Chapter Ten: A Great Morning (Theresa Pov)

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Wanted Dead Or Alive - Bon Jovi


I stretched out and whined at the sunlight hitting my eyes, I rolled over and hit Dean's chest who groans a little. Sam was laying on his back and Dean was laying on his side, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The boys were still sleeping and so I thought I'd make breakfast, I quietly got out of bed and fixed up Dean's shirt I was wearing. It was alittle chilly so I grabbed Sam's jacket and put it on for extra warmth before going downstairs. The fridge was filled with all our groceries and decided to make eggs, I began turning the stove on and searching for the pans. When I found it, I placed them on the stove and grabbed out eggs and bacon. The bacon sizzled in the pan and the I began cracking the eggs into the pan, I thought toast would also be a good idea and put some in the toaster. It was quiet, there was no sound whatsoever and it got me thinking. I look behind me and see no one, I smiled turning back to the stove.

It's all the same, only the names have changed...
Every day, it seems we're wastin' away...
Another place where the faces are so cold...
I'd drive all night just to get back home...

-| Dean Pov |-

I groaned and tightened my grip, I noticed that it wasn't Theresa and woke up with Sam in my arms. I immediately pushed him out of bed, which woke him up abruptly and growled me. I noticed Theresa wasn't with us in the bed and got worried, Sam also noticed and stood up.



I got out of bed and dragged Sam with me downstairs, I could hear a soft voice singing from the kitchen and followed it. I stopped Sam from taking a step further as Theresa stood their in our clothes and sang Bon Jovi, we watched quietly as she sung softly and cooked breakfast.

I'm a cowboy...
On a steel horse I ride...
I'm wanted dead or alive...
Wanted dead or alive...

Theresa had good taste in music and I was loving it, Sam was just memorised by her, which never happens. I smirked leaning against the wall and crossing my arms to watch some more, Theresa swayed side to side slowly and her hips moved with her feet. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and the sleeves of Sam's coat she was wearing were rolled up. The air smelled of bacon and eggs, which had us drooling and leaning in for more. Her voice was so soothing yet beautiful and hypnotic, it made us smile.

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days...
The people I meet always go their separate ways...
Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink...
And times when you're alone, well, all you do is think...

I decided to join in with her singing because thinking about us doing a duet would be amazing.

-| Theresa Pov |-

I was in the zone, my voice soft and smooth. It was nice to be able to sing after so long, I love to sing and this song was my favourite.

I'm a cowboy...
On a steel horse I ride...
I'm wanted (wanted), dead or alive...
Wanted (wanted), dead or alive...

I spun around as Dean's singing voice came out of nowhere and smiled, Sam stood off to the side watching us and Dean was smirking as he approached.

Oh, and I ride~...

Oh, I'm a cowboy...
On a steel horse I ride...
I'm wanted (wanted), dead or alive...

It was nice to be able to sing with Dean and Sam had taken over cooking, I smiled as we sing the last bit of the song.

Dead or alive...
Dead or alive...
Dead or alive...

I smiled softly again and kissed Dean's lips before walking over to Sam, he also kisses me softly and goes to sit down. Dean joins him at the table, I played up the eggs and bacon. I sat down and placed everything down in the middle of the table, Dean and Sam quickly dug in.

"You are an amazing singer"

"Yeah where did you learn to sing like that?"

"My dad use to sing the song to me as a baby and as I got older we sung it together... but then he became a fugitive so this song is the only thing left I have of him"

I looked down at my plate and clenched my jaw as the memories flashed through my head. The tears filled my eyes and I abruptly stood up, whilst taking my plate to the kitchen and placed it on the counter. I leaned against the counter and wiped my eyes, Dean and Sam were standing in the doorway with guilty looks.

"We didn't-"

"No, it's fine... it's just that was a difficult time for me and my mom"

I looked at them with my teary face and smile, Dean and Sam were a little shocked. I watched them walk over and wrap their arms around me, I put my arms around their necks and nuzzled into their shoulders as they whispered soft soothing words.

"I love you guys"

"We love you too"

I choked up and they hugged my tighter, Dean and Sam pulled away. I pouted alittle because it was nice and didn't want it to end.

"You go have a shower and we will clean up here"

"Oh, thanks sweet peas"

I waved and walk up to the bedroom, I stripped off everything as I wandered to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. It was a quick shower as I got dress in my blue denim shorts and a white crop top with some socks. When I got downstairs the kitchen was clean and the boys were lounging on the couch with the tv going and Sam was on the laptop.

"Wow you guys did a good job"

"It was nothing"

I plonked down in between them and leaned against Sam, I laid my legs over his lap and Dean places his warm large hands on my bare legs. I took the book from the coffee table and began to read, Bobby comes back looking exhausted and drops his bag on the ground.

"Hey Bobby!"

"Hey guys"

Bobby looks at us weirdly and proceeds to exit the room, I giggled and stretched out.

"Something funny?"

"Bobby was looking at us weirdly"

"Oh I didn't even notice"


It was late and Sam was busy researching like usual, I didn't want to bother him and be a nuisance. So I wandered outside where Dean and Bobby sat around the fire with beers. Bobby looks over at me and smiles, Dean also smiles and opens his arm.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Nothing much, Sam is busy so I don't want to disturb him"

Dean sighs and wraps an arm around my waist as I sit on his lap, I always love to be in their arms and feel their warmth heat me up. Dean continues to talk to Bobby and drink his beer, I watched the flames rise up as the wind blows softly and disturbs the fire.


"Huh... sorry"

"It's alright, are you okay?"

More then okay...

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