Chapter Nine: Stuck Between Two (Theresa Pov)

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The boys had been acting weird ever since I woke up and it freaked me out. Their behaviour was all over the place and they constantly got a fright when I said or did something, it got to the point where they were lurking behind me, they'd stare at me and then when I looked at them... they would pretend to be doing something or whistle. I was on the couch reading peacefully and smiling at the great idea I had, so I decided to mess with them.

"Hey guys?"

The boys flinched and walked over.

"Yeah Tess?"

"Can you grab me a water?"


"Oh Dean, can you also get a blanket or something cause I'm cold?"

"Of course"

I giggled quietly and watched them run off, Dean comes back with the blanket and covers me. Sam passes me a glass of water with a lemon piece and ice cubes, I smiled at how fancy this glass of water was.



"What is with you today? You guys are acting weirder then normal"

Dean and Sam look at each other before nodded, I was confused and turned my body more.

"Whats going on?"

"We both love you and we were wondering who you love?"

I was shocked, my jaw dropped and the boys just stood their looking at me.


I shook my head and fixed my hair.

"Dean, Sam, I love you both... I can't decide"

The boys were shocked too and looked at each other until they again nodded.

"Date us both"

"Okay but you two do realise you'll have to share me?"

"Yes it's better then fighting and I'd rather share with Sam then anyone else"

"Alright, fine"

I stood up and walked over to the boys, I pull Dean and Sam down. They held my waist and I kissed Sam first before moving over to Dean, Sam picks me up and carries me up the stair case with Dean following. Sam puts me down and takes his clothes off, Dean does the same and kisses my neck from behind. Sam kisses me and runs his hands down to pull off my clothes, Dean pulls my shirt up which breaks the kiss and brushes my hair to the side. Sam picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, Dean comes closer and uses his chest as support for my back. I let my head fall back against Dean's shoulder and his hand wraps around to hold my head there, Sam and Dean's members were rubbing my lower lips before thrusting in. I gasped and place my hands in their hair, Dean and Sam bite my neck.

"Sam~ Dean~"

The pleasure was too much and their thrusts were rough, I could hear their groans and feel Sam's hand grip the underside of my thick thighs tightly.

"I'm gonna cum~"

"Us too~"

They thrusted in one last time and came in the condoms, I came and slumped against Dean's chest as Sam loosely held me up. Sam's hair fell in his face and Dean rested his head on mine, I let my arms drop to my sides and close my eyes.

"Imma put you down"

I reached out for Sam's neck and wrap my arms around him as he lets my legs drop to the floor carefully. Dean holds a hand out and I take it, Sam offers me a shirt that looked like Dean's and I take it. Dean passes me my underwear before putting on his pants, Sam does the same and gets in bed. I fixed up Dean's shirt I was wearing before walking over to the bed, I watched Dean turn the light off and get in beside me. It was a little squashed and I laid down, Dean and Sam lay in the crook of my neck. It was warm, I liked having both men's arms around me and their warm breath against my skin. Their arms wrapped tightly around my waist and they lifted my legs so their legs were under mine, I laughed quietly as I heard them snoring which caused me to smile and kiss their foreheads.

I love you boys...

Stuck Between Two {Winchester Brothers x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now