Chapter Thirteen: Super Crazy Idea (Theresa Pov)

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Bobby had been telling us to get out his house and do something other then doing the nasty, I wore a cute baby blue dress with white flat shoes and my hair tied up in a bun. Dean and Sam was standing at the front door, I smiled as I walk towards the boys and passed Bobby on the way out. We said our goodbyes to Bobby before getting into car, Dean drove off the property and down the road to the town. Dean had the radio playing, Sam was looking out the window with his hair flapping in the wind and I was looking out the windshield at the pretty landscape. It felt so freeing being with the boys, Dean was singing along with the music and I had joined in. Once we got to town, Dean slows down as we look at the shops and one shop in particular caught my eye.

"Dean, stop here!"

Dean parks in a parking bay and I got out, Dean and Sam shouts as I run over to the shop with big white wedding dresses. The boys became shocked and uncomfortable, I smiled and got a great idea.

"Let's get married!"

"What now?!"


"Oh come on, we won't be around long anyways"

The boys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, I smiled as they both sigh and nodded.


I dragged them into the shop and up to the counter.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"We would like to try on some clothes, I need a wedding dress and these boys need groom suits"

"Just goes through there and gentlemen please go through there"

I turned to the boys and give them a peck on the cheek before leaving, I wander to a big room and noticed a huge mirror along the wall.

-| Dean Pov |-

I put the black suit on and pull the curtain open, I stood infront of Sam who just stares at me.

"I know it looks horrible"

"What- no- it's you look good"

I was a little shocked and looked back in the mirror, I smirked and fixed up the shirt. Sam downs his beer and sits back, I closed the curtain and changed into a blue suit.

"How about this?"

Sam looks up from his computer and really looks at me.

"It's nice, but I think I prefer the black"

"Yeah, I agree"

I close the curtain again and change back into my clothes before going up to the counter.

"Just two of these... and is our girl done or still busy?"

"Will do and she will be another at least half an hour"

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes, choosing the perfect dress takes a while"

"Okay, well we will be in the car waiting"


I pulled Sam to the car and get in, I made myself comfortable and put my sunglasses on. Sam continued to stare at his laptop and type away, it was quiet and the town had also gone quiet as well.

"Do you think getting married is a good idea?"

"Are you second guessing yourself?"

"Yeah, this is a big commitment that we are making"

"I love Tess and I want to be with her forever with or without you"

"I love Tessa too Dean, I just want to be sure is all"

"You can't be any more surer then this"

Sam nods and sits there quietly, I closed my eyes and folded my arms as I slouched.

-| Theresa Pov |-

I stood on a circular platform and looked in the mirror, I had tried on so many dresses and each one wasn't the correct one. Until this white, lace and slimming dress just showed my curves more. It was the one, my heart filled up and I knew that my fiancés would love it, I wanted this dress and the lady was standing off to the side.

"This is the one"

"Great choice Miss"

I walked off the platform and headed back to the changing room, I got the dress off with some help and got back into my clothes. I followed the lady out with the dress and passed it over the counter, I look behind me to see that the boys weren't in the main area.

"Excuse me, do you know where two men might have gone after they tried suits on?"

"They are in the car, they wanted me to give you the message"

"Oh thanks, here's the number to call for the payment"

"Alright, hope you have a great wedding"

"Thank you"

I walk out the shop and open Sam's side of the car before climbing over him, Dean woke up abruptly and sits up. I fixed my dress and he takes off his sunglasses.

"How was it?"

"It was great, we found an-"

"Don't tell me, I also found the perfect dress"

Dean and Sam smiles down at me, I smile back up at them.

"Let's go celebrate!"

"Hell yeah!"

And tell Bobby...

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