Chapter Eight: A Painful Realisation (Dean Pov)

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Dean, Sam and I went out to town to stretch our legs as it's been really quiet lately with cases and Bobby going out to help friends. It was nice to be able to walk around without a purpose and talk about random things, I was walking in the middle of the boys. I kept getting weird looks from the town folk and some whispers, it cause me to be insecure about myself and hide behind the boys. Dean and Sam were talking about the stores and pointing to cool street art, I noticed a beautiful plant and went to go investigate. It was a beautiful deep violet with yellow pollen and a long green stem, Dean and Sam were standing there looking at me.

"Come on Tess"


I got up and turned around, Dean and Sam faces had changed to worry as I realised there was a bike heading straight towards me. I didn't have enough time to move and the guy on the bike hits me, I landed on my back and felt a pop sound. The man gets up and bikes away as Dean scares him off before coming to my side, I sat up and held my arm in pain. Sam touches my arm and I winced while pulling away.

"Ow, Sam"

"Are you alright?"

"No my arm.."

I bit my lip and tried to prevent myself from screaming in pain, it felt hot and pain was shooting down to my fingers with pain.

"Dean, it hurts"

Dean looks at Sam and scoops me up in his arms, I leaned my head on his shoulder and held my shoulder. We rushed back to the car and Sam opens the backseat door, I was placed in the backseat.

"Guys, it hurts~"

I pushed my head back and breathed heavily, Dean speeds home and parks the car right by the front door. He picks me up and Sam runs inside to grab the first aid kit, Dean sits at the table with me in his lap and holds my head against his shoulder. I was tearing up from pain and was holding Dean's fingers tightly, Sam gently places his hands on my shoulder and softly rubs it.

"Okay Tessa, I'm going to count to three and pop your shoulder back"

-| Dean Pov |-

I felt bad for Theresa, she was in so much pain and was about to be in more pain. I couldn't help with that and Sam was the same, I hated seeing the people I love in pain. Did I say love..? I do love her. Sam and I made a promise to protect her. I held Theresa's head and spoke softly to her, Sam gives me the look and I got prepared.

"Deep breath, Tessa"

Theresa nods and inhaled.

"One... two-"

Sam pops the shoulder back into place and Theresa screams out in agony, I held her tightly to prevent her from hurting herself more and swayed side to side. Sam puts her arm in a sling and packs her things up, I stroked Theresa's soft hair as she cries in the crook of my neck and grips my shirt.

"It's alright, Tess"

"Thanks, S- S- Sam"

She fists bumps him and Sam felt bad for doing what he did, but he knew it was the right thing to do and she was going to be better off.

"Let's go put you in bed, you need to sleep off the pain"

I stand up and walk up the stairs, Theresa curls up and hugs my neck. I placed her down in our room and cover her with the sheets, Theresa rolls over a little and closes her eyes. I leave the room and go back down to Sam, he was in the kitchen making himself a coffee.


"Yeah, Dean"

"I think I love Theresa"

Sam seemed alittle shocked by that and puts his mug down.

"Well in that case... I also love her Dean"

I was shocked, we both loved her.

"What does that mean?"

"I was thinking that we can both share her and love her equally"


"Dean please, Theresa probably likes us both anyways"

"You don't know that"

"How about we ask her?"

"Alright... but what if she loves both of us?"

"Then we will both have to share"

"May the best brother win"

I'll be winning this one little brother...

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