Chapter Four: Do You Have To? (Theresa Pov)

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I sat on the couch and read one of Bobby's books, Dean and Sam were standing by the front door with their duffel bags. I wasn't ready to say bye to them because I didn't want them to go. I could hear bickering and close my book discarding it to the side, Sam comes and kneels infront of me. I avoided his gaze already knowing what the conversation was.

"Tessa look at me"

I reluctantly look up at him and saw his soft smile, I was handed a phone.

"You can call me or Dean whenever... you also have Bobby's number too"

"Thanks... do you have to go?"

"Unfortunately yes, but we will be back"'

I looked away sadden and Sam sighs standing up, I watched him walk over to Dean and picks his bag up.

"Bye Bobby, bye Tessa"


I abruptly stood up and run over to them, I wrapped my arms around their necks and hug them tightly. Dean and Sam wrap an arm around me and soothingly rub my back.

"It's alright, we are coming back in a week or two"

"Be safe okay?"

"We are always safe"

I reluctantly release them and stand by Bobby.

"Call me okay?"


"Bye boys"

"Bye Tessa"

I watched them pack their things and leave the driveway, Bobby rubs my arm and then leaves. I stood there for a couple of minutes before moving back to the couch, Bobby was outside working on his cars and left me alone in the house. It was quiet without the Winchesters around and I became bored, so I take the phone and walk out the back to find Bobby.


"Down here!"

I back up and look down at the ground to see Bobby's legs poking out from under the car, he rolls out from under the car and fixes his hat.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to spend time with you"

"Sure you do"

I sighed and sat on the bonnet of the car opposite him, it was hot but not enough to burn our skin. I was missing Sam and Dean.

"I know you miss them, Theresa"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, it is"

I sighed and look at my covered feet, Bobby gets up and packs his things. I watched him and got off the bonnet, he dusts off his pants and grabs another set of keys.

"Where are you going?"

"Let's go into town, I need to get a few things"


I run over to his side and follow him out to a rusty car, Bobby gets into the driver side and I got in. He starts up the car which sounded horrible and drove out off the property, I gazed out the window at the greenery and listened to the radio. It wasn't long before we got to town and parked by the pathway, I got out along with Bobby. I watched the busy streets and people talking, it was all new to me.

"Stay close, I promised Dean and Sam that I wouldn't let you out of my sight"


I strolled beside Bobby as he looks at a piece of paper and writes things down, I smiled and greeted people that looked at me. Bobby takes my arm and pulls me into a hardware shop, I wandered down the aisle as Bobby stops by the tools and ponders which one he should get.

"Don't go too far, Theresa"

I turned around and walked back to him, Bobby takes one of the tools off the shelf and heads to the counter. I stood close off to the side and waited for him, he pays for the tool and carries it around as we walk out. I looked at the stalls that were set up on the side and talked with the friendly people, it was nice to get out the house and talk with other people. Bobby takes us back to the car and puts the tool in the boot before taking us home. Once we got home, I had a shower and was cooking in the kitchen. Bobby was outside in the back fixing the cars. I put the chicken in the oven when my phone began to rang and I quickly pick it up.

"Hello, Sam... Dean?"

"Hey Tessa"

"Hey boys!"

"How are you?"

"Good, Bobby and I went into town"

"Sounds like you had fun!"

"I did... how about you guys?"

"It's great here, we have a motel and it's very slow here"

"Sounds like fun"

"Yeah but we miss you a lot, it's boring without you"

My heart swelled and I thought I was going to cry because of how much I missed them.

"Yeah, same here"

"Well we will leave you be, have a goodnight"

"Bye Sam, bye Dean"

"Bye Theresa"

The called ended and I closed the phone, I stare at the phone in a daze which was broken when the oven went ding. I put the device down and take the chicken out the oven, Bobby enters the kitchen and grabs a beer.

"It smells great in here"

"That's our dinner, which is chicken"

"Is it done?"

"Yes it is, can you get some plates?"


Bobby puts his beer down and grabs the plates, I cut up the chicken and place some down on our plates.

"It looks amazing"

"Hope it tastes good too"

Bobby laughs and takes his plate away with his beer, I look down at the chicken in a daze.

I wish Sam and Dean were here for this...

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