Chapter Three: Returning You Home (Sam Pov)

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Dean and I snuck out of bed, Theresa was still asleep peacefully snoring away and seemed to be super tired. We walk downstairs to the kitchen where Bobby was sitting with a newspaper and coffee, I sat down and Dean grabbed himself a cup to fill up with coffee.

"We should take her back home"

"That's even if she has one"

"Dean's right, no girl should be around you or your brother"

"I know, but-"

"But what?"

"I kind of like her and she has an amazing smile"

"Sam, we can't"

"Fine, but can I aleast tell her?"

"Go ahead"

I sighed unhappily and clenched my jaw, I really liked Theresa and Dean seemed fond of her even though he didn't want to admit it. Theresa didn't seem to mind that vampires were real and it was refreshing, most girls are always crazy and scared after experiencing something like that. I wanted Theresa to stay.


Theresa comes into the room looking really tired and rubbing her eyes, she was still wearing my shirt and Dean's leather jacket.

"Morning, Theresa"

She sits down on the chair beside me and leans her body forward to rest her head against the table, I looked at Dean and Bobby for some privacy. They got the message and stood up.

"Well I better get dressed"

"Yeah, I have some work to do"

Once they left, it was quiet and I looked at Theresa.



"Since you are looking better, we wanted to take you home... if that's okay?"

"Oh... yeah..."

"Something wrong?"

I lean down more to look into her eyes.

"Well, it's just that... I kinda like hanging around you guys"

My heart swelled and I was happy, she liked handing out with us.

"In that case, if my brother agrees then you can stay with us and we can go get your things from your place"

"Okay, let's go ask him then!"

We stood up and Sam leads me outside, he lets me out the front door where Dean was sitting on the stairs. I sat down beside him and Sam leaned against the doorframe.

"Hello Dean"

"What's up?"

I look over at Sam who put his thumbs up and encouraged me to continue.

"I like being with you guys and I don't want to leave"

Dean seemed annoyed and sighs.

"Fine, you can stay but we will go get your things in ten minutes so get in the car and I'll go tell Bobby about the new arrangements"

"Thanks Dean, your the best!"

I hugged him from the side and ran towards the car, Sam follows and pats Dean on the back. Sam walks over to me with a huge smile and leans against the car.

"Hey Sam... are there other monsters in the world other then vampires?"

"Yes, but don't worry we will keep you safe... our promise"

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