harbingers with a tsundere s/o

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gn reader, probably not actually tsundere reader atp, reader could be touch-starved

firstly thank you dear anon I'm still in love with this theme it just hits

ok so maybe this isn't totally tsundere reader (mostly because I find the trope insufferable I'm sorry) but it is kind of tsundere. it's the less explicitly rude type just swimming in egypt and unable to communicate


Let's go lowest to highest again and start with our favourite ginger Harbinger, Tartare Sauce. Tartaglia would find your antics entertaining, aware of your feelings as he always is but unwilling to give you the easy way out, provoking you, if anything, with little gestures and notes of affection to get your heart racing. Tartaglia treats it like a habit that you don't like to let him know how much you like his touch, though Tartaglia knows you treasure him. You just don't like it when he interrupts your work. That's when he gets a real earful.

Arlecchino thinks of your demeanour as an endearing trait, choosing to smile and go along with it, though both of you know that she knows the truth. Arlecchino will listen to your objections and laugh a little before making a knowing remark like, "Right, I forgot, you have no interest in kisses from me." just to watch you squirm and try to hint at her that you would like some after all. Still, you just can't bring yourself to say it without work, all to earn a kiss on the cheek as your precious reward.

Pantalone is liberal with his love for you despite your denial as he revels in every break of your facade. You are a challenge that he enjoys every encounter with, even when your rejection turns to wrath. It is a special moment of will he or won't he does when Pantalone is faced with the idea of you tackling him to the couch in a fit over him interrupting your work. Pantalone does not mind if you get feisty and start to fight more than usual, became he laughs it off and carries on to melt that icy heart of yours with a little more warmth.

More than anything, La Signora thinks you are adorable like this. She will let you run around like a mouse chasing a block of cheese, then throw her love in here and there to see you become flustered. You like to deny that you want things from her until she does it, and then, suddenly, you don't want her to stop. Signora thinks your displays of pouty resistance are endearing and doesn't like to leave you quiet—if you're not mad at her, she wasn't enough. However, she does wish that you are satisfied and often manages to talk you into giving some back.

As for Sandrone, she is a similar case. She doesn't want to admit she secretly wants to cuddle you every night, she just does it, and you better not dare draw attention to it, or you won't receive cuddles for the rest of the night. You have to be a little braver and work your way up to it because hell will freeze over before Sandrone becomes eager to budge. She takes your idea of a request surprisingly well, pushing it to start asking where your nighttime cuddles went, mostly because she stole your habit and asks what happened to her kisses when you've been slacking for too long.

Someone like Scaramouche wouldn't just give you what you want if you're going to behave like you won't. You have to work for it, and he won't be taking pity on you until you do. Scara would be willing to deprive you of everything because, secretly, he's a little bit more like you than he'd like to admit, though he's just mean. Scaradouche will have more patience for you as his lover but certainly not pity. He enjoys watching you think about it and consider your options, seeing the deliberation in your head, because he knows you want to, and that gratifies him.

Capitano's whipped nature on your side fr. You say leap he asks how high, so when you make a point to very subtly imply that you would like cuddles, you will be receiving them. You will end up smothered in that big coat of his where it's cozy and warm because he doesn't want you to get cold, even if you want that in public where he will gladly take it entirely off to wrap around you with a kiss on your forehead. It'll get you grumbling, but at least you'll not freeze to death doing it and probably be found wrapped up fast asleep in it later.

Columbina treats it like a funny little voice nagging at her and hardly pays attention to your attitude when she's smothering you. She does not give a shit. She'll find a way to shut you up about it quickly because Columbina knows damn well that you want to be doted on and just don't know how to admit it. She only asks to tease you and watch you get all flustered about it.

Next up, we've got Dottore, and by god, guess what, bb? You get to suffer because if you can't articulate what you want, you're not gonna get it. He will leave you to wallow in your own inability to admit the things you want from him because he likes it when you get to the point that you realise you have no choice but to initiate things and hope for the best. It depends entirely on his mood whether he draws attention to it or not because one of those means that he's busy, and the other acknowledges that he can be a bit too cruel with how far he lets it go.

Pierro has absolutely no time for your shit. He may have all the time in the world rn, but he's old and fossilising and not a chance does he want to spend it on the intricacies of your emotional complexes. Sorry, but he's damn well busy. Pierro doesn't have time to pick apart whether you do or do not want to be kissed goodbye every morning or pampered for a bit when he gets home. Once you start mumbling out one response, it stays until you switch up and start asking where your goodbye kiss went because until then, you'll be getting no more than a forehead kiss in your sleep before he leaves that you're not fully conscious for just so you know he hasn't forgotten you, maybe even helps you to sleep in a little better.

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