Chapter Five: You're Home! (Theresa Pov)

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It's been a month and I've gotten use to being home without the Winchesters, I also have been crushing on the brothers and grown very fond of them both. Bobby and the Winchesters were out on a case, which meant I was home alone and the boys didn't like it. But they didn't have a choice and they weren't going to take me with. Today was the day the boys are on their way home and I was preparing for their arrival, I was cleaning furiously and making up the beds. When I heard Dean's car pull up and car doors closing, I smiled and ran down stairs with my dress flapping in the wind. I stood on the bottom step and watched the boys pile in, Sam and Dean drop their things to hold their arms out. I ran into their arms and wrap my arms around their necks.

"I missed you guys!"

"Us too!"

We tightly embraced and I inhaled their scents, it was calming. The boys nuzzled their faces into my neck which caused me to giggle uncontrollably.

"Dean, Sam!"

They let go of me and hauled their things upstairs, Bobby came back with a shocked look across his face.

"This place is so clean"

"Yeah I got alittle bored, so I cleaned"

"Thanks, it looks great"

"I would like to repaint sometime... if you don't mind"

"By all means go ahead"

I grinned and hugged him as a thanks before going following the voices of the Winchesters, I saw them sitting on the couch with beers in hand and decided to sit between them. They stopped talking and look down at me.

"How was it?"

"Good, just a huge vampire nest"

"That sounds interesting"

"Yeah, well it was tough to kill them"


"Anyways what did you do?"

"Cleaned mostly"

"Yeah that place looks great!"

I blushed alittle and look down, Dean puts his arm around the back of the couch along with Sam and chugs his beer down before setting it on the ground. Dean puts his feet on the coffee table and turns the tv on, I noticed that the boys moved closer. Sam was laying his head back and Dean watched the game, I didn't know what to do. I gently lean into Dean's side which caused him to stiffen up and glance at me, I sigh feeling his warmth radiating off him and Sam decided to lay his head in my lap. I lay one hand on Sam's chest and the other held Dean's shirt, I always felt really safe with these two and considering that they always slept close by helps too. I felt Dean's arm wrap around me and pulls me closer, I could feel myself drift off into a deep slumber.

~ Bobby Pov ~

I walked into the lounge and saw the tv playing, Dean and Sam were on the couch with Theresa in their grasp. Dean's head was laying back on the couch, Theresa was tucked into Dean's side with her arm over Sam's chest who was laying with his legs over the edge and his head in her lap. I turned the tv off and cover the boys with blankets before returning back outside, I placed my beer down and rolled under the car to find out what was wrong with the car. Since Theresa was staying here, I was trying to fix up this car that was left for scraps and give it to her. My car was also broken and also needed to be fixed, I loved my car and it was a shame that I couldn't drive it. I heard the back door open and close, I roll out from under the car and look up at Dean who was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Awake already?"

"Yeah, bad dream"

"What about the other two?"

"Still asleep, I just laid Theresa's head on Sam's chest"

"Yeah, those two must be really tired"

Dean nods and takes off his jacket, I watched him discard it on the porch and roll up his sleeves.

"I'll help you"


I got back under the car and Dean looks under the bonnet.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I have been trying to figure that out"

Dean laughs and fiddles around at the top, I had been pulling it apart and putting the pieces that seemed fine to one side.

"Are we taking it apart?"

"Yep and then we can find out what's wrong"

If there even is something wrong with it...

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