Chapter Seven: Getting Groceries (Theresa Pov)

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Bobby had given me the grocery list and three hundred in cash, I wore a cute white dress with brown thigh high boots and my little purse. Dean and Sam were lounging around, I crossed my arms as shook my head.


"Yes Tessa?"

Both boys lifted their heads and were shocked, I smiled and flicked the keys around on my index finger.

"I need to go grocery shopping and maybe if you come with then I could possibly make some pie"

Dean stands up abruptly and fixes himself up, I throw him the keys and turn on my heels. Dean puts his arm around my waist and guides me to the car, I thanked him as he opens the door and helps me in. Dean runs around the front of the car and gets in, I looked out the window as Dean drives off the property.

"So where to?"

"Your seriously asking me that?"

"Just trying to make conversation"

"Sorry, to the grocery store"

Dean pulls me into his side and smirks.

"As you wish, your highness"

I giggled as Dean puts his foot down on the gas and speeds down the road, I cheered and turn the radio on. Dean drives into the parking lot, we got out the car and he grabs a trolley. I lead the way by going down the baking aisle and grabbing the ingredients for the pie, Dean was super excited and went off to grab the apples.

"Green apples, Dean!"

"Got it!"

"I'll be in the frozen section!"


I shook my head and laughed before wandering up the aisle, I turned down the frozen food section and looked at the cream selection.

"Hey baby, you can't spell cream without M-E, so aren't you lucky I came along?"

"Excuse me?"

I turned around and stare up at the man, I cringed at his cheesy pick up line and tried to get away.

-|Dean Pov|-

I pushed the trolley down the frozen aisle and clenched my jaw seeing Theresa talking to another man, I appoarched from behind and glared at the unattractive man.

"Hey babygirl, who's this?"

I wrap my arm around her tiny waist and pull her close, Theresa smiles up at me and puts a hand on my chest.

"This man was just leaving, so don't be getting angry"

I watched the man scurry away and Theresa sighs.

"Thanks Dean, he was so persistent"

"It's alright, I don't like men talking to you anyways"

Theresa smiles and puts the cream in the trolley, we finished shopping and we're just walking out the store. Theresa opens the car door for me and I placed the bags in the backseat, we get in the car and I start it up.

"Anywhere else?"

"Yes, just the liquor store which is on the way back"



We got home and Sam was busy helping Bobby out, I packed out the groceries and began baking the pie. Dean was busy cleaning his car because it was apparently more important then helping me, I put the pie in the oven and sit down. The boys all walk in and sniff the air.

"It smells amazing in here"

"Yeah that's the apple pie"

"I'm so excited for it"

Dean sits down and I ended up sitting on Sam's lap, I hand my arm around his shoulders and his hand was placed on my leg. Dean was drinking with Bobby and they were talking about cases, I wasn't really listening to the conversation and instead were playing with Sam's fingers. The room suddenly goes quiet and I looked up at everyone, I felt a little awkward as they were staring at me.

"Something wrong?"

"No, not at all!"

Just happy to be here with you boys...

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