's always that other favourite thing she loves about you. No matter how awkward or self-conscious you may be about it, she often finds herself to be put at ease by your smile. Something about your natural smile comforts her, her sign that no matter what, you're happy and feel comfortable around her to show such a thing. It's so cute.

Your smiling face always makes her want to kiss you more than anything else. If she were gooier, she'd take your cheeks between her fingers and pinch them, but that urge remains private between her and herself.

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