Chapter One: Damsel In Distress (Theresa Pov)

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Quick info: Theresa Hutton (Tessa), 21, all alone and loves to sing/dance.


It was dark, I just finished up locking the cafe and was walking down the empty street. It was airy, I felt a little uneasy and kept looking behind me to see if anyone was following me. I lived three blocks away in an old apartment building. The trash can tipped over causing me to scream and run, I turned my head and see a man chasing me. My breathing quickened, I felt dizzy and my heart was pounding. It scared me, this man was gaining and I couldn't get away. I was so close to my building, when the man grabs and pulls me into the dark alleyway. I was pushed against the wall as his piercing blue eyes stare down at me with hunger, I watched his mouth open as his sharp teeth appear and turn into a smile. My heart pounded as he brushes the hair off my shoulder exposing my neck, I gasped for air realising that he was a monster. No, a vampire. He pulls my head to the side and takes a bite, I screamed and struggled. The pain was excruciating and my body became limp as my vision blurred, I let my head fall against his shoulder as he pulls away and smirks.

"That's it, sleep"


I woke up with my hands chained to the ceiling and blood dripping from my neck onto my clothes, my head was sore and I felt so tired. I look around the barn like interior and noticed a bunch of people sleeping on the couches, I turned my head to the side to see a girl hanging like me but she was pale as a ghost and had bite marks all over her skin. It was like she was drained of blood or something and I didn't want to stick around for that to happen to me, I had no idea where I was nor how I got here. But I needed to escape, it was light outside and I had also noticed that there were locks on the doors. The keys were being held by the man sleeping on the couch and looked to be holding it tightly, I tried to quietly get out of the chains but no luck. Then the girl beside me yells out in pain which got the attention of the men, I watched as one walks over and takes a bite out of the girl's shoulder. The girl winces in pain and throws her head back, I was shocked and my heart pounded more as the other man walks up to me with a smirk.

"Listen to you, your little heart is pounding... scared little girl?"

I pull my head away as his finger slides down the side of my neck and laughs lowly, my breathing increased as his fangs showed and was leaning towards my neck.

"I can just hear the blood pumping"

The man grabs my chin and holds my head away, I could feel his teeth graze my skin. But before he could take a bite and drain the blood from my body, two men burst through the doors cutting the heads off of the vampires. The man quickly takes a bite and I screamed, which caused the men to swiftly cut his head off. My eyes could barely stay open as the men unchain me and lift me up into their arms, I watched as the man shook his head and leave the other girl behind.

"Hurry let's go!"

~ Sam Pov ~

The girl passed out in my arms and she looked to be badly injured, Dean was making his way out and seemed to be annoyed about the girl.

"Dean, she is hurt... badly"

"We aren't taking her with us"

"But Dean, we don't have time for a hospital... this girl is bleeding badly"

"Fine, let's take her to Bobby"

Dean gets in the car and I got in the passenger side with the girl in my arms, I look down at her face and noticed how much pain she really was in. Her body curled up and her face scrunched up, I held her close and ensure to keep her warm.

"Don't get blood on my car"

I rolled my eyes as Dean floors it and gets us to Bobby's place in no time, Dean gets out and runs inside. I carried the girl inside to the couch where Bobby and Dean were setting up.

"Put the girl on the couch"

I gently laid the girl down and watch as Bobby places a needle into her arm that supplied the fresh blood before cleaning her wounds up, I went back outside to the car and grabbed our duffel bags. Dean and Bobby were sitting at the table having a drink, whilst watching the girl in her sleep.

"She okay?"

"Yes, just some rest"

"Okay... I got our stuff Dean"

"Oh sweet, thanks"

I lugged it upstairs and throw it into the room with two beds, I turned around and saw Dean standing in the doorway with another beer.

"Come have a drink with us, Sammy"


I grab my phone and join Dean's side as he hands me a beer, I crack it open and followed him downstairs.

"Where did you even find the girl?"

"In a vampire den"

Dean and Bobby were sitting at the table and I decided to sit on the couch, I watch the girl sleep and move slightly every now and again.



I look over at Dean and Bobby.

"We're going to turn in"

"Oh goodnight guys"

"Goodnight, Sam"

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