Chapter Eleven: A Hunting Trip (Theresa Pov)

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It had been two weeks since the brothers and I got together and it has been great, it took us awhile to get use to the sharing and having to sleep in the same bed. But we got the hang of it and began a routine, since the boys didn't have cases to work they spent all their time with me. Bobby came back from a case and mention that he was going to need help with it, I pouted alittle knowing that they will be gone and I'll be left alone in the house.


Today was the day that everyone was leaving for the case and Bobby handed me his car keys and said he'd go with the boys, I nodded and put the keys in my pocket. The Winchesters came back with duffel bags in their hands and their coats in the other, I hated when they left but they had a job to do and I wasn't going to stop them. I couldn't. Dean and Sam saw my sadness and they both hugged me tightly, I leaned into their bodies and close my eyes soaking up whatever heat I needed before they left. They pulled back reluctantly and take their things outside, Bobby follows and I stood at the top of the steps with my arms folded. I watched as Dean, Sam and Bobby pile into the car and wave goodbye as they drove off, I sighed going back inside and lock the door behind me. I walked out the back and noticed car parts laying everywhere, it wasn't hard to piece together what was going on here and laughed a little. The boys didn't know what was the problem and took everything apart, I rolled up my sleeves and tied my hair back. I will fix the car, I learnt a lot from my dad when he was around and he had taught me to fix up cars. My dad use to own a car shop and I would always go with him, it was a great skill to have to be able to fix cars and dad would always say to never rely on a man to do anything. Sure enough he was right on some parts, but wrong on other parts. I grabbed the wrench and checked all the car parts that laid around, which took about four hours and there was nothing wrong. It took another couple to clean the parts and it was already dark, Bobby always said to never be out here at night and to lock the doors. So I ran inside and lock the doors before going upstairs to have a shower, after my shower I got dressed in a shirt that Dean left on the bed and my underwear. It was a little chilly downstairs as I entered the kitchen and shivered, I quickly made a coffee and head to the lounge to try make a fire.

"Damn it!"

I gave up on the fire and decided to wrap myself in a blanket, I suddenly heard my phone go off on the coffee table and lurched forward to answer it.

"Hey sweet peas!"

"Hey baby"

"Hey hun"

"How is it?"

"Good, Bobby went out to get us food while we research and how about you?"

"Oh nothing, been a boring day and now I'm sitting in the lounge with a blanket and a coffee"

"Sounds amazing, we wish you were here"

"And I you"

"Hey just a question?... are you wearing my shirt I left you?"

"I am and it's not the same without you"

"I know, but I added extra cologne to it"

"Aw thank you, you're so sweet"

"Anyways, we have to go... love you hun"

"Love you baby"

"Love you sweet peas"

The called ended and I put my phone back on the coffee table with my empty mug, it was cold and quiet. Nothing could disturb the peace and quiet, until the lights started to flicker on and off. My heart began to race as I picked my phone up and grabbed the salt gun from under the couch, I ran downstairs seeing a demon standing in the room with a human form. I ran down to the basement and into the panic room designed to keep out demonic things out. The demon stands there and laughs whilst grabbing a rusty chair to sit on.

"You can't stay in there forever Theresa"

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