Chapter Two: Where Am I? (Theresa Pov)

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My eyes opened as I sat up and whimpered in pain, my neck was sore and stiff. My hand went to touch the wound which seemed to be covered and I noticed a blood bag that was connected to my arm, I looked around and remembered someone saved me. It was quiet, I examined the room I was in which seemed to be really old and dirty. There was noise coming from the next room, which sounded like bickering men. So I stood up and leaned against the couch as I hobbled over to the door, I pushed it open and saw three men. The old one was sitting at the table with the newspaper and the other two were busy yelling at each other, I backed away as they were scaring me. I look over at the old man who was staring at me, I turned around and hobbled back into the room and saw a gun on the table. I grab it and turn around pointing it at all three of them, which caused the men to freak out and hold their hands out.

"Easy there, we aren't going to hurt you"

"It's okay, what's your name?"

"Theresa Hutton"

The tallest man approaches slowly and I pointed the gun at him, he stops and the other one seemed worried.


"Stop Dean, I got this"

I look back at him and stare into his eyes, I lower the gun and drop it. The boys relaxed and I hugged myself. The tall guy infront of me leans down with a soft smile and held his arms out, I walked into his embrace as I held his shirt and his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Let's get you something to wear"

I nodded and pulled away from his embrace, I grip his index finger as he leads the way upstairs to a bedroom and unzips his duffel bag.

"There's a bathroom over there and I'll leave you my shirt on the bed here"

"What's your name?"

"Sam Winchester"

"Thanks Sam"

I smiled and walked towards the bathroom, he smiled back whilst leaving the room and closing the door. I turned the shower on and stood in front of the mirror, I removed the gauze from my neck and saw the red bite mark left from the vampire. I take off my blooded shirt and jeans to throw it in the bin, I remove my lingerie and place it beside the sink before getting into the shower. I watched as the blood runs off my body and disappears down the drain, I wash the rest of the blood off and winced in pain when I touched the bite mark. I reached for the towel hanging on the bar and roughly dry myself off before getting out, I walk over to the bed and get dressed in Sam's dress shirt which was like a dress for me. I put the towel back on the rack before walking downstairs to the kitchen. The boys sat around the table and Sam stood up to let me sit down.

"Hi, I'm Theresa Hutton"

"Names Dean Winchester and this is Bobby"

"Nice to meet you"



I look over at Sam who was holding a gauze in his hand and seemed to point to the other room, I nodded and thanked the boys for saving me before following Sam into the next room. I sat on the couch and he sat opposite me on the coffee table, I pull the collar of the shirt to the side and look at Sam. He puts a hand on the side of my head and focuses on my wound.

"Lean your head into my hand"

I nodded and followed instructions, I close my eyes and felt the soft material of the gauze covering my bite mark. He taped it up and pulls away, I remove my head from his hand and release the collar of the shirt.


"It's alright"

Dean walks in and sits beside me, Sam and I look at him weirdly.

"Ah hi Dean"


Dean hands Sam a beer and leans back on the couch, I shivered feeling a icy gust of wind blow through leaving the room cold. Bobby walks in and noticed I was shivering.

"Sorry, this house can get very cold"

I nodded and curl up, Dean and Sam sit on either side of me. They moved closer to me and I could feel the heat coming off of them, I brought my knees up to my chest and Dean uses his leather jacket to cover my bare legs. It helped and my arms held my legs in place, I let my head fall against Dean's bicep and my body relaxed into the heat.

~ Sam Pov ~

Theresa fell asleep between me and my brother, Dean looked stiff as he didn't want to move and have Theresa's head fall or wake up.

"Ok boys I'm going to turn in for the night"

"Night Bobby"

It was just the three of us.

"Hey Sam, we should put her in your bed"

"Yep, I'll take her and put her to bed"

I get up and gently put my arm under her legs and the other around her back, she shifts and lets her head fall against my shoulder. I straightened out and Dean follows me upstairs, Dean helps open the covers and I place her down before throwing the blanket over her. Theresa grabs my finger before I could walk away.

"Can you both sleep with me?"

Dean and I were shocked, but nodded.

"Of course"

Theresa sits up and moves over, whilst putting Dean's jacket on. I got in the bed from the left and Dean got in from the right, it was a little cramped. But Theresa rolls on her side with her back towards me and shimmied back so her back was against my chest. I placed my arm under the pillow and my other rested over her waist, Dean had rolled over to face his back towards us and Theresa places her arms against his back since it was a tight fit.

"Goodnight Dean, goodnight Sam"

"Night Theresa"

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